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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Everything posted by Corinne

  1. Bob, There is not only the GOTLW problem, there is also the GOTLH problem. When I got together with John, I was not allowed to bring up Jimmy because he new how deep our love was and it bothered him. My children did not even know that I had been married until after John died. I will never get involved with anyone that does not accept my past lives and let me talk about them. That is probably why I am still grieving Jimmy after almost 11 yrs. Don't ever let anyone have you take your precious Linda's picture down. If they do then I would move on to someone else. I don't understand how people can be threatened by someone who is gone. It is possible to have loved someone with your whole being and have lost them and to once again find love. Our hearts are big enough to love more than one person. Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  2. Well everyone, as much as I am enjoying this I have to go because it is now 10:30 and I have 2 little girls who will not go to sleep. I was trying to get the little one to go to sleep without me. What was I thinking? It should be a fun morning (NOT). Love you all! Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  3. Yes Wendy it is pretty funny and rare that we are all on at the same time. Hide and seek , I haven't played that in years although my girls love to. Could you see us all playing hide and seek in Karen's yard? Which one of us would end up rolling down the hill into the stream? Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  4. Wendy, It is called 5HTP, I found it on the internet when I was looking up Xanax. It is 5-hydroxytryptophan (Griffonia simplicifolia) it is supposed to increase your seratonin to help with your moods without all the side effects of anti-depressants. You are not supposed to take it if you are on anti-depressants without checking with your doctor. I know we need to take meds sometimes, but they had Jimmy on so many different meds and kept giving him new ones to counteract the side effects of the original ones that I try to go for the natural cure before going on the meds. I will let you know if it helps or not. Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  5. Suzanne, I am not offended by your choice, you need to do what you need to do to get through this. Just know that I am praying for you. Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  6. Karen, I agree that helping others does help my mood most of the time. William & Wendy, I am not on any meds right now that is why I am going to try the 5HTP. My old dr. did call in a prescription for me for Xanax which I will only take during panic attacks and anger attacks. I hope both of you have taken your meds today. Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  7. William, I have never taken melatonin. I did go to the health food store today and got 5 HTP I don't know if it will work but I am going to try it before they put me on anti-depressants. William, you do know you have to be careful with the meds you are on and not take anything without checking with your doctor? Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  8. Hi William, I definitely agree that stress causes health problems, that is why I need to lower my stress level, somehow, someway. Did you take your meds today? Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  9. Now Wendy do you really think I was up at 4:15, remember the time difference?, it was really 7:15 here. I am probably going to the health store today to see what I can try. I normally only resort to meds when nothing else works. Have a great day! Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  10. Amber, I am so happy to hear the Yukon has arrived. I really hope he can help Mkwaa with her depression. It is good that she is showing him who is boss. Please keep us informed. Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  11. Hi Guys, Sorry I missed the rest of the conversation last night, it sounded yummy! As usual I crashed early last night. I just feel so drained. I went to my therapist again yesterday and she said she would like to see me go on some med. because of the trauma and stress in my life. She is afraid that with the job search and then when I have a new job that it will deplete what little I have left. I had to call my family dr. back home since I don't have one here and he prescribed Xanax but in looking on line I think that will just knock me out. Yes, it will probably help with the panic attacks and when the anger kicks in but otherwise I think I'll just end up sleeping. In looking Xanax up on line I came across a natural thing that is supposed to help raise my seratonin. It is called 5 HTP. Has anyone ever heard of it? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks. Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  12. Yes William, if only we were all closer. We could have a big cook out with of course chocolate for desert. I am glad that you are getting your meds together we do care about you. Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  13. Wendy, Now you are talking. Burgers are one of my favorite foods! William, Do you have chocolate and a grill to make burgers? Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  14. Hey Wendy, You know I am right there with you if you need help with William not taking his meds! Now you just have to remember to take yours also. Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  15. Maylissa, I am sorry that yesterday was Nissa's 14 month anniversary. My heart goes out to you. It is so so hard. Today is the 8th anniversary since John went missing and last Thursday was 6 months since they found him. It is so sad that we have to come here to talk about our loved ones, but as we all know first hand people don't want to hear about it. I can't tell you how many times in the past almost 11 yrs. I have mentioned Jimmy or John and people just ignore you, put their heads down, turn away or end the conversation really quick. Unfortunately, we have to be the ones to realize they have never been through this and do not comprehend the extent of our grief and the need to talk about our loved ones. It is ignorance on their part and it is not fair to us, but what in this life is really fair? Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. I do agree with Marty, even though you don't think so, you do have it in you to make the changes that are needed to bring awareness to the extent of grief that people feel when they have lost one of their beautiful furbabies. Don't sell yourself short, you are one strong with woman who has what it takes to make a difference! Thank you for all you share with us, it is making a difference for us. I wish there were some magical thing I could say to help you along with your grief, but I am so messed up with mine right now. Please know that I really do care. Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  16. Erica, I am so glad you went to the doctor. Please know that I am praying for you for health and strength. Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  17. Christian, What are your feelings on meeting your half brother? Is he older or younger than you and your sister? You have not said is your father still alive? Ultimately it is your decision whether you meet with him or not. Maybe he too feels that your father was a jerk and he is looking for some family for support. Another thing you may want to do is spend some time talking to him by phone that way you can see why he has been trying to contact you and then you can decide if you want to meet with him. It may be a good thing for you since you said you do not have friends you can talk to. I hope this helps and gives you some options to think about. Please keep us updated on how you and your sister are and keep asking us for help someone here may just have the advice you are looking for. Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  18. Hi Wendy, Yes, the holidays are definitely going to be hard this year. Christmas eve will be 10 months since John went missing and then Christmas day will 11 yrs. since Jimmy is gone. It is going to be sooo hard, especially for my girls, it will be their first Christmas without their Daddy. I am going to see if I can talk my Mom into coming down and staying with us. That way she will not be alone and she will be here for some support. As to how are we going to get through them, One day at a time and a little help from our friends! Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  19. Hey Karen, Glad to see the power is back on for you and you and Sadie Mae are OK! Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  20. babybrat07, Thank you for sharing the song, it is beautiful! Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  21. Karen, You haven't been online all day so I am assuming your power is out from the storms. I am praying for your power to come back on, I missed you and your wisdom today. Please post as soon as you get back up and running. Until then I will continue to pray. Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  22. SewJazzy, I am so sorry to hear about your Gizmo. Now your daughter, you must be feeling really overwhelmed. I will pray for strength and peace for you and your daughter. Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  23. Derek, I hope you and Carson have a wonderful weekend. It will do you both good to get away together. Enjoy! Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  24. Teny, I am so sorry for your loss. It seems Yiany in your dream was trying to prepare you that you son was going to need you. What a horrible thing for him and his girlfriend to have to endure. Please give them my condolences. Your son does need you now more than ever. I believe that is what Yiany wanted you to know because he could not be here to comfort him. I know it is hard but try to be strong for him. No one knows why horrible things happen in this world. I believe that Yiany is now taking care of your unborn grandchild and you need to take care of you, your son and daughter-in-law to be. Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Hugs & prayers, Corinne
  25. Christian, I am so, so, so sorry that you now have to deal with another loss and such a traumatic one. I want you to know though that I am very proud of you to recognize that you need help. It took me almost 11 yrs. to realize that I needed help. I had my first therapist visit this past Wednesday. We are all here for you and care about you. You are so young and have a wonderful life ahead of you, even though it does not feel like it. You dropped out of school now what you need to do is let that go for right now. You made a decision and you need to let it go for now. Concentrate now on getting yourself better. Please try and make yourself eat even though you don't feel like it, I have had to choke down many a meal, so that you do not get physically ill now. You need to keep up your strength. Please make sure that you get yourself out of the house when you are feeling so down. If you do not feel like driving, go for a long walk, just do something. There are many days that I make myself go for a walk or go walk around a store. Please do not blame yourself or have guilt over your friend, there are things in this life that we have no control over and you need to understand that. I am always around as I have not found a job yet since my move so please post if you need someone to talk to, I am always checking the site. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers! Hang in there, you are worth it! Hugs & prayers, Corinne
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