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Hi, Thank You, I'm Home

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I'm home now. Life is a blur. Thank you for thinking of me as always. Please forgive me if I can't read posts right now. I just want to let y'all know I'm home. ((((Hugs))))

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Oh Shannon, it's good to hear! I responded to the msg before I came to this section.

I hope you're able to hold something down. Hang in there, I know it's tough.



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Shannon, I can only imagine how good it feels to be home. I am sure you are exhausted and the very best thing to do is sleep and rest as much as you possibly can. We are all here for you whether you read posts or even if you do not check in....though of conspires we love it when you are able to do so. Now get some rest and sleep.


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Dear Shannon,

It is so good to hear from you, dear one.

I am glad you are in your own home and I hope you are doing better every hour.

I hope you are able to keep something down and that you are resting comfortably.

I am sending lots of love and blessings and {{{hugs}}} and all the good wishes I can think to send

Much Love, take care dear heart,



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I'm home and I'm still so numb. In the three weeks two dys since my Leo's death I have heard countless things like "he was a great man" "he is in a better place" "it was his time" etc...

Yes he was a great man. But his place is with me! And our time was way too short... How could it ever be his time! His time is supposed to be many more years with me!

I'm so tired. I don't understand. I don't even want to understand this. Yes, I understand loss because I've lost the greatest people in my life so young. But he was my world. I'm lost. I don't know which way to walk now. I don't even know how to breathe without much effort.

His ashes arrived earlier this week. I came home to ashes. Not to him. My SIL put them next to his twin brothers ashes. I can't even touch the urn or look at the shelf.

How do I comprehend. It's too much. :(

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Thank you all so much. I guess I can't say that enough

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Dear Shannon,

I am glad you are home. You said, "How do I comprehend?" At this point in time, I do not think it possible to comprehend much of anything. You have been dragged through an incredibly rough rough time...and if you are like I was when Bill died...you are in a thick fog that is protecting you right now. I would let go of trying much of anything except to take care of yourself. Death is such a mystery in so many ways...and to try to comprehend it, its timing in each person's life, reasons or more...is pretty much impossible especially at this stage of your time. I am so sorry Leo died and I am so sorry you are dealing with a huge health issue that is exhausting on top of the exhaustion of grief. We are here for you and I urge you to focus on taking care of yourself and allowing your tears to flow as needed. We have your back. Where I am in Wisconsin, lightning and thunder and wind are raging and there is a battle in the skies. My dog is pacing which is new for him but I think age perhaps has made him a bit more sensitive. Time to get his Thundershirt out. The storm is, for me, a symbol of all of our losses. I wish you long naps, a stomach that is not nauseated and perhaps a glimpse at all the happy memories you and Leo shared. Mary

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It takes much much time to process something like this. Keep taking a day at a time and remember to eat and breathe. People say stupid things, they mean well but they don't know what to say and lots of times it's wrong...when that happens, try to let it go. If it bugs you enough, it's okay to tell them what you're feeling/thinking. (i.e. "his place is with me", "it was too soon", etc.)

We'll be here for you. I'm so sorry you're going through this, and you're right, it was too soon. (((hugs)))

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