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Another birthday without Al

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It was my 80th birthday today.  My daughters planned a special dinner with family and some friends. We had a good meal and pleasant afternoon.  HOWEVER, Al was not there and that put a depressive shroud over it.  I have a few family issues where some  important people do not speak to one another.  However, they did come.  One would think that I would be thrilled with the gathering, but...  My daughter worked very hard to make the day special and I really appreciated it.  My son tried to drive in from California but had car problems.  Maybe he will be here soon.  These special days just do not have the same impact as they used to when I had Al with me. It emphasized that now I am alone and my very best friend ever is gone.

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I'm so sorry, Gin ~ but I'm still grateful that on this day, we all celebrate the fact that the world was blessed with you, and that you are here with us.

Sending love and warm hugs to you on your special day 

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Gin, I’m glad your family tried thier best to make it a special day.  In their hearts they wanted to show their love for you.  I’m sure they miss their father.  Hugs to you on the day you became so Al could find you.  

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...yes what was-is our " special " days, will not mean so " special " ever again without our beloveds by our side, they just wont have the same happy meaning as they once had...but if we try our best to think that they are still by our side, if not in body, they are there by our side in spirit...I just know, hand on heart, they will never ever leave us...

I am sending you Birthday Wishes on your 80th..


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Gin, I wish your birthday was happier, but I understand the mix of feelings...I do hope your son can make it, even late, I'm sorry he had car problems, never fun.

Yes, that special person is missing from all of our celebrations, but most of all from our everyday lives, and we notice, oh God how we notice!

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Gin, I'm not going to wish you "happy" birthday, just birthday!  I'm also glad that your family tried to make the day special for you, but I also do understand how it's really hard for these special days to feel happy without our special person.  As Kay said, it's just not the special days that we miss them, this life now is so hard without them on every day.  Sending you hugs! 

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