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Looking For The Positives

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Dear friends,

I did the Cystic Fibrosis Great Strides Walk this morning: 3.2 miles in about 35 minutes walking. I got to see Bruce's daughter who had a lung transplant right after Jane died. Her husband had the biggest smile on his face. He knows he could as easily be here with us--knows just how fortunate he is. It was a fairly small group--maybe 8 teams and 75-100 walkers. They raised $8000 this morning in just their second year.

The rest of what I have to say does not fit the rubric here--nothing positive about much of what went on outside of that event today. I'll start a new thread on that shortly.



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Dear Harry, Good for you on that walk. Sounds like a reasonable distance also. I will watch for your next post.

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Harry, that sounds wonderful! What a brisk walk!

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Dear friends,

My niece graduated from medical school today. She leaves to start her residency north of San Francisco next week. We had a nice party for her afterward in Boston. I will miss her, but she needs to move to the next phase of her training.



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You must feel so proud of her! We can certainly use more good doctors!

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Wow Harry, seems a good distance for 35 minutes. I am thinking about all you do, and hoping this will inspire me to try to walk more. With artificial knees, walking is hard sometimes, but doable.

Not sure I have a positive today, sitting here feeling worried about Faith who is at Vets (animal thread). I need to get up and get busy, and get my mind off of worrying about Faith.


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Tomorrow my ramp will get torn down and cement footings set in place, weather permitting. I am excited to get this checked off my list. He'll work Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. I can't wait! Next will be painting but that might be longer than I'd like.

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Glad about your ramp, Kay. My positive is that my boys are coming for memorial weekend, both of them. Not just to see me however, and that is the bittersweet part. Their grandmother, who lives with my daughter and family, has early dementia, and the boys and my daughter are going to try to give her the options she has open. Dementia has her thinking that my daughter, her only granddaughter, is trying to steal her money and put her in nursing home. That is last thing anyone wants. Granny has been calling relatives telling them this, and they are calling my oldest son, wanting to know what is going on. They want to give Granny some options, if that is what she wants, that might make her happier. (living either permanently or semi-regularly with either or both boys, along with a few other options.) She can not live alone, the doctor has made that clear. But since she has the thoughts (not true) that Sandy and family are trying to take her money, etc., it might be best if they lived elsewhere.

That is going to be the difficult part of the weekend.......and most difficult for me is to stay out of it....she is not my mother, and although they are my children, they are adults and must make these decisions. She had two children, and both are deceased (one being my ex husband) and my children are going to have to be responsible for her.

I will get to see them however, and youngest son and wife will stay here, so that is a good thing.

I had a very positive thing happen today....it won't benefit me for about 1 1/2 years (if I make it that long), but was pretty cool. Got a letter from SS that my own SS benefits might now be higher than Mike's survivor benefits that I have been collecting. Went to local office to check on it, and yes, if I file now, and start drawing my own, I can make about $50 more a month........however, and this just blew me away, if I wait until I am 70, I will make almost double what I now make!! Told him I believed I would wait...he agreed that would be a wise move. Hard to believe just a couple of years will make that much difference, but he assured me it did. I can see why they encourage you to file sooner.


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You are being very wise with the situation with the grandmother in staying clear of the decisions. I know they will make the right decisions and that it will work out for the best.

That is great news on the SS. Congratulations!



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Kay, I am hoping you can post a photo when the project of the new ramp is done. :)

(asks fae, who can barely figure out how to post images without major messes) :glare:

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I've had this dream, or versions of it, several times recently. It's a good one. My Pete hasn't died and he is gradually overcoming the effects of the stroke by sheer determination. This morning I woke after the dream and after the initial sadness (inadequate word) of realising it was just a dream I though how totally like him and believable it was. I like to think it's a communication from him. It made me feel good.

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Jan, so glad you had such a wonderful dream....I understand how much those mean.

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Dear Jan,

The first thought that came to my mind was that Pete was sending you a message about overcoming challenges, which is just what you are doing as well. I thought that somehow, Pete was letting you know that there is nothing that cannot be overcome. That he is doing well, and that you are also.

The dream just seemed to me to be about healing. You, too, are gradually overcoming the effects of the stroke by sheer determination.

Whatever the beautiful dream meant, I am so happy that Pete came to you in a dream. For sane humans in this western culture, dreams are a lot easier to accept than voices or visions. :) Interestingly, there are many traditional cultures wherein dreams, visions, and voices are simply accepted as alternative forms of communication.

I am just glad you had such a good dream.



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Ramp is totally gone, it looks so naked! I need a paint job so bad it's not funny, but it'll have to wait, I don't want to paint and then not be able to eat so should wait until I get SS.

QMary, I'm so happy that you'll get more in benefits, that's a definite praise!

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Dear friends,

To add to the positives of this morning: Sometime in the last hour, walkingwithjane.org reached 25,000 views. That means, given a rough average of views per visitor, that about 12,500 people have been to our website in less than three years--about the same number of people who are diagnosed with carcinoid/NETs each year.

On the whole, I'd rather have Kay's news about the ramp--or QMary's about the SS--but one takes what one can.

The stone arrived this morning for under the deck. I hope to get that job finished this weekend--but today and tomorrow are going to be insanely busy: I have to get everything ready for our dinner fundraiser tomorrow night today. Tomorrow I also have a research event about 60 miles north of here during the morning and the dinner to run that night. And a former student's wife is making her singing debut later that night. We'll see if I get there.

Talk to you all on Friday. Be well.



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Congratulations on the views. I don't know if it helped, but I posted a link on a couple of climbing sites. Nobody has any idea about NETs. But you knew that.

I hope the dinner goes very well and that you are able to enjoy as many events as you choose. :0

And good luck with the stone.



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Reading back through the posts on this thread, all of you put me to shame with your energy & all that you accomplish. Especially you, Harry!

Kay, so glad you are replacing the ramp. I never like to pull the "But, I'm a woman card", but when it comes to maintenance on houses, cars, etc., I must. So used to having Ron here to take care of all that stuff or at least let me know what needed to be done. My mechanical expertise extends about a far as a pair of channel locks & that's it. He managed to teach me a few things over the years. He was adamant about preventative maintenance, which I am not, but I will learn.

So nice that you had the dream of Pete, Jan. I actually dreamed of Ron last night. Can't remember the gist of it, only that he was much younger, healthy, & we were happy.

QM, hope this weekend has a good outcome. It is hard to keep our mouths shut, when our children are involved, especially when they are being maligned. I never had to deal with dementia with my little mother, only the loss of her vibrant personality.

Got a glimpse of your chickens, Marty & your jokes, Anne. Loved all of it.

Fae, my spirit warrior. So proud of you for forging ahead through the darkness. And Mary, you carry us all on your shoulders.

My positive is that the buyer has accepted the reports, as is. Still will not count my chickens until the money is in the bank. I did drop my price another $5,000 to compensate for necessary repairs. I believe it will cost at least that much to bring everything up to standard & time is of the essence to me. Contractors are quite expensive in that area as it is a country club, so they charge accordingly even if a few of us aren't wealthy.

In my heart, I know this has had a favorable outcome due to so many prayers & good wishes from all of you. I love you all.


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Karen, I am so very happy to hear this news. Wonderful! I know the check must clear the bank, but I think we can all exhale that you are going to be on a plane soon to be with your daughter.

I am just happy for you that things are coming together. :D



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I hope that drop in price does it for your buyers. I, too, want to hear you're packing to go be with your daughter! Having to wait must be surely trying your patience.

I don't have anyone to play the helpless widow card with, I have to pay for everything I want done, that's why sometimes things have to wait. I never seem to hear offers of help, not even when I broke my arm. If anyone does offer to help you, take it, it might be a long while before you hear it again! :) My mom never graciously accepted help, because of it, her home was ruined. She had offers for a new roof, fix plumbing, etc. but she had too much pride to accept.

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Karen, I am so glad you got good.news about the cabin and that you do not have to deal with the repairs. Finally some good news. All with that cabin will be well and you will be on a plane soon.

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There must be some irony in this somewhere. A wildfire has erupted in Oak Creek Canyon(from a burning RV, I think). The cabin is about 12 miles from there and although the fire has grown tenfold overnight, it does not appear to be burning toward that community. Just thought it would be ironic if it burned down after all. This is no laughing matter and I'm not making light of it, especially for the thousands of residents that are in it's path. It is high winds season and the tankers are temporarily grounded. Just hoping for the best for those folks up there.

Kay, I know what you mean. Although my son helps out enormously, there are things to be done outside his realm. Come to think of it, most of us probably have to pay to get stuff done. As for offers of help, Ron's friend(you know, the "If you ever need anything, call me", type of friend) has mentioned countless times that he can get me a new front door and install it for little or nothing. I have yet to see that door! At least now, I can get my own door. I have large pieces of furniture to sell and they have to go out that door. The existing door is literally falling apart.



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I'm missing spring activities Fred & I always did together.... fishing excursions on our boat (which is for sale) and gathering firewood near our home in Alaska. As you all relate to, I'm missing the shared activity....the sharing.

I went to a women's workshop last weekend sponsored by AK Dept of Fish & Game called BOW (Becoming an Outdoors Woman). It's offered in several states. I'm competent in many outdoor skills but I wanted to learn shore fishing & chainsaw safety. The 4 half-day workshops I took bolster my confidence. It's part of my evolution to take charge of next winter's firewood & salmon. Won't change missing Fred, but gives me a diversion, new friends, new skills. Being social was much harder than flyfishing.


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Good for you Jo, sounds like a great workshop. Glad that you went, and derived benefits from it.

Karen, so glad to hear about the cabin, and will hold my breath (not literally) until you see the money. I know it will be such a relief to you, although bittersweet.

Yes Kay, I also have to pay to have some things done. If my youngest son lived closer, it would be different. He did come down and put new window in for me 4 years ago, and two years ago all new interior doors. But he lives 4 1/2 hours away, and lives a busy life. He is a foreman for a construction company, but does odd jobs, personally on weekends for extra money. I can count on him to come if I have a big project, but I hate to ask him for the small things. My daughter's husband broke his back several years ago, and is on disability, unable to handle most of the type of tasks that I would need done around here. Before his injury, however, he was really good to help out.

Harry, take care this weekend and don't overdo it. Good news about the views.

Rehearsals for Rex's Exes going well, we rehearse tonight, then off for the weekend. Picture of my cast and crew below, man in cowboy hat is my son in law, who is running lights for us. I am kind of in middle in black t shirt.



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I see you there in your scoop-neck black top. That is a great-looking crew. You are inspiring me. Once I am healed and stronger, I may go do something with our local theater group, if only paint scenery. :)

Yes, one of the hardest things to figure out is how to get the maintenance and repairs all done and not exceed my budget. Right now, I am still playing catch-up from the years when Doug was ill and then from the two years when I was unable to do much more than curl up around my broken heart and live through the grief, and then the surgeries of course. I am slowly doing a bit more myself, and so thankful the godsons are here to help out, and it is good for them to make a little extra money for college. I never worried about even checking on things when Doug was here, because he just took care of whatever needed fixing, and usually they were things I did not even notice needed fixing. Now I am trying to be more watchful and to slowly get things back up to acceptable standards. Of course, I am still in the repair and catch up mode right now, just trying to get things back together after almost 4 years of very little maintenance, after Doug was becoming too weak to do a lot. Life is just so very different now.

This came in from TUT this morning, and I thought it was a wonderful statement to contemplate, as we learn to love the world and others in a new way, through new lenses of perception:

"Always follow your heart, feralfae, unless it's been broken, then you must lead it. Back into love, The Universe"

Because last night, I sat outside on the patio and felt at peace with Doug being gone, remembering all of our wonderful evenings sitting outside and just being, peaceful in each other's presence and love. Tears are flowing as I type this, but mostly, tears of gratitude and wonder for having had such wonderful, loving years together. :) And I am slowly, every so slowly, beginning to engage in life again.

And Qmary, I admire and am inspired by your delightful involvement in and passion for your theatre work. Brava! :)



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