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My Sanity Needed Vents

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Thanks Kay. Knock on wood, it stopped hurting after one day. The others were painful for 10 days. Surprising as it was so hard to get the last one out. That pretty well describes my diet until it's healed, although I managed a baked potato this morning carefully.

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Going full Dentures was the smartest thing I did post 55 years Old...Takes a couple of months for your mouth to "fit" the new teeth....You will require a relining and touchups   Key to remember is small bites...You made a good decision..

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Thanks for the encouragement and the tip, Kevin. I need to check out the care and cleaning of dentures. I'm assuming you take them out at night. I used a denture adhesive for the partials I had that I rarely wore. Practically needed a crowbar to remove them. Hoping for better luck with the new ones.

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My mom blamed my bad teeth on her not taking calcium when she was pregnant with me.  I would have an excuse to leave school and walk the couple of blocks to small town America dentist.  When I was 19, after marriage, I had to go to an oral surgeon who noted all my roots to my teeth were eaten away by tumors, non-malignant.  Back in 1961, we didn't have things like we have now, but I got a good fitting upper plate and many years later a bottom plate.  Don't regret a minute of it.  Did go to bed many a night with those nasty tasting toothache packs between my jaw and hurt tooth.  A friend took us daily through her "screwed in" teeth and that poor girl had a hard time.  The cost was prohibitive and of course no guarantee.  Still, you wore a fixed "plate" to hide the screws.  My cousin thinks it is the smartest thing she has ever done, no problems.  So, two sides to it all.  I think when the soreness goes away, you will be very happy with no more teeth problems.  Good luck with it all.  

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On 9/9/2023 at 2:28 PM, Widow2015 said:

Well, how does it work for you?  I'm sure you won't have much trouble learning it.

I get the case in Thursday.  Then I will play with it.  Will charge it up first.  Don't see a place for that ??Sims?? card.  Back in the box.  I will call Lively when I feel "lively" enough.  

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I tried to renew Office 365 yesterday, it took up my whole day as I couldn't download it, but after hours of trying to call them (Got AI that instructed me to go to a website that didn't exist), tried chat and the first two didn't help at all and left.  Third one stayed with me quite a while.  Microsoft changed my google password, finally got back in as it accepted my new pw, omg, that was a nightmare!  MS keeps changing my designated browser, they deleted AVG off my laptop, reinstalled it, this all went on for HOURS!!!  Hoping it settles down.  The bank thinks I was "compromised and needed to cancel my M/C, I think the only compromising was Microsoft, he didn't believe me, so I'm on a "watch and see" mode, will make it my daily (if not more) practice to check for my AVG, browser, shut McAfee down (again and again! Another Microsoft bent) and check my bank activity.  Tried to no avail to access Outlook, gave up, they blocked me out and won't let me in, pw does no good.

So sorry I wasn't back to check on your response, it truly was an insane day!  All day!  Turned laptop off when I called it a day.Ye

It was beautiful here yesterday, today it's 40 with a high of 60, brrr!!

Karen, I am so glad your recovery didn't drag on!  And I wish to God I'd have given up on my teeth and got them all pulled years ago, gotten dentures, I'd be $ ahead!  My sister Peggy said that was the smartest thing she ever did, she got uppers but not lowers.  
I used to have a partial but had the teeth pulled that they anchored to so I tossed them and did w/o ever since.  I never used dental adhesive and they worked fine.  
A soft potato sounds like you're doing much better!

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4 hours ago, kayc said:

Tried to no avail to access Outlook, gave up, they blocked me out and won't let me in,

Yahoo.com blocked me.  When I'd call I would get oriental people who would not talk to me except quote me a price to get back in.  Changed my email address with gmail.com.  That has been months ago.  Spent many hours and minutes trying to get back into a place I had been in for years that now would let me in only if they charged me (I think) $12 a month.  No reasoning for change, no warning, nothing done wrong or different.  I am usually at the whim of a voice that tells me I can speak in complete sentences.  It finally understood "I want to speak to a human" and after much waiting, their lines were all busy I was told, then I got the oriental voices that find it just as challenging to speak to a lifelong Louisiana accent, and an old one at that.  I am not computer savvy as you are.  When we used to change programs at work I would have our "teacher" write a list beginning with #1: Turn machine on.  I had about 10 things numbered to use as a map for me and then it was so simple they used it to train all to  use that program.  Right now, if they give me seven numbers to memorize for five minutes I have to write them all down because I hate numbers and will forget the first or last three.  I want to tell them I am that 1% still living at my age, but they would not understand that.  Still remember telling Brianna I was born in 1942 and facts hit her in the face, "Mammaw, you were born in the dust bowl time."  No, that was before me, but I am stuck in her mind with the invention of fire and the wheel.  

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2 hours ago, Margm said:

Yahoo.com blocked me.  When I'd call I would get oriental people who would not talk to me except quote me a price to get back in.

I used to have a Yahoo.com email account, but due to their changes and my confusion of how to follow their instructions to update my information, I decided to stop using it.  I have two other email accounts.  I don't have you and Kay's computer smarts and your perseverance to battle these folks.  

2 hours ago, Margm said:

When we used to change programs at work I would have our "teacher" write a list beginning with #1: Turn machine on.

Where I worked, there was an IT Department that made any kind of changes, updates, etc.  We secretaries were only allowed to turn the computer on and turn it off after we ended our work day.   My first introduction to a computer was when my son was old enough to want one probably in the 1980's so he could play games on it.  


3 hours ago, Margm said:

Right now, if they give me seven numbers to memorize for five minutes I have to write them all down because I hate numbers and will forget the first or last three.

Me too!  I can't remember numbers or dates anymore.  Even now since moving to my new home two years ago if asked for my phone number or address I have to struggle to remember - I can tell you my old address or my old phone number in a second though.  I blame it on being born in 1941.  👵🏼Dee

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16 hours ago, Widow2015 said:

My first introduction to a computer was when my son was old enough to want one probably in the 1980's so he could play games on it.  

Mine was in the 60s when I worked with OTIS at Roosevelt Jr High, I was supposed to be a trainee 3 hours/day, but the trainer quit before the school year began so instead of doing training, I had to DO the full job in three hours/day!  I did it, I was young then (16)...now I'd quit too! 

Still fighting with Microsoft...hate them!

I haven't had problems with Yahoo but only use it as a back up way to notify me anything.  Won't use Outlook again, as far as I know someone else probably took it over.  They won't let me in or start a new account.  Not good people to have as an enemy.

19 hours ago, Margm said:

Spent many hours and minutes trying to get back into a place I had been in for years that now would let me in only if they charged me (I think) $12 a month.

I know they start charging if you reach your capacity, not that much though.  I would have had to pay last year but deleted all graphics in my history, took all day, but got it done, should have enough storage left to last me the rest of my life or at least a few more years, hopefully I'm astute enough to go through this again.  It was bad enough having to go to a different computer, I sure don't want to ever start over with a new email!  

And I'm glad you guys are here to talk with me about it, makes me not feel so alone in this!


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4 hours ago, kayc said:

Mine was in the 60s when I worked with OTIS at Roosevelt Jr High, I was supposed to be a trainee 3 hours/day, but the trainer quit before the school year began so instead of doing training, I had to DO the full job in three hours/day!  I did it, I was young then (16)...now I'd quit too! 

kayc: My goodness 16 years old!  You were an ambitious young lady.  I too worked for a school district but not until I was 50.  That was when I took advantage of the free computer training and really enjoyed learning the programs.  I retired in 2002 and was able to enjoy some wonderful retirement years with my dear husband.  Dee

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I didn't get any training but managed to figure it out, I remember the computer took up the whole wall!  Such as it was back in the day!  Now I've got this tiny laptop and fight with it all the time, ha!

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It was going to be today through Saturday but I canceled going.  They told me last minute Kodie would have to be kenneled the whole time, and it was told in a very curt way.  No.  He hasn't been kenneled since he was a puppy for six months nighttime only. I can't even lift, take apart the kennel with my loss of strength! Then she said on a leash, but not allowed in the kitchen and they put me on kitchen duty even though my thumb is STILL healing (cut to the bone), they took the stitches oNut way too soon.  Then the next day she sprung on me that he couldn't sleep with me, then when I told her I ALWAYS sleep with him, she yelled, FINE! We'll just pay the $200 deposit!  It got me so upset my blood sugar rose 20 points the next morning.  I decided not to go and immediately my BS dropped to 82!  (that's excellent).  So not going on this retreat.  Everything changed since last year because they have another service dog going that is aggressive.  Okay, so punish my sweet dog for it.  No, not doing.  Too much time in "session" anyway and their bedtimes way later than mine.  I was willing to live with that, but the rest, and especially the delivery, no.

Karen, I've been checking back every day to see how you're doing...anny updates?




Sure wish we could hear something about Gwen...

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I tried searching for obits and came up empty so that's a good sign. Maybe she got moved to rehab or a nursing home and doesn't have her phone or tablet?  I just don't trust the person she lived/s with.

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I never knew any name but Gwen.  We are still fighting humidity and my daughter broke away from the radiation to a Louisiana neurologic and oncologist who will treat the teratomas with a chemo pill for a year.  In my memories on Facebook I see my sister has been on chemo now for a year.  They are stretching time between it though.  She goes to pulmonary doctor and is going medical transportation, and afraid she can't breathe with this weather.  My daughter is taking a stretch of steroids and she is already hyperactive.  She just came by after going to her family practice doc, the specialist the day before.  Of course, Scott is bipolar and the mood stabilizer they put him on is worse than the depressed mood, so he has to go back to doc, but he puts things off, like I do.  I'm headed to Walmart to get my prescriptions right now.  My son went with me Monday on the long trip back to Arkansas and I drove most of the way up there, but I stopped in Glen Campbell's hometown and let him drive the rest of the way.  My taking the curves on two wheels (I'm exaggerating) made him nervous.  He has a brace on his right leg though and his speeding made me nervous.  All together we drove about 10 hours almost non-stop (trying to make my old home legally in the lease holders name).  So, I had to revisit the home and it brings back too many memories.  Worried about them all.  (I had rather travel by myself). I won't get into the worry about my granddaughter.  My son said "Mama, you're the oldest one and it looks like you should be taken care of instead of everyone else."  Guess I ought to just be thankful I can still do it.  It would have to be a drastic thing to stop me.  I keep thinking of Robert Frost's poem that ends with "miles to go before I sleep."  Y'all, take care. 

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17 hours ago, KarenK said:

Hope all is well with each of you.

Karen:  Thanks for rattling my cage. LOL 

 My excuse is probably the usual, not much happening in my life.  There were a few days of concern for my daughter who lives in Oregon.  She texted me she was going to call on my birthday on Wednesday but was involved in a canning project.  After a few texts back and forth, on Monday I finally called her husband.  He said he had to take her to the ER Sunday because she was in such excruciating pain and her pain pills weren't touching the pain.  She didn't want to call me because she would upset me.  She had a pain pump surgically inserted about 5 years ago due to her back pain issues and he was afraid the pain pump was not working.  The pain clinic is in Eugene over an hour away from where they live and was told they couldn't see her until Thursday.  Being the great caretaker husband he is, he kept calling the pain clinic and was finally able to get her in on Wednesday.  The pain pump is still functioning so far, and she has been on a 5-day treatment with prednisone.  Her next step will be an MRI.  Pain doctor thinks the excruciating pain is due to "sacroiliitis".  I am not proficient in medical terminology so am just glad the pain is under control. Dee  

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Dee, hoping they DO something for her today!  Eugene is my haunts, where I grew up, I shop on the Springfield side but often have to go to doctors in Eugene.  They're closing the only hospital there, but there are two in Springfield.

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Seems we are all alive and kicking, although some having to kick harder than others. I know you are a little disappointed about the trip, Kay, but they did everything to drive you away. Nothing Christian about their attitude.

So sorry about your daughter, Dee. Hope she gets relief soon.

Marg, remember to take care of yourself. As usual, you take on too much.

Nothing happening here. Dentist appt. coming up Monday for mold of upper teeth. Really need a haircut. Waiting until I have teeth.

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Dee, hoping all is well with your daughter and I know you are thankful she has a husband to watch over her.  That means a lot.  Mama never had to worry about me because Billy was right there whenever I needed him.  Know that brings back memories to all of us.  Karen, I'll bet you feel like a new woman w/o the hurting teeth.  My sister needs a lot done, but is too busy fighting the cancer.  My son is waiting on VA to finish up on his teeth.  He did oral tobacco, like a good ole country boy, but was able to stop.  Unfortunately, Billy never could let the tobacco go.  Oh well, I can't let my Xanax go either, but if I took more than prescribed, I would need a heavier dose and they wouldn't do that.  I think we get time alone sometimes and it feels good, even though we'd rather have someone we miss terribly forever.  

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21 minutes ago, Margm said:

 hoping all is well with your daughter and I know you are thankful she has a husband to watch over her.  That means a lot.

Oh yes Marg, I thank God for him.  He watches over her like a hawk even reminding her when she should click that button that releases the pain meds as she gets sidetracked so easily.  As you know, you have to stay on top of the pain.  I only wish they didn't live so far from the Pain Doctor/Clinic.  The ER doctor is really not allowed to treat her situation other than maybe prescribe a pill.  The hospital tried about 2 different pills which would only relieve pain for about an hour at a time.  Dee



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13 hours ago, KarenK said:

I know you are a little disappointed about the trip, Kay, but they did everything to drive you away. Nothing Christian about their attitude.

Actually all I feel is relief.  Kodie may or may not have liked the beach but he's not a water dog, it's one of Jazzy's favorite places but he's happy/content playing with her and walking in the mountains.  He does love going places but will Sunday.

Good luck on Monday, Karen!  Will hold you in my heart.

I spent hours looking for Gwen, I have her name/address/phone number but got nowhere.  I don't need a background check, just looking for death records, nothing, so maybe she's somewhere without her phone/tablet, I just hope Dee isn't controlling her or holding her hostage, scares me.  Am wondering if police do wellness checks anymore...

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Can't imagine what circumstance would keep her from contacting us here or you by phone unless she is completely incapacitated. Pretty sure police will do a wellness check especially when the person is elderly and disabled. She appeared to be financially stable and the person living with her is definitely not which is another red flag. It wouldn't hurt to give it a try.

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It shows she visited here August 14, although hasn't posted since June...IF that was her...it could have been Dee going through her account...

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4 hours ago, kayc said:

It shows she visited here August 14, although hasn't posted since June...IF that was her...it could have been Dee going through her account...

That's a concern too.  I was wondering if the Church where they would pick up meals would provide insight?  I think I remember Gwen saying Dee wasn't her given name. Dee  

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