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13 hours ago, Gin said:

Al has been gone 9 months today.  I wish I could say things are better, but in many ways, it is worse.  I feel so alone.  People seem to have forgotten about him, unless I bring it up.  I have had medical issues, so I can not do too much.  We always had a cookout for the 4th and always included folks who had no place to go.  Well, now I have no place to go.  My friends have mates and are doing other things.  Have not heard from my kids.  They have things to do with their friends.  I will try to go to the health club and do some gentle exercise.  Big deal.

I miss Al so much.  His family in Pennsylvania have no contact with me anymore.  I guess everyone thinks I am OK after "all this time".  I have news for them.   I can not blame them.   Al was my everything.  They cared about him, but no where near how I feel.  I only met most of his family a few times, so I am not very important to them.  

All in all, not a very fun day.  


HUGS!!!!! Seeing how it's after midnight, today is 8 months for me. I also have been feeling so alone lately.

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I wish it was not such a hard day for you, first seem so hard. I was actually ok today in that today being fourth of July really didn't trigger my grief to be any worse than it is right now (which is very hard) not like father's day, but many first to come, I can not imagine 9 months  I can barely imagine 2 but I try not to look past the day anymore so not to feel so overwhelmed, I feel for the people who do not see there children much out of my seven only two are moved out but they are talking about moving out in a year or two which is a whole nother stresser since me and Kevin were supposed to start "our time" when they all moved out, his family has had nothing to do with us since the funeral so it is me and my children I hope you day is better tomorrow 

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Gin and Polly, it's another notch in the grief belt.  They are so painful.  They put us further away from our loves.  I know better than to say it will be better.  We're all warriors now.

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His family is probably busy with their own grief.  I can't imagine they'd want to lose contact with their grandchildren, but who is to say how long it'll be before they make contact.  Maybe try reaching out to them, send a card on his birthday or something, it'd be a shame to lose that contact altogether esp. with your kids.

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