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Everything posted by Corinne

  1. Amber, I am so happy for you and Mkwaa. It really does sound like Yukon is Nvwati sent. Please keep us posted on how Monday goes. Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  2. Karen, I did have to go put my little ones to bed last night. I am on the east coast so it was getting late. I kept praying for you and Sadie Mae. Please let me know how you made out. Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  3. Anytime! Hugs & Prayers, Corinne
  4. Karen, Hang in there, as Marty said we are all here for you. (Feel the Love) You are always here for us and we are here for you. Hugs and prayers, Corinne
  5. Karen, Like I said I really do know that feeling. I used to hug my girls tight and pray and pray that a tree didn't come through the aluminum roof. If it got really bad I would take them in the garage. You and Sadie will make it through. I am here praying for you both and sending a big hug. Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  6. Karen, I do know that feeling, before we moved here we lived in a beat up old trailer in the woods a mile back on a dirt road. I used to get together with the girls and have battery lanterns ready for the power to go out. I also had a gas stove for when the power and heat went out. I will keep my prayers going for you! Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  7. Karen, You and Sadie Mae are in my prayers for peace and protection from the storm. Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  8. Hi Wendy, Since John is gone I now only have to cook for myself and two little ones, one who is very picky and does not eat much variety. I have a vacuum sealer and what I do is make large quantities and freeze the left overs for other days. It really comes in handy when you are tired and just do not feel like cooking. You just freeze it in quantities enough for one meal. I hope this helps. Hugs & prayers, Corinne P.S. Did you take your meds? William, Did you take your meds?
  9. Thanks everyone for your support! I did have a better day today. Hugs & prayers to all of you! Corinne P.S. William and Wendy did you take your meds?
  10. Hi Karen, The girls names are Kerri and Kayla. I would love to show you pictures of the girls, but I am one of those over protective Moms and there are so many scary people out there that I cannot put their pictures online. They are very beautiful little girls Kerri my oldest has dark hair and brown eyes and Kayla my youngest has light hair and blue eyes. They are my pride and joy! I do let them see my tears at times and explain them but my Kayla gets very upset and angry, probably because I do not cry very often. I do try and explain that everyone does cry, sometimes when they are happy and sometimes when they are sad, but she just does not like to see it. Thanks for posting with me last night I do feel better this morning. It was just one of those moments. Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  11. Ahh Karen, You know me too well. There is always an overabundance of hugs and kisses in my house. They are my strength! I do try and think of good things when the bad come up, sometimes it just hits harder than others. I am not a crier but my tears have been flowing like a river tonight. That is a good thing, I am letting it out which I normally don't do. I will regroup, pick my sorry butt up once again and go on. Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  12. Hi Everyone, I am having a bad night tonight. I am so down and confused. Today John's sister called my sister's house. My sister was sleeping after working all night and did not answer the phone. Everytime John's sister tries to contact me it just stirs up all the bad memories of when John was missing and they kept me out of everything they would here and all the horrible things they said and did after he was found. I would let them know anything that I heard from the chief of police but they would not let me know anything. I have such feelings of guilt for leaving and not telling them, but I could not deal with them and still can't. I know they are John's and my daughters family but do I really want my girls to have to deal with those type of people after all they have been through already? I don't know, like I said I guess I am just having a bad night. Thanks for letting me vent. By the way I did do something good for me today I made an appt. with a therapist to see if I can get this mess of a life straightened out. Hugs and prayers, Corinne
  13. Teny, I too am here for you! You are in my thoughts and prayers always. Teny you say your children have their own lives but you need to remember that you are a part of their lives and your grandchildrens. Please try to draw on their love and support. I know that you have a grandson but I do not know if you have any more grandchildren. Hugs do wonders for strength, so find your children and grandchildren and hug away. I wish I was closer to you to give you a big hug. I will however keep you in my thoughts and prayers for strength and comfort during this difficult time. Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  14. Derek & Bob, I will keep both of you in my prayers for guidance and direction as you are making these very important decisions in your lives. I believe you will both make the correct choices. Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  15. Derek, I am so glad yesterday went well for you and Carson. You were both in my thoughts and prayers. As Karen said you are a wonderful Dad and doing an awesome job with Carson. Your Karen is, I am sure, so proud of you! Hug & prayers, Corinne
  16. Karen, You are such a wonderful Mom! I can only hope to be half the Mom you are. You are such a help to your family and all of us here. I will continue to keep you and your son in my thoughts and prayers. I thank you and appreciate all the help and encouragment you give to me. Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  17. Wendy MY FRIEND, Please do not think that you upset me by your comment, that is why I included the "Please don't feel bad etc." You are my friend and I think the comment that was made actually let me release something that had really been bothering me deep down, so please keep coming back and posting I need you as do the others here. You give me some relief from the pain. All of us at one time or another will say things that others will not agree with but they are our feelings that need to be released. Please, please, please keep coming back. I have chocolate and I can't keep the guys in line by myself! Love, hugs & prayers, Corinne
  18. William, William, William, If you had gotten yourself one of those daily pill boxes like they told you to you would be able to look and see if you took your meds now wouldn't you? Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  19. Waabzy, I think that is wonderful. I believe that may be what you and Mkwaa may need to help ease your pain and what a wonderful home this other dog would have. Let us know how the visit goes. Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  20. William and Wendy did you remember your meds today? Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  21. Deborah, This Christmas it will be 11 years since Jimmy is gone and Christmas eve will be 10 months since John is gone. When Jimmy died it caused me to abandon God. I am just finding Him again. I realize that it is the teachings of men that confused me it was not God. I do believe now that God was with me the whole time. I do not believe that God is so cruel that He would not allow us into Heaven because we could not handle the pain of disease. I do not even try to understand why these things happen here on this Earth, why some are healed and some are not, but I do believe someday we will know the answers. Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  22. Bob, Thank you so much, you have expressed my feelings exactly. Jimmy did not take his life on a whim. Jimmy never did anything without thoroughly and completely thinking it through. It just breaks my heart that while we can stand by and hold and comfort our furry friends while they humanely go to sleep my precious Jimmy had to do it alone without me being able to hold him and comfort him as he went on his final journey. I just feel that it is so sad that society shows more compassion for our furry loved ones than for our human loved ones. I have had to put some of my precious pets to sleep and though it is extremely hard it is also comforting knowing that they have gone on peacefully and are no longer suffering. Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  23. Hi Everyone, I know it is a touchy subject but I need to discuss it. It was said in another post that people who take their own lives go to another place. (Please don't feel bad because I understand why you said it.) I cannot accept that because that would mean I would never see my beloved Jimmy again. Jimmy had terminal colon cancer and was in his last days per the hospice nurses. He was bedfast as he was so weak and had not eaten in 10 days. Christmas morning 1996 he asked me what day it was, I told him Christmas, he said not that what day of the week. I told him, he said OK and I told him I loved him and went to take a shower. While I was in the shower I heard a loud bang. I went running into the bedroom and there he was. He had shot himself with a gun we kept under the bed for protection. He was in so much pain and was a proud man and I don't think he could stand that I had to do everything for him. I do believe one day I will see him again. This brings me to another question, why is it that they allow animals to be euthanized to put them out of their suffering and pain, but do not give humans the right, when they are going to die anyway, to die with dignity? I never new what my opinion was on euthanization until I watched Jimmy go through what he went through and the fact that he had to shoot himself to end the pain quicker. I do believe that a person that wants to end his life before these horrible diseases take away what pride they have left should have to be checked by several Drs. so that there is no chance that there is something that can be done and that it is not just because they don't want to live anymore, but I do believe it should be allowed. I do not believe people should take their own lives because life is hard because I believe life is precious and sacred. Sorry everyone, I know it is a touchy subject but I needed to vent a little. I love you all! Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  24. Hey Wendy, I also hunted with both Jimmy and John. When Jimmy died I had to sell some of his rifles and pistols because I needed the money. You can usually sell them at gun shops. You said you work with a bunch of guys. If I were you I would check with some of them as to who in your area buys guns and will give you a fair price. You can also call around to the gun shops in your area to see who will buy them. You do not have to have a license to sell them. Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  25. William & Suzanne, I don't do the coffee shop or bars either. I spend all my nights at home with my girls and my friends here. Hugs & prayers, Corinne
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