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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Everything posted by KarenK

  1. Missy, there is no "normal" in grief. No one walks in your shoes except you and no one has the right to judge your feelings. My husband and daughter have been gone for nearly 8 years and 7 years, respectively. I don't cry every day, but still have moments of unbearable sadness. They remain in my thoughts and heart every day and always will. Time does take the edge off, but does not obliterate the grief.
  2. I was on my way to the store today and I stopped at a crosswalk for 3 teenage girls. It felt so odd. There they were all decked out in their backpacks and MASKS! Reminded me of abandoned kids in an apocalyptic themed movie. It's sad to see the kind of world these kids are having to grow up in. But when you think about, kids in third world countries have been living in turmoil for years. Even sadder. I guess reality is a little harder to accept when it hits home.
  3. Anne, Pre haircut Benji reminds me of a Tasmanian Devil just waiting to spin himself into mischief. Just so cute. I know you miss him very much.
  4. Supposedly, Arizona is leading the nation in New Covid cases and deaths. What a thing to be famous for! For all I know, the news may be saying the same thing locally for every state. You really don't know what to believe. Irregardless, I still plan to get my truck washed, go to Walmart, and the grocery store. Wondering how many "germs" these strangers will leave behind as they clean my truck? There was a time when we went outside to get some fresh air. Now we're afraid to take a breath. Life has become ridiculous!
  5. Gin, I'm so very sorry. I wish you peace in your heart. Karen
  6. Kay, it also doesn't hurt to have 2 large dogs that bark like they want to eat you alive(more likely lick you to death). LOL This guy stayed well back from the fence while spinning his yarn.
  7. Well, first day of the new year and already the weirdos are coming out of the woodwork. Robert and I were in the front yard with the dogs. Some dude comes sailing up on an electric scooter wearing a toboggan hat and reflective vest asking if we're homeowners or renters. Robert told him it was none of his business. Then he said he just wanted to talk to us about solar. Right!! On New Year's Day dressed so professional. I don't think so😆 Dogs didn't like him either.
  8. A year ago in Nov. before all this was brought to public awareness, Robert got really sick...fever for days on end, coughing, and generally wiped out. He thought it was the flu, but with no aching all over that is common to the flu. Like me, he is stubborn and didn't go to the doctor, just toughed it out for 2 or 3 weeks. I remember us taking the dogs to the vet with him dripping sweat and the tech telling him he looked awful and to go home and lay down. He wonders now if he really had Covid. I didn't catch whatever it was. I really think it's been around a lot longer than reported.
  9. Sending you a "big sister" hug and kiss, Gwen. Not nearly the same, I know. A few nearby neighbors shot off fireworks at midnight. The first one was so loud it sounded like it was right outside the window but my grandson said it was down the street a couple of houses. It actually shook the window. Dogs didn't like it either. Glad that's over. Was checking out Joan Baez's website earlier wondering if she still toured. I tend to forget how old I am and that other people get old too. She will be 80 this year. Hard to believe. She cut a new album in 2018. I listened to some of it on youtube, but won't buy it. It's just not the same.
  10. Well, I'm all "spit shined and polished" waiting for my New Year's date to show up. Of course, he's not coming. This is the 8th year that he hasn't been able to make it. So it's just me and the dogs and "Dateline" reruns of mayhem and murder. Just another day in the neighborhood..... HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  11. Tom, it's nice to hear that you and Carol have found happiness. My best to you both.
  12. For no particular reason, I've had this "black cloud" feeling on me since before Xmas. Xmas was nice for us, but there is just no joy anymore. I should be content with what I have, for so many have so much less. Maybe it's just a sign of the times. I have been okay with the staying at home watching tv, reading, or piddling around making jewelry but I'm really beginning to miss going on road trips, going to the mountains, to a restaurant or an arts and crafts show. Just going somewhere where you can have a normal conversation without these infernal masks that remove one's humanity. Will this crap never end? Or will we someday swallow our fear, throw caution to the wind, and learn to live with our possible demise.
  13. Thanks Gwen. I've never been to a therapist, but those things make sense. I've never been able to stop my brain from going a million miles an hour. It's why I can't sleep. I've always thought I could just "tough out" my problems or take care of them myself. As things come back to haunt me, I obviously didn't do a very good job. Such is life....
  14. My ex spent 4 yrs. in the Coast Guard stationed in Long Beach, Ca. He and his cousin joined up together before they were drafted. My daughter was born there. He said his worst recoveries were victims of small planes which crashed in the ocean. It's funny how your mind picks certain things from long ago to remember. I met his shipmates at a barbecue held at the Commander's house. Turns out one guy I met named Danny something had a good friend named Charles Manson. This was a couple of years before the awful murders.
  15. Went to shower and didn't shut my bedroom door tight. Dogs came flying down the hall and through the door looking at me like "You were going to shower without us watching over you?" They're so weird. They have to lay in my bedroom while I shower. It's nice to be loved though. Gwen, if you want a movie version closer to the book, try the one with Charlton Heston or Clark Gable. I've not seen the one with Rutger Hauer. Unless you just want to watch Harrison Ford..... I liked "The Bodyguard". I'm not familiar with a Costner movie called "Swimmer". Could it be "The Guardian"?
  16. I watched my new dvd of "Call Of The Wild". Not what I was expecting. Not like the other versions of the movie or much like the book. It was fairly good, but didn't care for the computer generated dog. Technology does not always make things better. Now I'm watching my "Cher...The Farewell Tour" from 2003. What a performance that was! Guess this is what some bored old ladies do at night.😁
  17. Oh Dee, as much as I wanted to be a cowgirl, I really only got the chance for 3 summers in Wyoming, ages 11-12-13. The wranglers at the riding stables were a mixture of young guys and old rodeo cowboys. If you were 30-35, that was old for a rodeo cowboy. An old Bronc rider named Bud taught me about horses, how to throw a saddle on and ride and gave me a pair of spurs. I loved that "old" guy. Only one guy tried to be a little "too" nice while giving me a lift home one night. I managed to jump out of his moving car, hit my head on the pavement and walked home. Never told my parents. Avoided him for sure after that. Have to almost laugh now as it was a bit of a prelude to the cowboy bars. Dancing with drunk cowboys and avoiding their grasps doesn't make you a cowgirl either. lol. Married at 16 and divorced at 25, I married Ron 7 months later, so my single nights were limited. I think I tried to cram all those lost years into a few short months with very little caution and knowledge of how the world worked. It was a learning experience, to say the least. What a terrible thing to happen to your son, especially on vacation. Like your daughter, I wanted to marry the cowboy and live on a ranch. Never happened 😢 Haven't been on a horse in about 6 years. Have been to Yellowstone several times. Lived fairly close to the south entrance. The ranch used in the "Yellowstone" series is the Chief Joseph Ranch outside Darby, Mt.
  18. Luv ya Dee, I've been watching it all. Have about 3 hours left, but I have seen it before. Definitely rough and tough. Had to cringe at the part when Beth got the crap beat out of her. Language doesn't really bother me. It's probably realistic. I frequented some rough cowboy bars in my much younger single days. Cowboys are a tough breed.
  19. Most of the places I go(or did before Covid) are places we frequented. I never look for him there. I went to our cabin a couple of times in preparation for selling it. I didn't have to look for him. That's where his soul lived. I've not been to any of the out of state places we visited except Kentucky to watch my daughter die. I'm glad I didn't find him there. The only "looking" I can really think of is on a dating site after he'd been gone a couple of years. I remember crying and telling my son there was no one that interested me because I was looking for his dad.
  20. So po'd at my bank right now. For about the fourth time, they have made double payments on one of my bills. I changed a payment date for it and the system retained both dates. The additional payment is pending and can't be deleted. So they have to open a "case" to investigate which takes about 10 days. Glad I discovered it beforehand or it would have overdrawn my account. Had to move money from a credit card over to checking. Not something I wanted to do to cover the bank's mistake. Their idea of convenient banking differs from mine.
  21. This one is for Marg. Paramount tv is running the 3 seasons of "Yellowstone" all day today. You can have your "Rip" and I my Kevin Costner. 😁
  22. I often wonder if Covid is no worse than the 1918 flu. The population is so much greater now with so many more ways to spread it. A lot of people got sick and died, but many got it and lived through it, just like today. I do think everything is hyped out of proportion and common sense should be the main focus, as you say, Kay.
  23. I don't like the chant music that Kitaro does. I prefer the stuff like "Silk Road" or "Heaven and Earth". Another group I like you probably don't know is Brule. They're a Native American group. They used to tour here and are pretty upbeat. I like Classical, like "Swan Lake" or "Nutcracker", but not the heavy stuff. Ron was more Bluegrass than anything. Not many of those artists that I like. Too twangy for me.
  24. Kitaro is like the foremost in New Age genre, although he prefers it to just be known as "Kitaro's Music". You either love it or you hate it. I can't remember how or when I first heard it, but have played it for many, many years. Have most of his cd's. I have a varied taste in music according to mood, I guess.
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