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My Mother Had A Heart Attack

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I was not able to post earlier .MY mother had a heart attack 2 days ago I was olone with her wathching her not to be able to breath and having strong pain.I called an ambulance and got to the hospital.Same hospital same time of year all nightmers came hunting me.She was in ICU until today her life was saved but because of her age other health problems have occured.Since my father died she was very dependet on me .after Yianys death I could not handle it and many times we had alot of arguments.I had the feeling that she never understud my pain and despair.Yesterday I told her I love her and do feel that I can not face a new grief.All feelings of emtiness of despair of lost love of loosing my reason to live are back.Please pray for me I need strength I need suport I need my mom.Thank you .Your far away friend TENY

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It is hard to understand why so many heartaches come into our lives in such a short period of time. I am praying for you and your Mom. May God give you the strength to deal with being at the hospital and the feelings it is bringing up. I am so very sorry you have to endure this. Keep us posted and know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of everyone here.


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I am so sorry for all you are going through, I will keep you and your mom in my prayers too. I'm glad you didn't lose her and that you got the chance to tell her you love her.

I know how it is to go back to the hospital, and especially that same time of year, it is hard...when I did I could not stop the tears flowing, but we do it for those we love when we need to be there for them.

You have friends here thinking of you and we wish to encourage you in your strength to face this challenge.



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Teny, I will be holding you and your mother in my thoughts. You are stronger than you think and Yanni is with you and will help you. I'm so sorry that your mother is ill and I am also sorry that you have something else to try to cope with in addition to your grief. I'll be thinking of you, our friend, Deborah

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Teny, our very dear friend from so far away ~ I hope that you can feel our arms around you, as we continue to hold you and your mother in our thoughts and prayers. We know that you are far away from us, but only in a geographical sense. It really does not matter how many miles separate us ~ we're still here for you, and we hope you know how very much you are loved.

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Teny I am so sorry your Mom is not well and in the hospital of course my thoughts and prayers are with both of you and your entire family. Please let us know how she is doing? Please remember Yianny and all of us are right there beside you.

Love You,

Wendy :wub:

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Know that we will all pray for you and I am sure even though you can't see him Yanni is there too.

I am glad you got to tell your mother you love her because so many people don't get that chance. Even if she would become unconcious keep talking to her because she can hear you. Hopefully she will recover.

Just think of us thinking of you.

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Teny my far away friend,

Please know that I am keeping you and your mother in my thoughts and prayers.

You are a stronger person than you think and you will get through this with a little help from your friends!

Hugs & prayers, :wub::wub:


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You are being hit hard on many sides. Where you need to go for comfort is the place of emptiness. Two months after my husband died my mother did. I still needed to grieve for him, adjust my mind to this. Her death was the blow that pointed out how gone my husband was, for I would have turned to him for support and comfort.

You are in between 2 hardships, each with their own sorrows and problems to be dealt with. The many thoughts for the two can overwhelm you. Though your mom is still here issues come to the front. Try to separate all the deaths and illnesses. They each have their place.

You have every reason to live- the sadness of your losses proves how special life is. You can feel as rotten as you need to feel. You have every reason to right now, but as you learned, those feelings can leave as situations change.

Hang in there. Today is today, but tomorrow isn't.


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Thank you all my friends .My mom is geting beter.Still in hospital under good care Im sooo tired and sooo lost .Times like this I need his arms around me I need his suport I need his love.Although so far away Im greatfull for having you my friends that do understand and give me strength to go on.Nights that Icant sleep thinking of lost life and allthat is gone I find confort knowing that I can always post here and feel you close to me .TENY

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Doublejo offered some very good advice...we need to separate our losses, for each one in itself is enough to deal with. Also reminding us today is today, not tomorrow, and situations change.

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DearTeny, You and your Mom have been in my prayers since I first heard of her attack. I have lit candles in front of the icons of the Theotokos and Jesus as a child, and the beautiful one my precious wife did of Saint John the Forerunner. I will do the same this evening as we begin our Sunday services and will add your names to our prayer list. Could you give me your mother´s Christian name for the list? Remember to get whatever rest you can while you have an opportunity and take as good care of yourself as I am sure you are doing for your Mom. With love and constant prayer, Fred

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Guest Vickie O'Neil


I pray for you & your Mother..that all will be well, & she will recover.

Pleae try to not take everything on your self at once...just doing the best you can is enough. I lost my Dad, my Grandma & my Dog in 6 months...I was pretty crazy for a while...but Teny I made it...& you will, too! I have confidence in that fact..that you, Teny will make it. Yianni will give you a boost..

Love from Vickie

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How is your mom doing? How are you holding up? Thinking of you...



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