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Not sure, but I think in AA they won't let you even have a plant the first year.  Have close relative in AA.  I don't think I can even be responsible for me right now.  I had a widow friend tell me now I could find myself.  Kind of dark in here.

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I've never heard that before.  My MIL was in AA for years.

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That whole chat about Animals, plants and responsibility touches on what keeps us "semi-sane". This one mentor(only) told me if it wasn't the care she had to provide for her son, she figured she definitely would have done something  she would later regret . The need for purpose or the current lack of purpose has us on this roller coaster....hang on........The AA thing...I believe, keep a plant alive for a year, before you think about a relationship(28 days Sandra Bullock?)....... 

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Oh, I see now (after Kevin explained), that makes sense!  If that was the case though, I'd have never had a relationship!  I do NOT have a green thumb!  Actually I was okay with plants until I moved here, I just don't get enough light into the house, the one place good for them is in front of the wood stove which would NOT work! :)

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I cannot remember how the AA rules went, but a very close relative went through it and was successful so far, but that was many moons ago.  Right now I am not responsible too much for my own self and I have three plants at home that I am sure have passed on by now.  My daughter has two dogs and two cats.  I don't feel warm feelings for any of them.  I got Desyrel/trazodone for sleep.  I think it is a tricyclic so maybe it will help with the depression some and I will go to "de house" Sunday and try again.  It has to be done. Getting taillight fixed right now.  Showed how smart I am alone.  I thought the shop fixed everything.  I am gonna find those family jewels.

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Gwen.......the phone calls quit coming in.... deja vu (all over again) ...This para phrased quote from Gwen reminds of right after I retired, within three weeks my friends from work quit calling, for Beers, get togethers, golf, almost like I evaporated, and now with Angela passing, except for my immediate family, phone might ring twice on a busy day....its so bad, even my x wife from 40 years ago is a welcome distraction....its a new normal all right...Only option is to get out there and restart/reconnect.......off to seniors center, if I can find one......

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Kevin - 

Know too well what you mean.  I get calls from my kids checking up on me and the Mayo scheduling new appointments.  That's it.  Probably all I can handle anyway.

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If there are calls now it is usually the drug store reminding me of a prescription.  Walgreens is my biggest fan, it seems.  I so rarely get calls that I they weren't displayed on the TV, I'd probably miss them.  The phone ringing is just not the norm here anymore.

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Kevin, you made me laugh at saying your ex wife was a welcome distraction as it reminded me of this guy I had a long distance thing with for 4 stupid years. I realized it was going no where, but kept it going. When I finally cut it off months before my sister passed I ended up calling him out of desperation of someone to talk to.

He assumed I was opening that door again and I had to shut it down once more. I felt bad for contacting him, but I was literally desperate to talk to anyone, plus he did know my sis and how close we were I wanted him know. But I remember thinking how pitiful that was. That makes me sad! It was sad and funny at the same time I guess.

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