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Holes In The Floor Of Heaven

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This is weird but true!

I had a wonderful dream last nite that my Jeannie came back!

Although she had been severely disabled from MS for the last two years of her life, she was fully restored to perfect health. One thing had not changed though. That was the beautiful, perpetual smile on her face. :)

She was asking me why I seemed so sad, but I had no good answer for her question. I woke up to the sound of gentle rainfall outside the open window and this song playing on the radio Holes in the Floor of Heaven

Later when I was looking for the lyrics I found the link above which told me that was to be their song of the day for tomorrow - June 5th! Nice touch. :)

Yes, I do believe there are holes in the floor of heaven. That’s how I know she’s watching…sometimes when I’m lonely I can just remember she can see…and she’s watching over me.

This sure brightened up an otherwise gloomy Sunday.

I may be losing my mind,but it’s a great way to go. :):):)

Edited by WaltC
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Walt, What a wonderful experience and a wonderful story! A beautiful gift to you from your Jeannie. As a read the lyrics to Holes in the Floor of Heaven, tears ran down my face. Today is 3 months since my Josh died (tough day... :( ), and it's gently raining outside right now. So those lyrics touched me... So I guess Josh is watching and wishing he could be here now. It's a soothing thought. So thank you for sharing your gift from Jeannie. I also just planted some bright orange marigolds for Josh (he loved orange!), so I guess he's watering them for me. ^_^ I've been having little experiences here and there that I think are little gifts from Josh or that's he's just stopping by to say "hi." Like hearing our song Soul Meets Body on the radio, a butterfly that fluttered by when I was buying Josh's marigolds, and others. So I too think that I may be losing my mind, but I love it! I love feeling Josh near me. I've heard that if you're more open and receptive to these experiences, the more you'll have. So I'm ready! :)

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Guest PattiZ54

WaltC & KellyMarie - I am so glad that you are both having these wonderful experiences! I haven't had too many of those, but I know he's around. I talk to him all the time, so he has to be atleast listening..... Maybe they do happen and I just don't realize it. Guess I need to be paying more attention. This coming weekend my sisterinlaw, brotherinlaw, motherinlaw and myself are driving to CA to a lake where my husband and his family used to do alot of waterskiing. Charlie's last wish was to have his ashed spread on this lake, so that's what we're doing. It's been 18 months and this is going to be the hardest thing, but we need to do it. I need to know that his spirit and his body are free. He wrote me a letter before he passed away and this is the last thing I need to do that he asked me to do.... I will definately be keeping my eyes open hoping to see something that will let me know he is there. Even if I don't, I know he's with me.

I will let you all know how my upcoming weekend goes.


(Charlie 6/10/58-11/16/2004) I love & miss you, Dear!)

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Your not losing your mind - Your just have a warm and caring heart. What a beautiful thing to have happen to you - this song playing as you woke and the rain falling outside your window.

I am certain that our loved ones watch over us in very special ways - until we can again be with them - walking in the rain.

Take care my freind,

John - Dusky is my handle on here

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WaltC..I know in your dream your heart was soring to be with Jeannie. Insane?...I think not. I truely believe. I wish we could all dream every night...every moment of the day. Through this terrible journey we share the dreams affirm the love is always there...Jeannie is there always. Your love is FOREVER! Oh Walt...I wish you tender dreams where you and Jeannie are together. I know it is real. You know it is real.

Always Gene!


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I would love to hear that song put to music, my wife died 2 months ago tomorrow. I haven't had the experiences you all have had, but I do know they exsist, a couple of family members had some the moment Karen died, they just couldn't explain them until they found out the news. That song sounds like the storey of my life except I have a son who will turn 7 tomorrow.


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What a beautiful dream! I am sure your Jeannie is indeed looking down on you...I too love that song, it is comforting.

I have missed this site...my computer was down for a couple of weeks while I was awaiting a part to repair it and as I am laid off work I didn't have access to a computer...I have missed everyone. So many new ones joining us, I am sorry to see their losses.

It is coming close to the anniversaries...

6/14...George's birthday

6/19...his death...also, since it fell on Father's Day and the weekend of my Sisters' Reunion, I have three days to remember it by...this weekend is my Sisters' Reunion again, and Father's Day being 6/18 this year...I will be hit with many reminder days in the next couple of weeks. I pray I get through this all right.

What you share on this site is inspiring to all of us, we enjoy hearing from you.

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Waltc, I thought of you and of this song yesterday when I saw something like a hole in heaven (actually a perfect shape "hole" in the clouds - and I thought if this is like it looks like) ... And then, when I was walking my dog, it started to rain a little, we just got back to my car, and I saw a beautiful rainbow, a perfect one, and I thought - maybe it marks the "new moment". The time when I'll be more able to find joy in life ... be thankful for what I've had .... be nicer to people, more open ... or just try to be happy by myself ...

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