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Everything posted by kayc

  1. Thank you, Kevin, I think it's my favorite. Funny, my phone camera said I needed to take it all over again. Are they nuts?!
  2. Not dumb. Remember what Dr Phil said, you don't think like them, you are normal. It's on them!
  3. Wow, that's interesting, John and his father were both definitely Narcisstic. I have an ebook Malignant Self Love, I'll see I can send it to you in messaging.
  4. Me too, hoping to have a quiet uneventful week. Hoping this for you all also!
  5. I felt this way to the umpteenth degree when mourning the loss of my husband, I was steeped in grief fog and ended up married to con John (as I've dubbed him), I thought of all the people in the world I was the one duped by him! Still paying for years later, I didn't have $ but he used my credit to the tune of $57,000, it'll be three times that by the time I get" it paid back. I remember seeing a Dr Phil show years ago about a lady who got scammed by someone...he told her "It's on him, not you. YOU think like a normal person, not him. I love that! I've told myself that many times. I've shared my story to warn people away from getting involved too soon. Not everyone's story ends that way, but mine did, he never even lived with me. He wasn't even my type of person. But grief fog is real. It''s humiliating, horribly, but still, if I can help one person avoid my situation... You may not be going through grief fog but all the same, YOU think like a normal person...not him. It's HIS to carry, don't take any of that on. (((hugs)))
  6. I am so sorry, he'sw so beautiful, his eyes... My heart really goes out to you in your loss. The what ifs blame game happens to most of us going through early grief, it did me when my husband died nearly 18 years ago...it's not that we are guilty of anything but loving them, and the truth is feelings are not facts, but it's that we can't wrap our heads around what happened, and our mind is trying to find some different possible outcome so it searches all the what ifs... Comfort for Grieving Animal Lovers A Dangerous Villain: Guilt Breaking the Power of Guilt A Dangerous Villain: Guilt http://www.pet-loss.net/guilt.shtml https://www.griefhealingblog.com/2017/07/pet-loss-when-guilt-goes-unresolved.html I hope this short video brings you some comfort and peace.
  7. I didn't mean to imply it wouldn't hurt just because he wasn't married, just stating that I understand, and scoundrels are scoundrels no matter HOW they do it. I'm sorry.
  8. Of course you are, just because we break up and one moves on, the other was emotionally vested and it can hurt for quite a while. Knowing you're better off w/o him may help you get over him, but it still takes a while.
  9. Panther doing better and he took to the basket after I put my most plush towel and hand knit scarf in it to line it with. Not only have I had a month from hell but so has my daughter, I think hers even tops mine. Talked to her and hers last night, omg! Her apartment building hired roofers who took the roof off and then it POURED RAIN! Yep, water damage all over top floor, where she and eight other tenants reside. Workmen in and out, tar on her carpet, ruined her rug. Also said they might have to temporarily move but there's no where to go, all the motels are full because of Autzen games. They still haven't let them know. Damage in the walls every room but hall bathroom and kitchen. She has kittens and lots of expensive plants, how?!!! To top it off, in switching phones her ten year old contact list downloaded onto her new phone, none of the numbers are any good. I told her I would send an email to everyone on her current contact list before her phone dies and give them her new number and have them email her back on it, at that time she can replace or add them to her contact list. It'll be a pain but not as bad as not having their number! Her brakes started squeaking, she got the part and made arrangements to bring it up to her brother's to put it on today, all while not knowing if she'd have to move. It started squalling real bad so he told her it needs rotors too, so she got them. In the midst of all this, her brain wasn't working and she left her debit card somewhere in their machine, the bank put a hold on it, she just got it back. What a nightmare, plus working all the time! Where the hell is their inheritance when they need it! Stupid lawyer and CPA are taking forever, been nine months since the house sold, no sign of anything yet. Me, I've been dealing with laptop issues constantly the last month. I filed a dispute for OneDrive l the while it was DriverSupport, had no idea they're hitting me $10/month for life! Uninstalled them both, and hoping they truly cancel the ongoing payments. FINALLY got into their portal, it's very barebones, doesn't show the credit. Can't cancel the dispute, need to call the bank but it's a weekend now. This is just constant. Oh the challenges! I told Melissa not to worry about my birthday, we'd catch up when things calm down. Praying she makes it to my son's okay. Melissa's BF Finley has worked his tail off all over the country and his job had him in the hole so he quit and got a better job in construction, so proud of him, he only applied to three and this was the higher paying one and he doesn't have to leave the state! Essex just got a good man! I think it's been stressful for them with all the stress Melissa is under, I've never heard her sound so through the roof! If she was older I'd worry about her having a stroke. So Kodie and I are on our own today, Finley wanted to get together with me today but I don't want to take up his day unnecessarily, will wait until it's a better time for them both. (wrote yesterday, just posting) Kodie had a good birthday, a dog friend stopped and played with him, he got a playdate later with Jazzy, got treats, went on our walk together. Here's his birthday smile!
  10. Kodie had a good birthday, a dog friend stopped and played with him, he got a playdate later with Jazzy, got treats, went on our walk together. Here's his birthday smile!
  11. My neighbors do just that! Any wonder why I still live here! My son got my daughter's brakes on last night, he said it's a good thing she got there when she did, nothing left of them and the squealer had fallen off is why she got no notice. My son tried calling me last night but I was asleep, I hadn't been sleeping all week, too much stress and it really caught up to me, didn't do anything on my birthday, very quiet. Had a slice of Nordic Bread and a cup of soup, that's it.
  12. Yes it is disrespectful, but the important thing is you've learned in this and will heal. Hey, at least he didn't keep being MARRIED from you for 13+ years as my fiance turned friend did!n Wow, is it any wonder I don't date. You'll be okay, I promise you. Right now it sucks though. Buy a punching bag! I did that years ago and it helped. No strength now.
  13. Talk about feeling old! I just spent over an hour on the phone with Amazon trying to figure out how to redeem the gift card my sister sent me. The lady was foreign and hard to understand, but thankfully had the patience of Job...it took every ounce of it. I took pictures of the gift card and emailed them to her but she said she needed them texted. I don't know how to do that. I scrutinized my cellphone, never found how. Finally when I told her it didn't look like any gift card I'd ever had it was bigger, she said I needed to open the package. Mind you it had the gift card # on it but nothing marked claim code. I finally found you can open it (it was welded shut with glue) and THEN discovered the claim code! I'd been ready to give up and toss the damn thing. Glad I didn't, $ is $ to me. I need to have my neighbor show me how to use this stupid phone, copy/paste, reach my contact list, etc. God I feel old. Super old! That's what I told her! I couldn't believe they'd be so foolhardy. Poor Finley, guess he's never seen Melissa like she is...neither have I, she usually takes things in stride but this was a bit much for anyone. I wanted to tell him to remember how sweet she usually is, she sounded close to a stroke.
  14. She hasn't moved yet, still waiting to hear back from them, meanwhile they keep her life on hold? It doesn't work that way, she has to get her brakes on, her car is her livelihood as she is self employed and has to travel to her work. Praying they weather this storm, they've been together quite a while, much of it long distance. I hope he can remember her sweetness. Thank you, Dee. It's been truly challenging. Meanwhile I was able to donate to a neighbor who needed raw meat for their dog, he's 150 lbs and a year old, that's a lot of food! They brought me a dozen fresh eggs!
  15. Not only have I had a month from hell but so has my daughter, I think hers even tops mine. Talked to her and hers last night, omg! Her apartment building hired roofers who took the roof off and then it POURED RAIN! Yep, water damage all over top floor, where she and eight other tenants reside. Workmen in and out, tar on her carpet, ruined her rug. Also said they might have to temporarily move but there's no where to go, all the motels are full because of Autzen games. They still haven't let them know. Damage in the walls every room but hall bathroom and kitchen. She has kittens and lots of expensive plants, how?!!! To top it off, in switching phones her ten year old contact list downloaded onto her new phone, none of the numbers are any good. I told her I would send an email to everyone on her current contact list before her phone dies and give them her new number and have them email her back on it, at that time she can replace or add them to her contact list. It'll be a pain but not as bad as not having their number! Her brakes started squeaking, she got the part and made arrangements to bring it up to her brother's to put it on today, all while not knowing if she'd have to move. It started squalling real bad so he told her it needs rotors too, so she got them. In the midst of all this, her brain wasn't working and she left her debit card somewhere in their machine, the bank put a hold on it, she just got it back. What a nightmare, plus working all the time! Where the hell is their inheritance when they need it! Stupid lawyer and CPA are taking forever, been nine months since the house sold, no sign of anything yet. Me, I've been dealing with laptop issues constantly the last month. I filed a dispute for OneDrive l the while it was DriverSupport, had no idea they're hitting me $10/month for life! Uninstalled them both, and hoping they truly cancel the ongoing payments. FINALLY got into their portal, it's very barebones, doesn't show the credit. Can't cancel the dispute, need to call the bank but it's a weekend now. This is just constant. Oh the challenges! I told Melissa not to worry about my birthday, we'd catch up when things calm down. Praying she makes it to my son's okay. Melissa's BF Finley has worked his tail off all over the country and his job had him in the hole so he quit and got a better job in construction, so proud of him, he only applied to three and this was the higher paying one and he doesn't have to leave the state! Essex just got a good man! I think it's been stressful for them with all the stress Melissa is under, I've never heard her sound so through the roof! If she was older I'd worry about her having a stroke. So Kodie and I are on our own today, Finley wanted to get together with me today but I don't want to take up his day unnecessarily, will wait until it's a better time for them both.
  16. Kodie and my birthday today! Here's my birthday boy!
  17. If I feel up to it, I'll make a mug cake. Right now I'm so tired...woke up yesterday to Panther had cut his bad paw and it was bleeding/oozing. And him sleeping in a basket of bird's nests, filthy! I put Neosporin on his wound (mind you, he let me treat his ears for ear infection shortly after I got him) and he took off, jumped off the patio never to be seen again. I put a towel and some softly knit scarf in his basket to supplant the filth that had been there. Went to bed, couldn't go to sleep for 5 1/2 hours! FINALLY he showed up and ate but wanted nothing to do with me, a little interaction with Kodie. I woke up usual time after four hours sleep, guess I was lucky to get that, and he is sleeping in his basket, so relieved! Keto Chocolate Mug Cake Add some peanut butter too, Microwave 70 seconds 2 ½ net carbs Normally eat 1/2, it's filling, add whipping cream and/or SF choc. syrup heat slightly beforehand.
  18. Karen, I don't see the reply I left you yesterday...my UHC Advantage is all I have, it supplants Medicare rather than supplements it. I do not have both.
  19. You have your UHC as a supplement, mine supplants Medicare, big difference, but I don't pay $300/month, can't afford it. No, this is what I am told here, very high. How long since you had yours done? Therein could be the difference too. I am told this by SEVERAL people here! Panther is picking up his leg/paw again, has overused it and it's swollen again. Hope he learns...
  20. Let us know how it goes, okay? How long will you have to wait for your teeth? I need cataract surgeries and learned it'll be at least $6,000 copays! How are we supposed to come up with that! Don't have supplemental, just Medicare Advantage (UHC).
  21. Panther laid on the basket of bird's nest on my picnic table (long since flattened) all night, he just ate and went to go do his thing. I hope he rests his leg all day again. Haven't seen the bottom of the pad yet but it looks better than it did, now if he'll just stay off of it! You and me both, no desire to ever be in the hospital with them messing up my diet and setting me back. I can't believe I'll be 71 in a week. So far no one to spend it with.
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