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1St Anniversary Has Arrived

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This month of March has taken me by surprise. I truly did not think the first anniversary (which is today, Sunday, March 27)would be any more difficult than every other day...they are all difficult. I was wrong...not only is the anniversary difficult (I am writing this late Saturday night and will wake up to the 1st anniversary) the entire month has been riddled with increased pain, flashbacks, tears and more tears....It really blindsided me. I have cried daily since Bill died and many day before he died but this month has been incredibly difficult. A friend will go to Bill's grave with me in the morning. He is buried in a country cemetery outside of my rural town. We will then go to breakfast. And then I plan to get in my car and go for a very very long drive through our hills, alone, something we did on many Sundays. I feel like I am back at last March....the loneliness increases....the house seems more silent. Tough time.

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Dear mfh,

Hang in there.Today will be tough, but you will be in all of our thoughts, prayers, and meditations.


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Dear mfh,

You are in my thoughts, as I well remember the day of Lars' first anniversary. It was terribly hard day. I hope your drive will make you feel better, as you remember all the wonderful moments you spent with your loved one.

Sending ((hugs)) your way and I hope you have a peaceful day.


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I will keep you in my prayers today, may God grant you comfort and help you today.


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First of all, thanks to all for your loving support. You all know what today means or soon will and we do not walk alone. Thank you. I am blessed with many calls today, friends who reached out, went to lunch with me, went to Bill's grave with me and respected my need to call it a day at 3pm and be alone. Exhausted from it all.

West, I agree with you...I feel as if I took many steps backwards this month and now have to get up, dust myself off and take baby steps back to where I was. It was a hard month for both of us...today I went to Bill's grave and left some flowers even though I know they will freeze tonight as the temps drop. I also went to lunch with a friend who gets it and then came home and crashed. I planned to take a long drive alone as that is what we did on Sundays but I was too sleepy to drive. The exhaustion of the year, the month and the day took its toll. I bet you felt the same way....I am so sorry for how hard your day was. It is a comfort to know neither of us is alone though we do not know each other. I hope you had some supportive people around you or call you at least. Starting year two feels threatening to me...like Bill's life moves further to the background...more days we will not share. But both of us will get up tomorrow and step by step move through the day...another lonely day, if I may say. May you sleep tonight. Peace, MFH

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Thank you for sharing and I'm glad you had lots of love and support to help you through your first anniversary. It sounds like you honoured the day beautifully. Mine will be coming up in May, which doesn't seem very far off now... All the best, take care of yourself. Hugs, Deb

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I'm sorry I missed seeing this in time, but I'm glad you made it through the day. I went through my 1st anniversary alone, it can be pretty rough, I guess some people were afraid to bring it up (like I'd forget it?). Hugs to you...

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Thank you. I am so sorry you went through that time alone...it is more than a day long..we both know that. I am blessed to have so many brave friends. Today does not feel any less painful...I know that. MFH

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