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On Friday, it will be 8 weeks since my best friend, Nick, passed away. He died suddenly, and we may never know the cause (which is one of the BIGGEST things I feel will never let me get past this). But I almost don't want to get passed it - I feel guilty when I'm not crying... but I know that is not what he would want from me.

I'm a writer, and one of the last conversations I had with Nick in person was him encouraging me to write as much as I can. I took his advice, and wrote an article, which Elite Daily was so graciously able to publish. My words have not healed me - but they did give me peace of mind knowing it's okay that right now I'm not okay.

I wanted to share it all with you - I really would wish this pain away from everyone... but this may be the only way I know how to be a voice in this sandstorm of emotion.

Stay strong <3


My dear Georgina, your article was wonderful. And I am so very glad you are allowing yourself to NOT be OK. It is so very important to acknowledge your feelings and let them be OK. Writing is a great tool and really does help us on this very tough grief journey.



Thank you for the article, and I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my son in January and your article describes my personal emotions very well, so it made me cry of course. what doesn't?

I did expect to have him forever, like your friend, our kids are supposed to outlive us. I lie daily too, many times a day, saying I'm ok to coworkers mostly, as I have lost most of my friends since he died.

I will try to follow your lead and write more. I used to be a writer myself, as well as a sketcher, a car-singer, a baker and amateur chef, and a jeopardy watcher, and a bicycle rider. There's so much that I don't do now that I hope to begin eventually doing again. Maybe writing is where I should start because there are always erasers.


Thank you, Georgina, for this article. You have such a wonderful gift with being able to put into words what so many of us feel. I don't know how to answer people when they ask how I'm doing. Sometimes I say I'm okay and other times I just say not very well. Either way, it's not the truth. I want to say I'm doing terribly - just going thru the motions of living, but then I know they will try to fix me by offering some well intentioned comment. In most cases, it doesn't help. I think that's why these forums are so helpful. I don't feel anyone here is trying to do that - only trying to understand and, most importantly, just listen.

You're right - It is okay that we're not okay.



Thank you for sharing this with us. It's good to recognize that we are right where we are supposed to be and it's okay to not feel okay.

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