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My Sanity Needed Vents

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Thanks Marg. Round 2 went a lot better. He gave me 3 times as much Novocaine. Still had a tough time getting the broken one out, but I don't feel as beat up. Next appt. In 4 weeks for the last 3 front top teeth, the one I'm scared of most. They are in there solid as a rock. Maybe I should look for a bar fight instead.  lol

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2 hours ago, KarenK said:

Maybe I should look for a bar fight instead. 

I'm such a coward.  Do not know how I went through having them all pulled. (Yes, I had Billy with me, and he was my backbone.)  The idea of having the screw in's really put me in a state of zombyism.  The doctor actually walked out on me.  At the time I had not had a ruptured colon.  That makes it where I can only take antibiotics by needle.  The idea of a screw holding in what amounts to a denture covering the screwed in teeth, $9,000 cost (I think they are a lot less now) and the fact that there was no guarantee whatsoever that my body would possibly have ejected them, I would lose them anyhow made up my mind.  My friend gave us a day-by-day adventure with her screwed in teeth, and it was a total nightmare.  Yet, I have heard a couple of people say they could not do without them.  You wear a false teeth holder, and personally, I do prefer dentures.  At 81, I doubt I'm trying to impress anyone anyhow.  

I'm so glad it was easier on you this time and hope the next time will be even easier.  

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21 hours ago, Margm said:

Gov. Abbott in Texas was quoted as saying 3/4 of Texas was on fire. 

Here too and the rest are hit with smoke, especially here. Air Mon. was 780. They're saying T&L tomorrow and tomorrow night, that's what started Bedrock, Lookout, and Salmon Fires, also one at Blue River.  God, NO!!!

 @KarenK How'd you do with the extractions?

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Said our heat will feel like 112 tomorrow but will be in lower triple digits.  In a water state like Louisiana, we have still had some breakout fires along the Texas line, but still in a portion that a river and huge lake are in that location also. I would imagine Kay may have gone to her daughter's.  Y'all stay inside.  

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Marg: Am hoping she is safe, and you can get some relief from your heat.  Fortunately, after 3 days of high 80's and mid 90's temperatures things have cooled down some.  It's 9:30 pm here now and temperature says 72 degrees outside. Take care.  Dee

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Nope, they called off the evacuation so I unpacked.  It felt so good!  My neighbor said she stays packed until the rains start (October)...I'm going to take care of my grandkids three hours away for three days, Tues.-Thurs.  Then I got an alert, they're predicting lightning (I don't care about the thunder except it comes with it) this weekend...that's how the fires started.  So I packed again.  Will give Panther enough food for a week or so just in case when I leave.

So tired of the heat!  I did some cooking yesterday, may cook to take to my son's, DIL will be gone, Paul will be there in the evenings so more mouths to feed, at least he and I eat the same.  DIL has raised the grandkids on high carbs so whatever I find there...

Thank you all for the well wishes.  I love you all! A gal who is leaving my other site...I recommended this place to her but so far I don't see her. :(  

Oh Marg, be safe, I hope you won't be out for long in it.  Hating the heat this week!  Fires everywhere I look. My daughter said yesterday it was 100 in her apt with the A/C on, she's miserable and can't use the A/C in her car as it's leaking coolant. I hope she can get the car to my son's soon.  And it's too smokey to open the windows.  She's on the fourth floor and heat rises, that's why it's so hot in there!

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kayc: Glad you didn't have to evacuate and sorry about your daughter's situation.  The weather here cooled down in the evenings but heats up during the day but nothing like you and Marg have to deal with.  No rain in sight for awhile though. 

My son was telling me about his friend that lives about an hour away that had to evacuate quickly from a nearby brushfire.  The wife was home with young child and the instructions from fire fighter pounding on front door was to grab child, leave car seat and dog and get in her car.  The fire moved so quickly there was no time to put car seat in her car.   Luckily the brushfire was contained, and she and child were able to return home.  Of course, my reaction to this story was no way would I leave a dog inside the house.  I don't know how big the dog was, but I would have let it run free if I couldn't have lifted it.  But that's just my opinion.  Dee 🤨

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My dog would be in the car before I would!  That's nuts!  No way, that's like leaving your child behind!

My neighbor told me she stays packed until the rains start, I know how fast everything can change so I packed again, of course I use the stuff I packed and would need to get it into the car, so if it came down to last second, it'd be me, my dog, purse, briefcase...

Hurricane Hilary is of next concern, supposed to hit here Tuesday when I am driving to my son's...not much about it though other than it'll hit the Cascades, even if a 1, I doubt my place can withstand 85 mph winds, and if I'm driving I don't want all that rain/flooding on I-5.  My son thinks it's media hype and they disspate after going inland, we'll see.  I'm trusting him on this but it makes me nervous all the same.

Today thunder/lightning predictions, again, we'll see what the day brings.  It's scary, I never had these constant concerns about weather/safety, of course some things just developed without warning, like the snowpocalypse 4 1/2 years ago, or six feet of snow when I was pregnant with my daughter, we didn't have the internet then....

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We keep hitting record highs here.  No rain.  Nontypical weather everywhere.  The East Coast and New England states got the floods and that was not typical.  Maui.  One of my prayer warriors wrote a prayer for rain.  I still have my mustard seed faith, but that can move mountains.  No mountains in Louisiana.  Could use the rain.  My sister cannot breathe in either.  Two A/C in 500+ square foot apartment.  Needs a dehumidifier, but would have to order one.  Getting so hard for her to breathe, and then I remember how my aunt died with emphysema.  Admits she feels better when not smoking, but apartment is full of cigarette smoke.  Sometimes you can only help yourself, sounds selfish, but you have to want to before you can do it.  

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Yes, I did things for my sister, took care of her, but couldn't alter her outcome no matter how much I wanted to because it was her decision to smoke, her decision to eat bad good, and it killed her.  She'd sneak stuff in through a friend of hers, even if someone is disabled they find a way.  I didn't take things away but neither would I be party to it.  Sigh, you can't help those who don't want it.  No matter how much you love them.
Praying the hurricane doesn't amount to anything up here, trusting my son and George on this...

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Thanks for checking, Karen.

It was eventful...only place in the state that isn't smokey is Portland area and Lyons where he lives.  It was smokey all the way back and the closer I got to home the worse it was.  DIL was over two hours late getting home so by the time I got gas and groceries I arrived home between 8 & 9 amidst a terrible thunder/lightning storm! Got everything in and put away by 10, exhausted, I usually go to bed at 7!  Last night I only slept four hours...this is getting old.

Unfortunately, the lightning started quite a few more fires, some nearby.  Oregon has no more firefighters, it's scary, they'll have to bring in some from somewhere else.  Hope our governor doesn't spend all our $.

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7 hours ago, kayc said:

Unfortunately, the lightning started quite a few more fires, some nearby.  Oregon has no more firefighters, it's scary, they'll have to bring in some from somewhere else.  

Kay: We in Washington experienced some of that storm with loud window rattling thunder and rain.  The rain was so welcome but much too brief.  The weatherman is predicting some rain next week and we will begin with Fall weather.  Keeping fingers crossed their predictions are correct.  Firefighter shortages is a scary thought. Dee

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They are predicting more "T&L" Saturday.

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It is even 88 here at noon, we have been triple digits for a month.  We had a small rain, but Marty is the one who is going to get the weather if she lives Gulf-side of the hurricane that is supposed to hit Florida.  I had not read today where it is.  Enjoy that coolness ladies and I hope they control the fires up north and in Canada.  We have even had a few in this water state of ours.  

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This storm is due to hit Sarasota this evening into tomorrow morning. My home is not in a flood zone, so the predicted "storm surge" probably won't affect me ~ just heavy rain and high wind. We are preparing for loss of power ~ that's usually what happens to us during these kinds of storms. So if you don't hear from me tomorrow or the next day, know that my electricity is down and I'll be back here ASAP. Meanwhile, please continue to take good care of one another ❤️

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It said it was bad because the water from the Gulf was so warm.  I can only imagine.  It is 92 here today, and that is a cold wave.  We have broke the record for number of triple digit days and up to 112 in some places.  If I got outside you could see the heat in the air.  Y'all were smart to keep high up, but we can't stop the electricity from going down.  Here, a few miles from where I live, they grew soybeans and corn.  There is an energy company coming in paying the farmers more than they could make off the crops to use all that land and put up some kind of energy panels, acres and acres of them.  The Hallmark looking little villages will be taken over by this company.  I remember my grandmother writing about them growing crops and the federal government paid them to plow them under.  Made no sense to her and it doesn't me either.  Guess we have to hope China has a bumper crop of corn and soybeans.  Of course produce will go up in price, but perhaps people that had to do without electricity during our last storms in Louisiana might have utilities to be available sooner.  A lot I do not understand.  Stay safe Marty.  

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2 hours ago, MartyT said:

So if you don't hear from me tomorrow or the next day, know that my electricity is down and I'll be back here ASAP. Meanwhile, please continue to take good care of one another ❤️

Marty:  Keeping you and yours in my prayers.  🙏🏼Dee

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11 minutes ago, Margm said:

There is an energy company coming in paying the farmers more than they could make off the crops to use all that land and put up some kind of energy panels, acres and acres of them. 

Marg:  Interesting concept??? Wondering if the panels are solar panels since your area gets so much sunny weather. Dee

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Don't know how hot it was here today, but it's 111 at 6pm. Bad time for my AC to quit which it did late Sunday night. Tried to get an online appt. for repair early Monday morning with my expensive Sears home maintainence plan. Eleven days away. NOT acceptable in this heat. Second time Sears has failed me on AC. Called my local repair who came out that morning and fixed it for $600, which I will try and get reimbursed. If not, I'm seriously considering cancelling the contract I've had for 40 years. This old AC is on it's last legs, parts barely available. New one is $12000. No way can I afford that.

Sure wouldn't want all of your rain, Marty but would appreciate a little. Driest year here ever. Stay safe!

Marg, I remember the crop payment stuff with my west Texas uncle back in the 50's or 60's. Didn't make sense. Guess there's a method to the madness. Isn't there always with the government?

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15 hours ago, MartyT said:

So if you don't hear from me tomorrow or the next day, know that my electricity is down and I'll be back here ASAP.



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Didn't have to run A/C yesterday for the first time in a long time! Stand alone unit, barely gets me by but it works.  Karen, I'm so sorry and I hope Sears reimburses you, 1 1/2 weeks isn't acceptable where you live!

Yesterday was the first time I didn't have to wear a mask!  Air right now is 9...love it! They lifted evacuations for the Bedrock Fire, 71% contained. Area in danger of flooding now because of what it did to the land, but the homes were saved.

Had an accident yesterday, could NOT see the car, parked across/behind me, BAD spot for one, tight quarters, wasn't there when I parked and when I came out to my car I was carrying a tall air filtration system, couldn't see over it.  I met the guy at the bank and paid him rather than turn it in and have the ins. raise my rates for three years, he can get it off with buffing compound and he only paid $700 for the car, neither of us wanted the hassle.  So bank account down $500 at the end of month, going to hurt next month.

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