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Looking For The Positives

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Kay, I am so happy for you as you celebrate this wonderful event with your smart and wonderful son and with your daughter. Thinking of you on George's birthday also. He is with you and celebrating with all of you, I just know that. Be proud and happy as you also miss him.


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Thank you, you all. I got someone to fill in for me for Morning Worship Team at church tomorrow so I'm going to take Arlie with me to Paul and Bethany's, and my DIL invited me for dinner before the graduation. Will be fun and then tomorrow I can travel back leisurely. :)

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Oh, and I got my wedding band back yesterday, it is so comforting to wear it and just in time for his birthday and death days!

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There are no accidents, Kay. Graduations on the same weekend as George's birthday and then the ring comes. Good for you.

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Kay, your news is absolutely wonderful, and I don't know anyone who deserves it more than you do! What perfect timing! We're all thinking of you and wishing you rich, warm memories ~ both old ones and new ones. Safe travels, dear one.

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Dear Kay,

Thank you for the beautiful card, and I am doing a little Snoopy dance that things are going so very well for you. :wub:

I love hearing all your great news! I look forward to "the report" when you are home and rested. I hope you are home or else enjoying your leisurely drive. :)



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Kay wonderful news, I am so happy that everything went well, and I know how very proud you are of your son. Happy you got the ring back in time for George's Birthday.

My play ended yesterday, we tore down the set, and that was sad. We had good sized audiences, and they were wonderfully responsive...they loved the comedy in the play. My cast and crew could not have done better. I am now planning to rest a little this week, except for the trip to take Great Granny half way to meet my oldest son. Feeling lazy, and a little sad the play is over, although I am looking forward to a little rest. My brother and SIL loved the play, and had a great visit with them here.


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QMary, I'm glad you had a good visit with your brother and SIL and that they liked the play. You deserve a good rest now so get those feet up and take a day or two off.

Kay, I don't think I mentioned how very happy I was to hear that you now have your ring. We all deserve a few good memories and it is so good to hear that you are getting a few. :wub:

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Now that I have had time to go back and read more posts, thank you for the photos. It is wonderful to hear that you had such a delightful celebration and great day, and congratulations again on all the good news. The graduation was certainly a cause for celebration, having your ring back to wear is a comfort and a constant reassurance of the eternal nature of love, and it was good to hear how well the celebrations went, with just the right mix of people.

Thank you for bringing so much happiness and delight to us all here.



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I'm so glad to hear about your play! I hope you have a wonderful restful day today. I was going to clean house today but my Carpal Tunnel says I am resting today. :)

The second graduation was not as well organized and enjoyable, but he got his diploma an that's the main thing. When I left yesterday morning he thanked me "for coming to the bad graduation". :) Long story... Tuesday they leave to go to Nicaragua and then come back and he'll start his new job and sign on the house and start packing to move. I'm glad they're young!

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Dear friends,

Sounds like Kay and HRH had great weekends. Mine was much more sedate. I had Jane's father and sister in for a cookout/birthday party--his birthday is actually today.

The area under the deck is finished--though I may have to replace a couple of the bushes I transplanted to close off the north end as they have wilted badly. We'll see.

I did eight miles in just under two hours this morning, then did some yard work. Now it's back to the mental stuff this afternoon.

I got some bad news from one of our friends on Friday. His wife's father has a brain tumor. I told them I'd see what I could find out from Dana-Farber who got back to me this morning with the name of a doctor for them to see. I'm hoping that will help. The tumor is operable, but that's about all they know.

I'm working under the deck this afternoon, enjoying the late afternoon sea breeze. A hummer just came by for a quick sip at the feeder I put in down here.

I have to go write a couple of things to get our Relay team set for the final event in less than two weeks. Best get to it. Yawn and stretch.



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Me too, I love watching hummingbirds! Such a treat!

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I don't know why, but I have not seen one single hummingbird this year. My feeder is out. I am going to bring it in and change the nectar and see if that will encourage some....of course, my Rose of Sharon is not blooming yet, and I usually see them around that when it blooms. Maybe I am just too anxious.

Taking Great Granny to dr. today, as daughter is working at airport in Hot Springs. Son in law usually takes her, but she will be probably having to undress for this visit, and she won't want him to go back with her. She will let me, someone has to be there, as she forgets what the dr. tells her. Then tomorrow the trip 1/2 way to St. Paul.....wish it was already Thursday :unsure:


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Dear friends,

It's a beautiful fall day here in New England on the first day of summer. Walking with Jane cleared 1000 views this morning for only the second time in two years. And both of those months are in the last three months. Better still, excluding two months ago when I published the most popular piece in our history, every month since January has done about 10-15 percent better than the month before it.

I picked up 50+ mini-zebras for the craft sale tomorrow from a very nice woman and her husband in Providence. She has carcinoid/NETs, but is determined to Walk at least a part of the Marathon route in September. They have two beautiful children--both below the age of five. Another reason to want this disease dead.

I had to go see the periodontist yesterday because the dressing on my gums was cracking. They pulled the dressing that was left--and the stitches in the roof of my mouth, after they determined that I had healed more in ten days than they thought I would in two weeks. I go back in three weeks for another check, then get the third piece of gum work done in early August--and then I'm done until November or so when we will talk about getting the implant done.

I have a lawn to mow and a craft sale to prepare and weeds to pull. Under a week to Relay--and exactly three months to the Marathon Walk. So little time, so much to do.



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That's great news, Harry! I hope the rest goes as well.

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As most of you know I run my Pete's moth trap. He was an avid recorder of moths since the early 1990s. Even after having had the b---y stroke he could still write the names of moths. So I decided to carry on even though I knew nothing much about moth identification. He would (is) glad to know that I've got better and am even enjoying it. Today I walked into the sunny garden to check the trap. I always feel so sad that Pete isnt doing it. As you can imagine. But today I had a good thought. As I began I felt such empathy with him. I just knew the wonderful pleasure he had in doing the trap, recording the moths, photographing the new ones. Writing them down. Entering them in the online database. Talking to other mothers. And I thought "it's quality of life, not quantity that counts". And my Pete had such quality of life. And I hope I can retain that feeling.

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That's wonderful, Jan!

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As most of you know I run my Pete's moth trap. He was an avid recorder of moths since the early 1990s. Even after having had the b---y stroke he could still write the names of moths. So I decided to carry on even though I knew nothing much about moth identification. He would (is) glad to know that I've got better and am even enjoying it. Today I walked into the sunny garden to check the trap. I always feel so sad that Pete isnt doing it. As you can imagine. But today I had a good thought. As I began I felt such empathy with him. I just knew the wonderful pleasure he had in doing the trap, recording the moths, photographing the new ones. Writing them down. Entering them in the online database. Talking to other mothers. And I thought "it's quality of life, not quantity that counts". And my Pete had such quality of life. And I hope I can retain that feeling.

Dear Jan,

What a beautiful hope!

I think you retain that quality of life every day with your darling grands, with your work on the area, and most especially with how beautifully you are carrying on the moth trap reports for Pete, who is, I believe, smiling at you every day, sending lots of loving energy to your heart. And, yes, I am more sure when I read your beautiful words and your hope to keep up the quality of life you had while Pete was present in his embodiment, there with you.



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Bucket list item accomplishment today....I rode the world's tallest (1300' vertical drop), longest (5300' long) fastest (60mph) zipline this afternoon. All this less than 50 miles from home.....Did I have fun? Heck, yes. Would I do it again? doubtful :-)


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Wow, I'm impressed! I can't imagine doing that.

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Jo, you are very brave, no way would I get on a zip line, fear of heights, massive fear! Thunder rolling in here, been sitting reading all day nearly. On the roller coaster of life, I am kind of in a down ward dip...but it will come back up I know. Jan, lovely way to look at things, you are right quality, not quantity.....but would have loved to have had both for Michael, as you would have also for Pete.


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