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Significant Quotes


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Love the stairs, Mary.

This picture and quote from Tom Zuba says what I think happens when we open our hearts to healing. It is powerful and tells us that we need to begin our journey by opening ourselves up to the grief each one of us experiences ~ not by throwing the door all the way open, but by starting with it opened just a crack ~ and it is done by climbing the stairs in the picture above ~ one step at a time. I think.

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Welcome to the first day of summer. A poem by Mary Oliver ~

In honor of the first day of summer, listen to "The Summer Day."

(Find "The Summer Day" in House of Light; New and Selected Poems, Vol. 1; The Truro Bear and Other Adventures; and At Blackwater Pond (audio).)

Mary Oliver reads her poem, "The Summer Day," Copyright 1990. "The Summer Day" first appeared in H...
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Lovely welcome to summer, Anne. Mary Oliver has a new book coming out Oct. 14. Blue Horses is the title and you can pre-order at Amazon. I hear she is not well....she is in her 80s now.

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"The widow. She is blessed with memories and is haunted by them. She finds sweet memories that overwhelm her life with sadness, but she wouldn't give them up for anything. Alone in her quiet reflective moments is where her true grief lies. But it is with in these moments, where her true and authentic courage and strength are born." ~Catherine Capra-Leaf

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I really like this quote, Anne. You are so generous in your sharings with everyone. And the ones you find are gold. Mary

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I came across this site today and though I doubt I will ever purchase anything here, I totally enjoyed this woman's art and quotes. Enjoy!!


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Dear Anne,

Both the quote and the image are beautiful. How complex, rich and often confusing life has become since Doug left! We are finding our way, one minute, one hour, one day at a time.

Thank you.


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“We think that the point is to pass the test or overcome the problem, but the truth is that things don't really get solved. They come together and they fall apart. Then they come together again and fall apart again. It's just like that. The healing comes from letting there be room for all of this to happen: room for grief, for relief, for misery, for joy." ~ Pema Chodron
(From her book When Things Fall Apart)

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This thought (poem) struck me today as we all seem to be striving to be that one stalk of wheat as we each work through our different journeys. . .

Let a stalk of wheat
be your witness
to every difficult day.
Since it was a flame
before it was a plant,
since it was courage
before it was grain,
since it was determination
before it was growth,
and, above all, since it was prayer
before it was fruition,
it has nothing to point to
but the sky.
Remember the incredibly gentle wheat stalk
which holds its countless arrows fixed
to shoot from the bowstring --
you, standing in the same position
where the wind holds it.
~ Ishihara Yoshiro ~
(Translated by N. Koriyama and E. Lueders, Like Underground Water)


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^^^Amen ^^^

Thank you Mary, ^. I'd only edit it to add infinite zeroes. :)

:) We are so incredibly blessed to have such love as we have. :wub:

I am in total awe. :wub:

Thank you, HM. :wub:

Doug wrote and spoke about me as his "forever adventure partner" and I can only say "ditto" :) Thoughts flooded me today as I got down my tent, bags, ground cover, and Dragon Fly (aka rain fly with dragonflies on it) and started putting together foods to go on a short and simple camp out down in Red Rocks NWR this weekend, where I will admire climbing walls of natural stone designed and installed by HM. :) *<twinkles>*

I am incredibly blessed to be out here in the land of eternal recess. :) Lately, I have been checking out some of my favorite recess spots. :) The boys came today after I got home from Costco— My first shopping trip there in a long while, and a very successful one!

I am nattering. I have a Cary Grant film to watch (now a video) and some Costco roast chicken to eat. The boys ate the other chicken, invited to do so. Boys. They are so adorable at that age, and we have the most interesting philosophical discussions. :)


And Anne, thank you for a heavenly beautiful poem. You so very often bring lemonade to an arid spirit. :) Thank you. That is perfect lemonade for me today, for the moments when I forget that the Wind and I work together to bring me to my goals. Cooperative Determinism. I wrote about that once, and recently had the most fascinating discussion about it with a clergy. I love how many people are getting the concept. And a lot more will when they understand that giving up control of life to Creator lets us play in a truly remarkable game.

Look at us! We are all healing and able to be more compassionate and aware, especially self-aware, while (and here I speak only for myself) remaining fairly goofy and delightful people.

Off to film,chicken, wine, and a peppermint. :) I am celebrating a good day of being strong, getting a heavenly massage, and shopping at Costco for everything I needed to buy. I am feeling very alive and capable today. :)

I have such loving friendships in this tribe. Each is a blessing.

Thank you.



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A Tool worth trying. A positive plus a positive = another positive. Try it.
Write your positives down and place them in a jar. Read them at the end of a few months.

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Dear Anne,

Thank you for the positive+positive=positive. :)

So true. My "small change" for today is listening to the John Kabat-Zin and Andrew Weil CDs on mediation. The first CD is the introduction and explanation, the second CD is a number of practices.

I also started the new meditations today. I am working on my own healing plan. :)

Thank you for your inspiration. Everything you share is perfect for the day and beautiful.

Much Love,


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For those of us who sometimes feel guilty! A thought from Tom Zuba.

May you be free

May you be free from guilt.

May you be free from regret.

May you be free from
“I should have.”
“Why didn’t I?”
“If only.”

May you be free from
“I didn’t get to say good-bye.”

May you be free from
“I should have saved him.”

May you be free from
"I will never be happy again."

May you be free from
all that tortures you
and continues to keep you
from love
from life
from the one you love
that died.

May you be free

There is a new way to do grief.

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It may have been posted here before, and is my signature. It's from the bok The Five People You Meet in Heaven. I first read this book for a college course, when I got to this line I froze and read it over and over and over. I even underlined it. It hit me in a part of my heart that knew exactly what it was talking about. At 27 1/2, I've lost 7 friends and a few family members. This reminded me of all my friends.

"Fairness does not govern life and death. If it did, no good person would ever die young."

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