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Happy Birthday

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IM not going to be here tommorow so I want to say happy birthday for doublejo.I wish you well and be strong we need you .TENY

Thank you so much- you helped make my day. Jo

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I will heartily take those hugs ( one can never have enough to stop hug deficiency) and will make a point of it to grab hold of that sunshine to let the love of my men and all my wonderful friends warm my heart and keep me safe. Good friends bring out the sunshine.

Thank you for helping to turn an odd day into a better one.


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For you, as you "carry forward" your two loves with you into your birthday today....

"Fly free and happy beyond birthdays and across forever, and we’ll meet now and then when we wish, in the midst of the one celebration that never can end."

~Richard Bach~

Since e-cards can't be sent drectly through this forum, instead here's a link to what I would have posted directly here if I could have, along with warm wishes that you find further healing, somehow, during your day:

Fuzzy Birthday Hugs for You!

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I'd wanted to write "Happy Birthday" to you yesterday but lately my dial up connection at home is malfunctioning and I have to wait until I get to my office on Mondays to post. I hope it was a good day, we were all thinking of you and you have friends here that care about you.


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