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Mini-celbration Time!

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To everyone who wrote with supportive comments about my custody battle for my wife's daughters---we won! I got the news yesterday that biodad had withdrawn his motion for forced counseling and residential custody of my 17 year-old. I think he realized that trying to take advantage of me and the girls during the grieving process was a lot more than he bargained for! We made it clear with our court filings that we were 'playing for keeps', and he backed down. Now we can get on with our lives and the entire healing/rebuilding process.

Thanks to all of you who have written me with suggestions or positive comments. I had a great father's day with all 4 of my kids, and it was made very special when my 17 year-old daughter walked into the kitchen as I was preparing lunch and presented me with a nice gift and approached me from across the room with arms outstretched for a big hug.

She has really struggled over the past few months with the loss of her mom(my wife and best friend), and has 'tested the waters' more than a few times with me. I had to be the stern one on mandatory counseling and though she didn't think she was getting anything from the counseling (kids and their 'I want everything fixed now' mentality), I let her know that her long-term well being was much more important to me than whether she liked me or thought I was throwing away money on counseling. My strong stance on counseling is starting to pay off and I'm hoping that my commitment in this area as well as my willingness to move Heaven and Earth to protect her from biodad has shown her that she may have lost a wonderful mother, but she still has a 'father' who loves her very much and is committed to helping her achieve all her hopes and dreams in this life that has been rocked with tragedy at such a young age for her.

Thanks again to all who wrote. Although I knew I was doing the right thing, it was wonderful to have the support of so many.


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Congratulations, we are so happy for you and it couldn't come at a better time (Father's Day)! Your kids are lucky indeed...ALL of them!


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Well Here I am doing the Snoopy Dance for ya!!!

Awesome news!

My strong stance on counseling is starting to pay off and I'm hoping that my commitment in this area as well as my willingness to move Heaven and Earth to protect her from biodad has shown her that she may have lost a wonderful mother, but she still has a 'father' who loves her very much and is committed to helping her achieve all her hopes and dreams in this life that has been rocked with tragedy at such a young age for her.

I might change that sentence to read:

"but she still has a DAD who loves her very much..."

Glad you had a Great Father's Day too!


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To everyone who wrote with supportive comments about my custody battle for my wife's daughters---we won!

Yee-ha! I thought maybe the lazy b__tard wouldn't have staying power. Sometimes justice gets done. Blessings and congratulations to all of you.



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Guest moparlicious


YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The screams, shouts, bells and whistles are going off for you. I am soooooooooo happy for you!!! You are truly a role model for all parents. Your inspiration and faith keeps us all going. God bless you. Love, Kim :wub::):D^_^:rolleyes:

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Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!! :D You have proven what a strong person you are and a truly loving Dad to fight like you did after such a devastating loss. I am sure your wife had a hand in making sure the judge made the right decision. As you said now you and your children can begin the grieving and healing process. Keep up the good work!

Hugs & prayers, :wub:


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you must be really happy winning a rough custody battle. I know it must be worth it having your kids by your side. I wanted to thank you for the personal msg you sent me. it really means also to know there are people here who care



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