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As I sit on the patio this morning having coffee and meditating I also see three hummers flying around getting their morning nourishment from the Blue Ruellia and the Red Hibiscus bush. They visit most mornings and evenings. They were a favorite of Jim's. Today I feel his presence as I start yet another day without his physicality.


Tiny hummingbird flying by,
A flash of color in the sky,
With the blurred beating of your little wings,
What is the message that you bring?

The beauty in life is what you remind us of,
And to appreciate the things we love,
To move forward, not looking back,
So we don’t focus on what we lack.

You also help us to feel joy inside,
Gratitude for being alive,
To savor each moment and to open our hearts,
Searching for the sweetness that life can impart.

What a beautiful winged messenger to see,
With wonderful symbology,
Thank you hummingbird, for showing us the way,
To find happiness in each new day.

Copyright © C.A. Stevenson 2009

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"My vulnerability, the sharing of my scarred heart and battered soul, is the greatest gift I can give you. For in my quiet courage to share the real and often-broken truth of me, you may find your own. Then neither of us is alone nor are we afraid because there is strength in our shared frailties."

- Robin Korth, 'Soul on the Run' From Marketa Morris on Facebook


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It took my breath away also....spoke to my soul.

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Being grateful today. . .

WORD FOR THE DAY - www.gratefulness.org
Saturday, Aug. 9

"From experience we know that whenever we are truly awake and alive, we are also truly grateful."

~ David Steindl-Rast
Gratefulness, the Heart of Prayer

(photo by Hans Braxmeier)

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You all have such beautiful hearts. And this is my third try at posting this.

Another Wow! for the three images above. I had to print the Tribe one and pin it here above my desk at home. That is the core value of this Fire; that we have a place to belong where we can all say, "Me, too!" when sharing about our grief. It is so helpful and healing to be validated, mirrored, seen, heard, understood.

So, Tribe, I am going to go open the last bottle of 2002 Ilona, break off a tiny piece of Maya Gold, and celebrate a very good week. Smoky, but good.

Chocolate for everyone!

I am sending lots of loving gratitude in all your directions.



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It has been quite a week ~ difficult to wrap our minds around all that is happening in our world today ~ it just hurts.

We stand on the sacred ground of mourning and remembrance.

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Hummingbirds meant a great deal to George and I. I try always too keep my feeder full and really enjoy watching them come to feed. I will regard them, now, as messengers from afterlife :)

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This is so true for today ~

"Every now and then, I hear an insistent inner voice say, "I need me some more Mary Oliver..."

Yes, it's an ungrammatical voice, and we're working on that! But it speaks the truth, and I've learned to listen to what it says.

So for that inner voice—and for all you Mary Oliver fans out there—here's another of her beautiful poems. This one raises two questions worth pondering:

• Have you ever "dared to be happy"?

• Is there "deep within you a beast shouting that the earth is exactly what it wants..."?

Give that beast what it wants, and you might find your prayers for happiness answered.

Maybe all you need to do is attend lovingly to the endless wonders of the earth, as Mary Oliver does without ceasing—" Parker J. Palmer

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Love Parker...a Madison, WI educator. I love that he is now on On Being each week. He deserves great visibility.

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Just thinking ~

Life Continues

You may not see your loved ones, but they are able to see you.

You may not hear their precious voices, but they are speaking to you in your thoughts all the time.

You may long to know if they are okay, but there’s no need to worry, because they are in a state of total bliss.

You may believe you didn’t have enough time to spend with them, but they can now be with you whenever they so desire.

You may not realize when they are around you, but they are sending you “without a doubt” signs all the time.

You may be worried that they are still in pain, but they are in a place of total peace, where suffering doesn’t exist.

You may not comprehend why everything happened the way it did, but they are able to see the broader perspective and understand it all perfectly.

You may think that they left this earth way too soon, but they know it was their time to make the transition.

You may feel guilty about certain things you did or didn’t do to them, but they are able to see through your eyes and understand your actions completely, with no judgment.

You may be preoccupied with how they died, but they want you to remember how they lived.

You may be hesitant about moving on with your life, but they want you to step forward and be happy again.

You may believe that you will never see them again, but you will join them again, many years from now when you leave your physical body.

You may feel that a part of you died after they made their transition, but in reality life continues for the both of you.

Karen Noé - from “Your Life After Their Death: A Medium’s Guide to Healing After a Loss"

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Yes, it prevails...over all. Thanks for the lovely reminder.


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Marty, I do like that graphic above...a lot!

Here is a video and website where Therese Tappouni is interviewed about her book, "The Gifts of Grief". The first part of the video is on depression and the part on grief begins at 14.19. Grief and depression are NOT the same though some symptoms overlap. Therese speaks to this briefly. Sadly many physicians prescribe psychotropic meds which in most cases are inappropriate and which do not "work" for grief. These meds can and do often cause more problems than assistance.


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I love the picture, Marty, and the message.

Mary, the interview with Therese Tappouni was excellent. I will check to see if her book is out. What you said about medications is true ~ grief is not an illness even though we do recognize that losing a loved one could send us into a depression and at times some medication could help.

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