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Update On Shannon

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I'm asking for big prayers for our Shannon.

She still has a recurring bout of pneumonia found today and a horrible case of Pleuritis. They go hand in hand. She is on both morphine and demerol iv drip. Plus antibiotics as well. That is how agonizingly painful this is for her. She is having a horrible time just breathing and even trying to talk. She described it as constant stabbing through her front to back and back to front. Sleep is not happening, even with the meds.

She is now saying she sees and hears Leo calling to her to be with him. She's very almost delusional both from the meds and the pain. In the morning she will be having several scans done and another bone marrow biopsy. Their concern is there is cancer and concern for GVHD still.

It really is scaring me how much pain she is in and that she "sees and hears Leo calling for her". :(

Your immense prayers have gotten her through. I'm kindly asking for them to continue if you have the strength. For her and for our family. We are so concerned. I myself am terrified to no end.

Thank you friends. God bless you all for your support always.

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Dearest Mary,

Thank you so much for sharing with us how Shannon is doing.

I am holding both of you in my heart and in prayer, and asking for comfort and peace for you as you go through this terribly difficult time. I can understand Shannon hearing Leo. She has been through so very much. I know they had Doug on a pain patch for a couple of days, but he did not like it because although it took away a lot of pain, it made him dizzy or fuzzy. I hope there is something they can give her for the pain. Has anyone discussed a pain pump with you?

I wish you both great comfort, and I wish I could hold your hand and Shannon's hand now. I am sending {{{hugs}}} and I am also feeling them with you, warm and safe arms around you.

You are enduring a great deal. Please remember to take a little time for your self every now and then, just to keep a little balance if you can. Go away and breathe, and let your own compassion for yourself come to your heart, and hold it there for a few minutes. You need it now. I hold you and Shannon in my heart, dear Mary.

Blessings and



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I am so sorry to hear this. Shannon, Mary and your whole family have my best wishes. I hope they can do something for the pain so her body can focus on fighting the infections. Like Fay, I want to remind you to care for yourself as you watch over Shannon. Breathe, drink, sleep when you can and don't forget to eat something. We all wait with you for the results of the scans and biopsy. My thoughts continue to be with you.


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Mary, dear, I am so sorry to learn this latest news about Shannon. Of course we will keep her ~ and you ~ in our thoughts and prayers. Please, please take care of yourself now, as all the hospital staff is taking care of Shannon, and we're all holding her in our hearts. You need and so deserve some rest . . . :(

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Thank you for letting us know of Shannon's latest setback. I am so sorry to hear of this news. As Marty has said, dear Mary, the hospital staff is taking care of Shannon, you have to care for yourself. My prayers are for all of you. Anne

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Holding you and Shannon in prayer, dear ones, praying God will bring her through this and free her from her seeming never-ending pain. Hold tight, it won't be like this forever.

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Oh Mary, so sorry to hear this news. Not what we were hoping to hear. I am so sorry for the pain she is going through. I am praying for much improvement for Shannon, and praying for you and the family. Thank you for keeping us informed.

Mary (Queeniemary) in Arkansas

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