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Absolutely A Gift From My Jack

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My friends,

You are not going to believe this!!!! Every Valentine's Day my Jack would buy me a necklace, earings, that kind of jewelry and it was heart shaped. I was thinking about that this morning. With the little sun we have around here I went outside in the back to do a little yard work. After about a half an hour I took my tools into the courtyard area so I could oil them and when I walked by the stand I have there to put plants on, something sparkled and got my attention. I also have wood carvings there, one my sister carved into a cowboy's boot. Believe this or not, there was a gold heart-shaped pendant lying on the toe of the cowboy boot. It wasn't mine. I've never seen it before and no one's been to my house. All I could think of is that Jack must have wanted me to have a Valentine's Day present, even from beyond. You can guess I'll treasure this forever. AMAZING! This could have knocked me over with a feather. I'm astounded! He was always so giving to everyone, especialy me, but this tops it all! Sure love that man.

Your friend, Karen :wub::wub::wub: I did post this in another area, but I had to make this topic....

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I showed my neighbor and she pointed out that it's a solid piece of material, silver or I don't know what but looks antique, but it's not a locket with a hollow center. This is amazing to me. I've had "things" happen to me over the years but nothing like this.

Your friend, Karen :wub::wub::wub:

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Oh Karen that is amazing. You are correct, it is truly a cherished gift. Oh so amazing.

This past Christmas my mom found an angel on her Christmas tree that she didn't have a box for and didn't remember ever putting up. I told her to cherish it as a gift and accept it, as in accept the gift.

Your story is so sweet, your dear sweet man is still looking after you.

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Karen, I'm so happy for you! What beautiful and wonderful proof that love lives on forever! :wub::wub:

Your Jack must have been a dear, sweet, thoughtful man. He still loves you as much as ever and wanted to remind you he's there and call on your memories of past Valentine's Days.

My Bill has sent me several such gifts since he died, so I know how thrilling and astonishing it feels when you find them.

Yesterday I stayed home so a local charity could pick up some furniture I donated to them. After the movers left, I had planned to read some documents I brought home from work. But suddenly I felt sleepy and for the next four hours, had dreams of Bill. I didn't fall asleep because I was tired - I'd had plenty of rest the night before. So I'm thinking Bill brought on the fatigue in order to pay me a Valentine visit.

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That is incredible, and it couldn't have happened to a nicer person! :rolleyes:

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You know, William, I keep going over in my head how this got there and there is no other way than my Jack. I'm home all the time and who would do it anyway, and no one knows about all the heart-shaped pendants Jack got me. I'm just going to accept it and bless his soul.

Your friend, Karen :wub:;)

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Karen, I am beginning to believe more each day our spouses can reach us in so many ways, they are in glorified bodies and able to do anything, so awesome for you have that experiences you deserve it with all you been through. I just wonder how it got there? what method? very interesting! :wub:

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You're right. But my neighbor held it, it's not a locket, but a solid piece of material and much more heavy than a locket. She said it looked like it might be antique and maybe I should go to a jeweler and ask if he knows what kind of material. Maybe gold, maybe silver? I can't really tell. I might do that. It's interesting that of all the places where it could have been put, it was put in the crease of the toe of the cowboy boot carved by my sister. Maybe he's seen her there.....who knows? My mind does go on, doesn't it?

Karen :wub:

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