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Home, Trying, And Bittersweet News...

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Hi friends. I successfully had my knee replacement. The pain meds really got to me psychologically. So it was decided they put me inpatient and monitored a few days. Everything lately Made my heartache and grief worse. Haven't known up from down really. I'm still in a deep depression but am back eating and taking meds when the in home nurse says its time. I don't like it. But I have to get through physical therapy that will be grueling. I need to be my best for my son and DIL and be the best Grampy to my boys. I just kind of fell off the safe journey but I'm trying hard now.

I got news that is so heart warming. My son and DIL are having twin GIRLS! I so prayed they were girls. I'm in tears typing this. Their names have been decided already and shared with me. The backstory is my beautiful wife no longer with us was fully named MaryBeth. But she always was called Mary except by her adoptive parents who called her MaryBeth. So Twin A is named Lillian Mary and Twin B is named Lila Beth. They each will carry on their Grammy's name. My heart is feeling conflicted because she's not here with us but the babies will carry her name. It's Bittersweet.

Thank you Kay and Anne for communicating with Allen why I sort of checked out. I am trying very hard to keep it together now. It's hard.

I miss my sweet wife. She is missing out on so much. She should be here. She should be welcoming our granddaughters into the world in four months or so with me. And the boys miss her so much too.

Twins girls. My heart strings are being pulled on. ❤️ Before long these baby girls will surely be wrapped around Grampys finger.


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Oh they will be, Butch. I'm so glad not only for your news of the girls but that they'll carry her name. I think she was watching over you while you were out of it.

My friend went through double knee replacement and couldn't take pain meds, thus couldn't sleep, she was pretty out of her mind with pain and lack of sleep but she's doing really well now, so that gives me hope for you. She's very overweight and that makes knee replacement harder, yet even so, she made it through the PT and is walking well, says she still has to do squats but otherwise done.

I am glad to hear from you here and expect others will be here in the morning. (it's still Sat. here).

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It is so good to hear from you Butch. The baby girls are wonderful news, and naming them both after dear Mary is a wonderful idea!

You have a lot of recovering to do, and I think healing is slower when we are already in grief, but you will heal. It is just very slow going. One of my doctors told me that healing after surgery while grieving can take almost twice as long: our bodies are busy with a broken heart as well as mending bits of the body that have had surgery.

It simply warms my heart to know that you are home and doing some better. I have a friend who had knee replacement, and is now better than ever. This is going to take a lot of patience and being satisfied with slow progress, but I think in six months you will be pleased at how much healing your body will have done, and how much you are enjoying those two new beautiful baby girls.

Thank you so much for keeping us in the loop!



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So good to have you back on the forum, Butch. You have a long journey with the physical therapy, but you can do it.

I am so happy there will be girls in the family. I know you miss Mary.

Be here with us as you can. Remember, you are not on this journey by yourself.


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Congratulations on your wonderful news about the granddaughters.

My mom had both knees replaced about a year ago. She said that it was very difficult, but that it was worth it because that pain was just temporary where the pain she was in before the surgery was never ending. Unfortunately, there is not a medical procedure that can make the pain of losing Mary easier, but I bet those sweet baby girls can bring you a bit of comfort.

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Dear Butch,

Although she is not here physically to share in the news of your twin granddaughters, please know that she DOES know about it. She will be present for every major event in their lives. Her soul is with all of you. Take care of yourself, and be kind to YOUR soul.


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Thank you for those wise words of comfort for us all, Maryann. :)

Yes, I know Doug is here with me, still watching over me and hearing when I need him. There is great comfort in having our sense of Eternal Love validated. It does not end with death, that's for sure. :) So very many poets have said it far better than I can, but Doug would say, "Your forever adventure partner is still hanging around you, leaving messages and signs. It is my favorite place to be." And there would be his usual twinkle in his eye, if he had eyes but now I think he just Sees. :)

And I think twin girls, both named after Mary, is just about the most marvelous, beautiful message Mary could send to her family. What a perfect gift of love. :)

Thank you, Maryann, for your words.



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Thank you so much

Our priest said this morning to me that Mary knows our Granddaughters before anyone else. She knows them now before they are brought into this earthly life in four months and a half months. Isn't that true. She is blessing them with her love I bet.

I'm trying to imagine Lillian and Lila here with us and I can't yet. But two baby girls in this home will be great. The boys are excited to have sisters. ❤️❤️

I slept a lot this afternoon and evening. Im about to get up and walk with help with this walker out to have dinner with everyone. The nurse is also going to help me shower.


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Big thumbs up! And I agree, I think Mary knows the girls before anyone else gets to. :)

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