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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Everything posted by kevin

  1. Dee, my Fiancee is an Angel fanatic....I had a couple but she must have had at least 50....After Christmas I will post my repainted Mother Mary.....
  2. Looking at the pictures I'm looking a wee bit Haggard.......there's new bunch coming back Christmas Day...Got a Turkey and a Ham, somebody else doing deserts.....all tastes good with Alcohol.....Merry Christmas again...gotta find my Reindeer Sweater
  3. X Daughter in law visited with grandkids yesterday from Victoria(Vancouver Island), the tall kid is12 years old and is 5 foot 8 inches, the other ones are almost 3 and almost 5(what a handful)....Weather turning cool to 0 to minus 5 F.....Merry Christmas, of to shovel a bit(3-4 inches today)
  4. I remember some big snows but i learned always leave at least one shovel indoors....Never had over 4 feet at once....Up North we had -20 and I woke up to flat tire...now that was a struggle....Take care
  5. Watching the Western weather, rains/snow took out roads, railways, and a major Pipeline.....Slowly coming back from the floods......But I see big snow coming this Winter with the forecasts....
  6. Atlas is into Power Lifting like his older brothers.....Six brothers,...quite the show when they get going.....Enclosed some Christmas pics ...early Christmas Greetings
  7. My little buddy Atlas turned 5 on Thursday(9th).......He had a great time at his party....
  8. Just got dumped with about a foot of snow........shovelled for an hour(with breaks)....Saw you peoples to the west of me with the washouts and floods, my heart goes out....Biggest natural disaster ever in Province of BC.....incredible year, Fires Spring and Summer, floods fall and Winter.....I see Washington State having their share of Floods also....How is Oregon?
  9. Marg, this is Atlas and another son of mine hanging out....Atlas started Kindergarden
  10. Feels like the chill is back , Winter and "Snow" is in the forecast for Monday....getting my last rounds of golf in...Next move is get Christmas lights hung.....These pics from Golf course, just beautiful....this Monday is our Thanksgiving
  11. Initiated a proof of Vaccination passport system, mandatory masks indoors, only family gatherings, no inter family entertaining(but we all can meet at Walmart).....bottom line is to get vaccinated or you can't go to Bars or restaurants....All government and Government workers require proof of vaccination.....dust should settle in 2-3 months..........we got Rains 3 days ago
  12. Fires have subsided so took quick visit to Southern BC (Okanagan Valley)....Had great trip through Mountains and still managed to get a Sunburn.....nice to be home again....announced more Covid measures again...Here is some rugged scenery...Rogers Pass and Banff
  13. Just finished flash visit Up North to see all the Grand kids (and two great grand kids)...These guys had Forest Fires 3 years ago(town evacuated) and massive flood 16 months ago....What a spirit in this town...(Fort McMurray)......visit was great but the hustle and bustle I am not used too....(everyone in a hurry).........
  14. Gwen, you hang in there, we were given a reserve tank for times like this....I see fires, Floods, and Hurricanes last three months and can't fathom the loss these poor individuals are going through....prayers for all...
  15. Django unchained, good family movie( entertaining as they get.....hang in, only gets better....
  16. Hopefully in another two weeks most of the Fires will subside with cooler weather...Prayers
  17. Weather still looks like another couple of weeks of this Dry heat...Good luck to you..My go bag was all papers and pictures/ pet food
  18. My brother in law lives in Lytton BC, the town was engulfed in a Wildfire Wednesday and is 90% gone....Everyone(1000 people) all evacuated and everything lost....They had 20 minutes notice and lost cell service.....2 people missing,,
  19. Its Hot in Northern Alberta, beating records from 1941.....99.5 F...my brother in law lives in Lytton BC, there at 112 f,,,only three more days.....Grandson had ball game cancelled because of heat..good news is no mosquitoes and relaxing all covid restrictions next week.....need a trip somewhere.....take care
  20. The exercise ,and above all the cardio ,really showed up with my BS....I was sucking wind.....Young guys moved twice as fast as me....Even now mid 6 "s for BS.........Minor roofing on Thursday after Windstorm on old property...Stay safe
  21. Two moves in 10 days has all but physically drained me.......the initial move had a moving company and I thought it was fine(truck too small).....five days later move finished.....Step daughter then required help so I agreed to assist with my Boys and two grandsons. One flight of stairs was super difficult, and we packed the rental Truck....Haven"t worked this hard in years....Its over and I will never move again, move any furniture......Good news, Cat loves new place and I got my Covid shot....
  22. Yes KayC, same house.........All is really well, I downsized, met new partner, and we are too squeezed in with our cumulative junk......This is definitely last move until I turn 90..........(i'm optimistic)
  23. Top three for me is anything with Peanut Butter, any type of Cake with good Icing, and Mac and Cheese.........beverage of Choice Bud Lite.......I'm low carb so these are fantasy foods, except once or twice a month I cheat....If my weight drops another 10-15 lbs(and BS co operates) may indulge tad more..Moving in 4 days, panic has sunk in......
  24. Grief was described like a Bobber in a wavy waters.....you have Ups and downs, and they come out of nowhere...Grief is a part of life and you never get over it, you Cope and learn how to live with it....Do work on concentration, I was scatter brain for about a year.....take care
  25. Very important note from KayC..(Tips for Grieve)........my most sincerest condolences...
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