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Today marks the 2 year death date for my beloved Dan. I cried last night and did not sleep well, thinking of how fast he began to decline.Once the cancer went to his brain he began losing this brutal fight.I just cannot believe it has been this long and still feel that gnawing ache in my stomach wishing he would come through the door. I know he is not in any pain and doesn't have to go through this heartache anymore. It is hard to imagine being a widow at 40 years old and having 3 children to raise.Dan was a wonderful man, father and husband.He will be missed forever by many. Some days I take some steps forward and some back, for we were together for 24 years and I miss him so so much. My son and I were in the room when he took his last breath and I remember standing there frozen as time has stopped, it did for me!!!!!!! Today, my world has changed forever and I will always miss and love him till the end of time. I will be wearing yellow in honor of Dan(this was his favorite color) R.I.P. Dan I miss and love you forever............ Kim

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Kim, I am sending you a big hug today. I know how these anniversaries (birthdays etc) can bring us to our knees. It's wonderful that you are wearing yellow.

After 24 wonderful years together, you don't simply recover after 2 years ... I think the best thing we can aim for is to learn to live without them being here. That doesn't mean that we stop loving them or missing them. Indeed I don't want to!

I was nodding my head in agreement with you at this bit:

in the room when he took his last breath and I remember standing there frozen as time has stopped, it did for me!

I can remember holding my breath at that time because he was no longer breathing, and therefore I didn't want to either.

I hope that you have good company today, people who will cuddle you and love you.

My heart goes out to you today xxxx

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Dear Kim I know the hurt and wish none of us had to feel the deep pain.Yes time stoped with their last breath but somehow we are still breathing and go on with memories and hope.You have kids to raise and a future for life to get better.Thinking of you .Love from far away TENY

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Dear Kim:

I know how you feel today. I also know how much pain you are in. You are right, Dan is not in any pain anymore and he is watching over you and your children and hoping that you will all be allright.

I send you many hugs today and prayers.

Love and God Bless,


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Big hugs for you today, Kim - my heart often goes back to that moment when time just seemed to stop. I know Dan must be so proud of you for what you've done over the last two years - and that includes the giving of your heart and soul to us here. Be good to yourself today - Love and hugs, Marsha

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My heart goes out to you, today. Being a widow at 40 with 3 children is inconceivable, just as I have found it to be unbelievable at 41 (20 years with my Baby) . I only have one daughter, 6 months old, but she has been my lifeline, and Scott's most important legacy.

I will light a candle for you and Dan. August 19th was the 2 month mark for us; Scott loved candles and butterflies, and I happened to find a butterfly candle holder when I was away visiting my family. I am going to try and light it on the 19th of every month for the love of my life.

I hope your day is as good as it can be. I am sure Dan is with you to help you through it.

Take care,


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I feel so bad that I couldn't get on line yesterday, my thoughts and prayers are with you. It got better for me the third year and I pray it does for you too. I hope your day is going better today.

I love you and value you as one of the most special people on this site.


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Today marks the 2 year death date for my beloved Dan. I cried last night and did not sleep well, thinking of how fast he began to decline.Once the cancer went to his brain he began losing this brutal fight.I just cannot believe it has been this long and still feel that gnawing ache in my stomach wishing he would come through the door. I know he is not in any pain and doesn't have to go through this heartache anymore. It is hard to imagine being a widow at 40 years old and having 3 children to raise.Dan was a wonderful man, father and husband.He will be missed forever by many. Some days I take some steps forward and some back, for we were together for 24 years and I miss him so so much. My son and I were in the room when he took his last breath and I remember standing there frozen as time has stopped, it did for me!!!!!!! Today, my world has changed forever and I will always miss and love him till the end of time. I will be wearing yellow in honor of Dan(this was his favorite color) R.I.P. Dan I miss and love you forever............ Kim

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Kim im so sorry for your pain and loss,sounds like both our husbands died almost the same,my husband lost his fight also when it went to the brain,Im so so lost without him,so depressed,I just lost him this june,married 18 years,together 21,I cant imagine how hard it must be to cope with the kids,I constantly stay in my room most of the time as we did everything together,My prayers go out to you and your family.I hate what this monstourous disease has taken from us.Take care love kimi

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