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Guest Vickie O'Neil

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Guest Vickie O'Neil

Tomorrow is Marsha's birthday a great lady & frequent poster that I'm very proud to call my friend. She has carried on so valiantly after losing Joe & offered so much support to people on this site. Because she is an unselfish Soul she would never put this out...but I will. Lets all wish Marsha a happy birthday!!!

And if you know someone traveling to Kitty Hawk NC, they need to visit MAX'S DELI...named for Marsha's grandfather...& eat...buy Bagels & take them home...order lots of food.

Happy Birthday dear Friend!

Love Vickie

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Dear Marsha,

Happy, happy birthday to you! I agree 100% with Vickie. You are a fantastic lady and it is my honor to have met you. I wish I could visit your deli. We're in the midst of another winter storm. I'm hoping to celebrate your birthday with a day off due to weather. Wishing you all the best of warmth and cheer tomorrow!


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