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Everything posted by brat#2

  1. Terri, I know it is difficult now to have to think of all that stuff by ourselves. My heart is with you too, we both know what these storms can do and trying to navigate through them without our protectors is hard. I'm sure even though Paul is not there physically, we will be keeping you safe just like Dale did me. I didn't see that on the weather channel, sounds like a real idiot. We have a local channel in Orlando that's an exclusive channel for our cable company and they are pretty accurate in their predictions and they are who I usually watch, but I do watch the weather channel to, but didn't see that! It's like that commercial for Sonic restaurants, don't know if you have seen it, but they are talking about different worlds other than earth and the one guy names Florida, the other ones says that is a state not a world and the 1st guy says "well it seems like a different world"!! So true.
  2. Terri - yesterday was difficult. Lost power a couple of times yesterday, so I gave up trying to keep the computer on. The first time being alone through pretty bad weather. I'm pretty weary of the storms, we had a lot of damage from all the hurricanes we had in 2004, so I absolutely hate wind!! Even though Dale wasn't here physically, he was here keeping me safe. I'm glad you and Marty are okay too. Hoping that anyone else along the east coast that might be in the path of this storm stays safe! Joyce
  3. Hi everyone. I'm doing ok. It got pretty scary a couple of times yesterday with a tornado warning that was only about 2 streets over from mine and then a severe thunderstorm warning later that was pretty bad. We didn't get the actual hurricane, but did get all the outer bands that were on the east and south side of it. I just sat in my bathroom until the 2 individual storms passed by and luckily no problems. It is still very squally here today, with windy conditions and on and off rain, but should be done by tonight. Thank you to everyone for being concerned. Hugs Joyce
  4. No Kay, it's not just you, I miss that face-to-face connection too. Like you said the cyber-connection is good and does have it merits, that you can stay in touch in some way with people, but when you have lost your best friend, my husband too and then my best girlfriend (she moved out of state and doesn't contact me anymore), it gets very difficult to only have the cyber-connection. Again, being on this forum though has been the best cyber-connection for me, you all understand, I just really wished we lived closer to each other so we could have the face-to-face. Joyce
  5. Gwen, I understand. I've had a couple of those interactions myself lately and I have ended them. It seems that those conversations are all about them and they don't seem to really care and don't want to care what is going on with me. I understand too, that if they haven't had the loss we have had, they are not going to understand, but to not even ask or act like they care, I don't want to take the time and effort to continue with those kind of relationships. The loneliness is unbearable at times, but I also don't need any more triggers to keep taking me down. You need to do what is best for you! Joyce
  6. Kay, I'm so sorry you are not feeling any better, hope you can fight it off soon. Sending you hugs! Joyce
  7. Mitch, I'm coming to that conclusion too. My counselor is the only one I have access too and it's just not doing anything for me. This forum is helping me much more. At least here, I know I can touch base with others who are feeling the things that I feel and gives me encouragement and comfort. Joyce
  8. Gin - that must of been the question of the day for counselors today. I went to my counselor and she asked me the same question and I gave her the answer you gave. I do what I have to and don't have a desire to do anything else because nothing gives me joy or peace right now. I think I will give her one more chance, we did actually talk today, so who knows. Joyce
  9. Terri - I'm so sorry you hurt your knee and hope it starts to feel better soon. I know exactly what you are talking about, I have that fear all the time now, that if something happens to me, like a fall or whatever, how long would it be before someone would find me and then there is the fact that I don't have anyone to take care of me. It seems to be never ending in this new life. Hugs to you. Joyce
  10. Oh Gwen, that is so true and I feel exactly what you are feeling. Joyce
  11. It is hard to explain to someone who hasn't been through this and I don't understand why other people think we need to meet someone new and that will make everything ok again. If I want to "waste" the rest of my life, then just let me do that. I hate those conversations. Hugs Joyce
  12. Patty, I talk to Dale out loud all the time so unless I'm crazy too, you are not crazy and it's normal, I think. It just doesn't feel right to me NOT to talk to him, even though I don't get any answers, it somehow makes me feel better talking to him. Kay, I'm sorry you are still sick, I hope you will be feeling better soon. HH - so sorry you are having to go through all that, sending you hugs Big HUGS to all of us! Joyce
  13. So true, if they still have their spouse they don't know how much you will miss it. Joyce
  14. Patty, I so understand what you are saying, we were always touching each other even after 34 years together, we were always no matter where we were, holding hands or touching each others arms or legs, just showing true affection and I miss that terribly. I also agree about staying away from the triggers we know of, because you never know when one that you didn't realize was going to be one will hit you. Gwen, I'm the same way, I don't wish this on anyone, but it is hard when you see a couple and know you are not a couple, at least to everyone else. I still feel like a couple inside but can't show that to anyone. Joyce
  15. Kay, I hope you are feeling better and your place sounds absolutely wonderful. I'm sure George is happy there. Take care Joyce
  16. Special days are really hard and I'm sorry you are feeling that today. Wonderful picture and I know how hard it is to look at that and find peace right now. You are in my thoughts and sending you hugs. Joyce
  17. Patty - thank you for sharing and what a beautiful way to send him off. I'm sure you made him happy, but I agree, I want Dale to come back and haunt me too. Joyce
  18. You put into words what I've been feeling the last couple of days. I try not to think too far ahead in my life, but that's not easy to do and all I can think about is how alone I will be. What is the purpose for it? Joyce
  19. Cookie, I completely understand. I lost Dale a little over 13 months ago and like you I've been having the feeling of complete loss again, sometimes I think it is worse than in the beginning months. I too have been doing thiings that have been suggested, but some days it is just too overwhelming. I'm thinking that maybe now that all the initial legal stuff that had to be done and other stuff like that is done, we have more time to realize that they are not with us any longer, I don't know. Just try to remember that you are not alone, even though we can't be physically there with you, we all are with you in our thoughts. Hoping for a little peace for us all. Hugs Joyce
  20. Gin, so sorry you had a hard day, it's never easy when someone asks that question. Take care. Joyce
  21. Marita, I'm sorry you having such a hard day. Like the others have said, we all have those days. Just let it be and try again tomorrow. Joyce
  22. Yes it is a sad way to live and I completely understand what you are feeling! Joyce
  23. Kay, sorry you had such a rough week. It seems that it all comes at once. I understand how the heat is making everything miserable, I do have central A/C and couldn't live without it. George had a good idea, getting a window unit might not be a bad idea, they are pretty efficient now and at least 1 room could be cool, however, you probably don't get that many days that are so hot you can't stand it normally. I'm glad that Kitty is improving and that Arlie is doing better. Hoping the rest of the weekend is good. Hugs Joyce
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