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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

I Need Your Help, Friend


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A poem I wrote early in my grieving, when confronted by those who thought that it was more than time enough to be over all this and be happy again. All those same people who at one time early on in my grief had said, "any time you need me, just holler, anything you need, if it is just a shoulder to cry on."


bobsgal (Lynda)

I need your help, friend.

I need to speak of my loss.

I need to cry the tears of healing.

You had said if there was anything,

anything at all that I needed...

Well, here I am friend, I need you.

I am torn in half, my heart has been shredded.

There is no bandage big enough to hold it all.

I am so lost and confused, I need your help.

Just listen, touch my hand, hold me.

What was that? Oh, all right, yes I understand.

You need to run right now.

Call you if I need something?

Oh sure, OK. I’ll let you know.

I need your help, God.

I need to speak of my loss.

I need to cry the tears of healing.

You had said if there was anything,

anything at all that I needed…

Well, here I am God, I need you.


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OH thats so beautiful yet poignant !!

Its so true tho people seem to feel there is a time scale for grief......and so often the words of..Im here for you if you need anything , are hollow offers !!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've not had anyone not want to listen, yet, nor tell me it's time to move on. I'm sure that will come though. Sometimes I tell myself that. Not very nice to me, am I? It's only been 13 weeks. At least now I'm not counting days and hours. It's a lovely poem, I envy the ability to put it into words.

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  • 3 years later...

That is the most beautiful poem, it is so true, only God above can hear our cring out, but if you really think about it, somewhere in that heavinly world I believe our loved one is there listening also. HOPEFULLY, I have cried to him so much!!!!!!!!!

God rests their souls, we will be with them sooner or later!!!

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