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My Sanity Needed Vents

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Karen:  So sorry your dentist appointment was so awful.  It sounded like torture.  Dental work is definitely my least favorite medical appointment.  Too bad it this procedure isn't considered major surgery and you'd be put totally under.  Dee 😴

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Karen, that sounds like my daughter's wisdom teeth, they were badly impacted and under other teeth, had to go to a specialist, they knocked her out.  My heart goes out to you, I've had half mine pulled, believe me I know how horrible it can be.  They had you on antibiotics first, didn't they?  Recovery is usually over with within two weeks, and that's on the worst extractions, so here's hoping....take care of yourself, eat easy soft foods, soups, it's rough  

I talked with my daughter for an hour yesterday, sounds like evacuations might be sooner rather than later. Don't know what I did to my ankle, tweaked it somehow, ground is uneven here, I don't think it's sprained and it's not broken, maybe a torn ligament, not sure, still in pain, compression socks helping.

My daughter's BF was sent to Pierre So. Dakota for his job, top floor of hotel, and they had tornado sirens going off...don't know any more yet.  Very worried about him!  I just want him home. Tomorrow is his birthday.

The smoke was really bad yesterday. You can see the fire from our town.

Iris and Jazzy going to her friend's beach house for nine days, leaving this morning.


Get Well.gif

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I've had all but 5 teeth pulled now including 2 impacted wisdom teeth all done by my old dentist except 1 tooth and the wisdom teeth done by oral surgeons for which I was asleep. None of them hurt as bad as this one, although the wisdom teeth recovery was tough. I know he didn't give enough novocaine because it wore off quickly which is unusual for me. Am going to ask for more next time. Sure miss my old dentist! Still taking the antibiotics.

Hope all is well with the BF and hope your evacuation doesn't happen. What a pain!

Take care

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Karen, I wish they could put you under, pull the teeth, and make you plates, so much easier, my sister had it done in her 20s and had never had trouble with them, she just had uppers done, her lowers were still intact. Both my parents had all their teeth pulled in their 20, had plates made, my mom never regretted it but my dad's were made by the army and didn't fit right.  Raising six kids he could never afford them, was still raising kids when he died.

Finley made it through the storm okay, wow, and now his radiator is leaking, he can't drive home on it like he is and he's having issues with his bank so can't get his truck fixed, makes me want to talk to him...today's his birthday.

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My son walked me through some topography on CalTopo last night, now I understand how to measure it, and what to layer, so Bedrock Fire is 10 1/2 miles north of us, makes me feel a little better, but we're still getting the smoke badly.

Offered to help Finley, he has a friend shipping him a radiator, so I assume he can install it, just needs the time.  I can't wait for him to get out of there with all that heat!

My daughter got two 8 week old kittens, the person didn't get them shots, they need spayed/neutered, too young to leave their mama, she has her hands full.  She kept saying "Stop biting me!" on the phone (they were getting her toes. :D

I'd sure feel better if Gwen would drop us a line. Very concerned, roomie Dee isn't stable. I wish she'd opted for Assisted Living...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Karen, how are you doing?  Update?

Today the East winds start, the fire threatens to jump the line and...well it's scary..  Still at level 1 evacuation on Salmon Fire, just southeast of here two miles.  Waiting for today's update.

Dee, how're you doing?


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Round 2 of teeth extractions coming up Monday. Can hardly wait! It took 10 days for the first one to stop hurting. When all this is done, I'll probably not want to look at soup or pudding for a long time.  lol

Hope that fire stays put or is contained soon. Stay safe.

Have you had a chance to talk to Gwen again? Really worried.....

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No, no answer. 
Good luck with the teeth extractions!  You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

It says 45% contained (was 10% day before) but nowhere does it show WHERE the lines are, so hoping to the west and north, the 10% was to the west.  It's like pulling teeth to get answers! Praying it doesn't jump the line with the East winds...

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I'm so sorry about the teeth.  Now feel fortunate mine were so bad they all were removed when I was young.  Worried still about Gwen.  Wish we had some word.  After the Maui fires, nothing is taken for granted.  Kay, find a way out of the inferno if it comes too close and it honestly sounds like it has been too close.  We used to have two people on here, she lived in Maui, ran a restaurant, I think "he" moved her to Arizona.  Have heard nothing for years, but hope they stayed in Arizona.  I know some will know who I'm talking about.  Time passes so fast.  She may have had family on Maui.  Some of my son's high school friends were worried about a "Steve" and actually saw him safe, interviewed on TV.  So easy to forget Hawaii is a state, just like mine is.  It is cooler in the mornings but still in the triple digits at 7:30 p.m.  If this is climate change, it came on like a lion.  Stay safe Kay, the smoke is dangerous too.  Seeing my "little" sister trying for air is torture.  But, I took her to buy her cigarettes anyhow.  The damage is done. 

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5 hours ago, kayc said:

Waiting for today's update.

kayc:  I can't imagine the fear as you wait for update.  So, if you have to evacuate would you and Kodie go to your daughter's or your son's?  Keeping you in my prayers.

I'm doing fine.  This past week I have been dog sitting for my son while they have been on a week-long vacation to Yellowstone.  My Grand dog is a chocolate lab, about 5 years old.  She has more energy and is a constant wiggle machine.  I am able to let her stay outside most of the day, but she stays inside with me during the night.  She has been easy, but my little home is not very roomy so am constantly reminding her to "lay down".   I am looking forward to their return tomorrow and hoping to be able to get the doggie smell out of my house and back to just taking care of me. LOL.  I know she misses the activity of her family.  Am thankful the weather has been comfortable, high 70's low 80's, and no rain.  Dee

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28 minutes ago, Margm said:

After the Maui fires, nothing is taken for granted.  

My son has a friend who lives outside of Maui and works for the power company.  He has texted my son on Tuesday he is safe but is still threatened by wildfires, all emergency services have been tapped and Natl Guard and military called out to help.  So sad.  

4 hours ago, KarenK said:

Round 2 of teeth extractions coming up Monday. Can hardly wait!

Karen:  You are one tough lady!  This procedure sounds awful from start to finish.  Thinking of you.  Dee

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5 hours ago, Margm said:

Have heard nothing for years, but hope they stayed in Arizona.

Yes they did, and she is mourning for those she loves in Maui.  

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5 hours ago, Widow2015 said:

So, if you have to evacuate would you and Kodie go to your daughter's

My daughter's. 

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5 hours ago, Widow2015 said:

Am thankful the weather has been comfortable, high 70's low 80's, and no rain.  Dee

It'll be 100 here...

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There have been 59 heat related deaths in the last month here. Some idiots still think you can hike our local nature areas in the extreme heat. NO! "Cooling Stations" have been set up for homeless, etc. in the hotter portions of the state and we are under State Of Emergency by governer. Heat goes on forever here.

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I don't know how the humidity mixes with our heat but I think Marcy cannot breathe in the humidity.  On August 2nd, it was a record of 106, some 105 days and it is strange, it gets hot at 7:30 at night.  Now at 9:00 p.m., it is 93.  All triple digit highs since the last of July.  Climate change?  I don't know, but if I take my sister to grocery store, doctor, or get outside, I have to change clothes.  I take showers and before I can dry off, I am "glistening" like a 200 watt bulb.  

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I'm not used to the heat and hate it...will have 100s this week, I think starting tomorrow, ugh.

Marg, is Marcy your sister? II don't think I've heard her name.

Air quality 227 yesterday, right now (3 am) 146. Ugh, can't breathe, starting to affect my BS.

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Yes she is my only sibling and labor with me was such a trauma for my mom she waited almost 10 years to have another child.  She was always more my child than sister.  Can you imagine though, those states wanting a 10-year-old to go through labor and have a child.  Rape would scar a child for life, but to put her through 9 months of body changes and then, while still playing with dolls, she is thrust into the horrible pain of childbirth, and can only pray she will get over the child abuse.  It would not be fair for a child.  We were not real close growing up, but our relatives have all passed away and she is my child again.  I wish I could have gotten her to quit cigarettes.  She was a beauty queen.  Hurts my soul.  

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107 here yesterday, not used to this kind of heat! Right now our AQI is 533, I captured it at 532, 300 is the worst category.  Can't breathe, throat hurts.
Iris went to the coast, woke me up at 8 to tell me she was there, SIL beeping in. Took phone off hook. I was woke up at 11 the night before LEVEL 3 EVACUATIONS, GO NOW! DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING, GO!!!  It was someplace 26 miles from here but it got my adrenaline going, I laid there three hours and gave up.  It's horrid to wake up that way!

Fires everywhere. If the town had an iota of this they might be more empathetic, but no.  I think they need to drive up and see what it's like. And we made it through worse last year.  Poor Panther. Maybe he can make his way under the house, if it's any better there.


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12 hours ago, Margm said:

Fires starting toward the Texas line.  Starting small, hope they can get them fast.

OMG, Marg, I am with you!  Let us know!!

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On 8/13/2023 at 9:23 AM, Margm said:

We were not real close growing up, but our relatives have all passed away and she is my child again.

My little sister is nine years younger than me.  I loved her and spent all my $ on her when she was a child.  She has a husband that is amazing to her.  Very fortunate.  I went through hell with mine. Was so lucky to find George, I just wish I could have had him longer but he gave me memories to last a lifetime.

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I begged my sister to find someone, husband, companion, partner, just mostly anything to help her.  She was beautiful but too smart for a man. (So she thought). I had Billy during horrid times, and he would have made a good nurse.  Never minded taking care of me, but I should have noticed his decline.

Gov. Abbott in Texas was quoted as saying 3/4 of Texas was on fire.  If this is not hell, for me, it certainly is for some people.  

And the news covers Biden's son and Trump's number of indictments, and I don't understand politics at all, but I do think Biden's son is not important enough to interrupt my soap opera "The Young and the Restless."  Dumb ox's.    

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