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I lost my husband of forty years on May 15, 2014. He was and is the love of my life. I say "lost", but he's still very much with me in my heart and in spirit. I love him as much today as I ever did. I have my ups and downs...some days are good...some days my heart aches so much it's hard to bear. My moans of grief are hard to keep inside. I have made it through because of God's grace, friends, and family. I will continue to read and post here. Maybe I can help someone else as he or she walks this often lonely road.

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Dear cee,

I am so very sorry you lost your husband. My heart goes out to you. Of course, your husband will always live with you within your heart and spirit. God made you one, and so your husband will always be a part of you as long as you live. As long as someone is alive to remember the love, love lives. That isn't original, but it's true. I'm glad you are here with us now. Marty is right in saying that you will find this a very warm and friendly place. We will be here for you with our arms open wide. I am one of many others who offer you friendship and care.

You don't have to hold your moans of grief inside of you. There will be others here on the forum who are more qualified to advise you, but I know that it's all right to cry as long---and as loudly---as you want to. It's good to cry and moan, because you find release of some emotions as you do so. God gave us tear ducts for this purpose.

Blessings and hugs,


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Hello Cee. I am so sorry for your loss of your husband. I too am glad you have found this place. I have found much comfort here. It is a place of healing for me. Everyone understands what we are going through. As Carrie said there are others here that are more qualified than I to advise you but I can offer a shoulder to cry on and big hugs and caring. I lost my husband of 38 years in September so I can truly say I know what you are going through. You don't have to hold your grief inside. I feel better when I let it out, I hope you will find that too. They say everyone grieves differently and there is no right or wrong way. Whatever makes you feel better. Just remember to take care of yourself. I talk to my husband each day and one thing I tell him is he did not go to Heaven alone because part of me went with him, just as I hold part of him in my heart and always will. I wish you peace and comfort.


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Dear Cee, so sorry for your loss. I am sorry that you are having to walk this path with us, but I will tell you that you will find a good group of caring, warm people here, who understand exactly what you are going through. We are all at different places on this journey, I have been traveling this road for just over 5 years. Please know that you can say anything that you feel like sharing here, there is no judgment, we do understand your grief. If you feel like sharing about your husband and your life together, please do. It helps a lot to write down your story. Holding you in my heart and thoughts.


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cee, eight months is a short time on this journey, yet it feels like an eternity all at the same time. You are sweet to want to help someone else when you are going through it. I am so sorry for your loss, 40 years is a lifetime spent together!

I've been here nearly ten years...it doesn't seem possible it could be that long, yet at the same time, it seems like forever ago too. I don't concern myself with time anymore. I can't change what is, only live with it.

If you feel like sharing anything about your husband, please feel free to do so. It helps to express yourself. Thanks for joining us.


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Dear cee,

I am stopping in to say how sorry I am that you lost your husband of forty years. I lost my dear Jim on 5/25/2012 and there are still times when I can't catch my breath thinking about it. We were married for forty years also.

Your loss is so recent so I urge you to allow whatever feeling you are experiencing to flow. Our tears are healing and it really does get just a touch easier for us. We will always have those grief bursts and that is alright.

Sending you {{{hugs}}} for I know how much they help us on our journey.


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Dear cee,

Please don't keep your moans of grief inside. You need to let it out or you risk making your grief "journey" much more difficult in the long run. I speak from experience. My husband died of a heart attack on August 8, 2014. (He was only 50, so this was quite unexpected) At the same time, I was the sole caregiver for my brother who was dying from cancer. Plus I have two young children. So when my sweetie died, I felt that the only way I could continue caring for my family was if I locked my grief inside. Unfortunately, after my brother died, I had become so accustomed to keeping my grief locked up, that I continued doing it. Now here I am facing the 6 month mark since my dear husband died and I am a mess. As I have discovered, it is extremely difficult to change the way I am dealing with the pain. And let's face it, dealing with the loss of our husbands is gut wrenching, heart breaking....we don't need to make it even more difficult. Please allow yourself to grieve, don't keep it in.

God bless


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