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Tomorrow is my 65th Birthday. Today, it occurred to me that I am now older than Dick. It was always "our joke" that he married a MUCH younger woman. I was 4 years younger than him.

Somebody started something back in Salina, and I have been receiving lots and lots of Birthday cards from friends back in Kansas. It's a bit overwhelming.

I have now outlived my Mother and my husband. That whole reality makes me really sad.

Tonight, I am sitting in Colorado, watching the Weather Channel as tornadoes are all around Kansas and the area where Dick and I lived for 40 years. Am worried about all our friends and family in Kansas. Do I wish I was there? NO! I hated stormy weather and Dick was always so calm and reassuring.

Guess all this is just dragging up too many memories. It never ends!


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Happy bday Anne! Head that there were 101 tornados spotted in Ks yesterday, havent heard if any family were hit yet, personally I dont miss Ks at this stage of my life, but use to love the tornados as a kid, the power off and parents taking us to the basement where we would get to eat ice cream at all hours of the morning...those memories make me smile! Have a good day! Dave

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All my friends and family are fine with no property damage. That's a good thing. I too have good memories of going to the "cave" at my Grandparents. Grandma would always open a jar of home canned peaches. That was Yummy!

Spent way too much of my adult life in the basement waiting out storms. We never seemed to be prepared. Could not find flashlights and the radio NEVER had working batteries! It was fun playing monopoly by candlelight and eating popcorn if we could get it made while the electricity was still on! I like it just fine here in Colorado!

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Anne and Dave:

I returned to Kansas on Thursday and already in the basement twice last night. 79 tornadoes spotted in the state of kansas yesterday. Salina was okay but a couple of tornadoes spotted in Saline County.Some friends took some great photos of one of them. I'm ready to go back to Florida. At least with the hurricanes you have ample time to get ready and get out. Today... wind wind wind. Just another day in Kansas. Hoping this isn't a taste of the rest of Spring here. The 12th, Thursday I survived the one year mark since Randy died. I was fine until about 4:00 p.m. when the flowers started arriving from friends, phone calls, etc. I lost it and was an emotional wreck the rest of the evening. Me, his mother and his sister all made his favorite carrot cake, as he loved his carrot cake.

Blessings to you, and Happy Birthday Anne.


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Happy Birthday, Anne! I'm glad you're safe from the storms too. I hope all of your loved ones are safe as well.

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Thoughts of you today...George was 51 when he died also.

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