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Everything posted by KarenK

  1. Just wonder how reliable the tests are. A week ago, it was reported that the CDC had sent defective test kits here to Maricopa county. Never heard any more about it.
  2. I'm glad you've decided to explore the possibility of some type of surgery even though you really don't want to. I know you're scared. I would be too, but it may be what will finally get rid of the horrible pain. Whatever you decide, we are with you if only in spirit which doesn't help a whole lot, I know. I don't know if you're pulling a tank behind you(I hope not) or carrying a portable one but either way it's a drag.
  3. Always great to see pictures of the grandkids or kids, be they 4 or 40. I miss my Kentucky grandkids even though they think I'm a "ditzy" blonde. Paul is 26 and Michelle is 31. David, who lives here, just turned 25. Where did the time go? Gin how is your son? I seem to remember he hurt his leg badly in Mexico several months ago.
  4. Here's one for you. All the patients in Seattle who died from it were elderly and health compromised. Local news reported a case here in our hospital(the one I berate), a young man in his twenties. Their solution was to send him home to be quarantined. Not ideal for the patient if he's that ill. Then send an email to all hospital employees advising them about the patient. Not much of a "preparedness plan" that officials keep bragging about. It just seems there ought to be a better way for patients. Maybe not.
  5. My hands shake also when trying to do something that requires dexterity. At night, it is worse. I find myself bracing my hand against something when I'm trying to string beads or holding my wrist with the other hand while trying to eat. This started a few years ago. My father had Parkinsons and became too embarrassed to eat in restaurants. I have no other symptoms of it so I just chalk it up to old age and forge ahead.
  6. Gwen, so sorry to hear you had to brave the ER again, but glad you dodged a bullet and made it home safely. Not sure I understand the hype of the coronavirus. Thousands of people die each year from the flu, yet we don't hear about it. Usually young children and elderly with underlying health problems. It's as if the government is intentionally causing a panic, but what do I know.
  7. I can use this Kindle that Robert got me for just about everything I do on the computer. Makes me even lazier than I was before. 😊
  8. Wow Kay! So glad you're ok and didn't slide off or hit something. I doubt I've ever driven in snow, can't remember. Ron always drove if we went to the cabin in winter. I know we all live in different areas, but it's so weird to think you're in snow while it's 80 degrees here. Take care.
  9. Marg, I think it's just a sign of the times. As prices rise on everything, quality is deteriorating including healthcare. 40 years ago, ours was a good hospital. It changed hands, became part of a conglomerate and has been steadily declining. I was quite happy with the care I received in Debbie's small town hospital in Kentucky, but the locals didn't like it. It's all relative, I guess.
  10. I have Medicare A and B. My advantage plan is United Healthcare thru AARP. Cost now up to $245 mo. I have no deductible. My RX is Humana Wal-Mart value plan. Cost $13 mo. My drugs are Tier 1 so cost me $3 or $4 every 3 months. Higher tiers cost a lot more, which is probably where your heart medicine falls, George. My dental is Metlife. Cost $36 mo. Only covers 50% of the big stuff, 100% of cleaning and x-rays. Has a $100 deductible. My saving grace is the reimbursement allowance I receive from being a telephone company retiree. Unfortunately, it is a set amount that does not increase as premiums increase so it's depleted by October now. Without that money, I wouldn't be able to afford insurance. The premiums just keep increasing.
  11. The local hospital sits across the street from the library I visit frequently. I have spent many sad and frustrating hours there. Although Ron died at home, it was the place that helped start his demise. My father died there. They caused my son to go into convulsions and end up falling on the floor in the ER. Kept me waiting forever when my BP was over 240. Never did send a doctor. I walked out that time and others. I've screamed a lot of nasty words at staff. It's the closest place in an emergency, but may be better to drive further. The only good thing about it....My son was born there.
  12. Hi Steve and Patty, Glad to hear everything is going well and restaurant is booming. Have not visited yet. Don't eat out very often. Have never wanted to visit a medium, but the idea of reincarnation intrigues me.
  13. Kay, most likely they won't cover it as there was no storm and nothing hit it. If for some reason they decide to cover it, I still have that deductible. Agent said to get an estimate and determine what caused it before pursuing a claim. My blasted arm is still hurting badly. Pain kept me up all night. Have tried heating pad, ice pack, and different pain pills. Nothing works so I may have to give in and call the doctor Monday. Gwen, forgot to tell you I also have a big dent in my heavy duty truck bumper. I managed to back into a steel pole. Truck is 14 yrs. old. Pretty soon it will look like a real cowboy truck. Now, if I only had a cowboy......😁
  14. It's always Murphy's Law around here. The other shoe has dropped so many times I've quit counting. I get a refund of my real estate taxes every year because I'm elderly, widowed, and very low income. I always hope I can use it toward the maintenance contract I keep on all the appliances here. Never gonna happen. Last year plumbing problems took it. Just remarked to my son the other day that maybe this year nothing bad would happen. Should keep my mouth shut. No storms at all, Dee. Just beautiful 75 degree typical Az. weather. I know old houses creak and shift all the time. Never noticed a crack. It's like the sheetrock just decided to break in half. The wood above it appears fine.
  15. My turn for weird happenings. Heard a loud boom out front. Went to investigate and found that a large piece of my carport had just simply fallen down on my truck. No reason for it that we can see. House is almost 70 yrs. old. Maybe just tired of standing. Not covered by insurance if it was earth movement. If it's covered, I have $1000 deductible. Will have someone come out for an estimate. Will have to live with a few scratches on the truck. That's another claim and deductible. Oh, joy! Could have been worse, I guess. Could have been my ceiling.
  16. Marg, your childhood memories bring to mind our house in Houston where I was born and lived until about age four or five. It was a huge two story home with a grand staircase. I was so sure I had stood on the landing of that staircase in my long nightgown and flown to the bottom. This was right when the first Peter Pan movie was shown, so I guess I really can't fly. Later in life I saw photos of that house. It was a nice house, but far from huge. We did have a staircase, a maid, and a nanny though, just no lost boy in a green suit. Gwen, I would never want to push you toward something you don't want to do. I just feel so badly for you and want to help, but don't know how. I survive because I have to. Like Marg, others depend on me or I like to feel that they do. Some days are harder than others. Yesterday would have been Ron's 73rd birthday. I didn't go to the cemetery because he's not there. He's inside my heart where he will remain. When my Debbie and SIL made the drive out here to see Ron as he was dying, she left a yellow sticky on my jewelry box. It says "I love u Mom. It will be OK. God is with U." Although I'm not religious, this was something she believed. In time, I will be OK.
  17. I think the last time I jumped out of bed, I was about 12 years old and looking forward each day to communing with the horses in Wyoming. Now it takes a minute for the cobwebs to clear enough to stand up. Right now I'm fighting some injury to my left arm(can barely use it) so it's a bit tougher. Remember when we were teens and would be jealous of the old codgers(our age now) driving the cool cars. Now I know they had every right. There should be some reward at the end of our rainbow. Unfortunately, that doesn't always happen. Gwen, my heart hurts for you as I hear your loneliness and desperation. Not easy for you, I know, but have you ever considered dropping by your local senior center to see what they offer. Our centers have social activites, luncheons, day trips, etc. in addition to various support and discussion groups. None of this may interest you, but it's also possible there may be other like minded people there. Certainly not a replacement for the one person you long to see, but maybe a temporary fix to stave off the loneliness. Only a suggestion because I care. Luv Ya, girl!
  18. Kevin, I'm so very sorry. I have no experience with drugs and don't care to. My son told me he and his former friends tried several different ones when they were younger. I was so blind I didn't even see it. Fortunately, he did not become addicted. Some of his friends were not so lucky. Today he shies away from even aspirin. My heart is with you.
  19. I'm not much of a wine drinker, but maybe I should acquire a taste for it. I might be able to sleep at night like normal people. Kay, I tried a couple of inhalers that my doctor gave me, but honestly they just made it harder to breathe and I coughed more. It mostly just happens when walking a distance or exerting myself like cleaning house. There are times I can't breathe lying down. I'm usually okay sitting down. I do a lot of that, probably too much. Gwen, like me I'm sure you learned a long time ago never to say "What next?" Bummer, Bummer, Bummer! Hope you're able to get it fixed soon and that your car is not trapped inside.
  20. Marg, I love it! I certainly feel more "rusty" than "golden" most days. Dodged a bullet for jury service. Didn't have to fall asleep in my chair. Told the judge I was having trouble hearing the proceedings so they provided me with a listening device which worked great, but I was having shortness of breath after long trek to his courtroom down hallways and up and down escalators. I don't do fast escalators well. Anyway, I was not one of the "chosen". Interesting experience though. Hope all goes well with your sister's surgery. They say it makes a world of difference. Gwen, how lousy that the sitter left your home in the state she did. Some people have absolutely no thought for others. My BIL used to watch the house and animals when we went on vacations and I always returned to sticky counters and a mess. YUCK! I hope you'll soon get things in order and find your new "normal". Change is so very hard. Thinking of you........
  21. Kay, "Inogen" is not the walker. It is a small portable oxygen concentrator easily carried as opposed to dragging a tank behind you on a cart. For some reason, Medicare & United Healthcare would not cover one for Ron. It was very difficult for us to go anywhere. By the time I got him, the tank and cart up into the truck and the wheelchair loaded into the truck bed, I was exhausted. I am a small person, like you and it wasn't easy. Pushing a wheelchair while trying to pull that tank wasn't easy either. Ron tried to help, but he had no strength. We fell a couple of times while trying to help him into the truck. Having that small tank would have helped a lot. A little off topic here, but it makes me angry to remember calling 911 to get help picking him up off the street. He fell on top of me and once I got up, there were no neighbors around. Two cops came and one smart ass asked him if he'd been drinking. I'd told them he had cancer and we were trying to get to a doctor appt. Another time, he made it in the truck, but fell between the seat and the dashboard. I was able to flag down a passing stranger who helped. Anything to help make things easier for those trips would have been nice.
  22. I'm with you guys on wanting to stay home. So funny as I always wanted to be on the go. Maybe because there is no one to go with anymore. It's like my spirit for adventure has died, just in the last year or so. I'm dreading next week as I've been notified for jury duty. I don't want to be a juror. I just want to be left alone. It's an hours worth of traffic and figuring out where to go in downtown Phoenix, which I hate. Then sitting around in a big room of strangers trying to stay awake while waiting to be called. Daytime is when I usually sleep if I can. I gave up trying to sleep at night. Not gonna happen. Maybe I'll fall off the chair and get to go home. When you get home, Gwen, I hope you'll find things less difficult than you imagine and you'll get into a new manageable routine. Take those steps to the car one at a time. You'll be driving in no time!
  23. I can usually mention Ron or Debbie without tears now. After all, they've been gone for nearly 7 yrs. and 6 yrs. I decided to clean out some old stuff in the filing cabinet. I'm really good about keeping paperwork, maybe too good. I found an old folder marked "Report Cards". It was grade school stuff from Robert and Debbie. It took the wind right out of my sails seeing her name and remembering her as a little girl. I don't usually go there. It's so very sad and painful. I just broke down and cried.
  24. Gwen, I posted during the night, but the website took a nosedive, so I'll try again. First things first.....Take a deep breath and relax(easier said, than done, right). You can and will handle the "what if's" if and when they occur. I'm sure the idea of returning home is scary. Ask your social worker, liason, etc. If they can arrange for someone to meet you there just to get settled in. You will most likely be tired. Make a grocery list now while you have time. One less thing to think of. Order online when you get home. Get that lock fixed. Get your girls home. Everything else, do at a pace you can handle. We are all pulling for you in this tug of war for life.
  25. Gwen, I have not chimed in because I am just stunned(as you are) at this turn of events. I know what Kay is referring to, but cannot remember the name either. I have seen commercials for it. Perhaps your local Area Agency On Aging can be of help. They are supposed to help people stay in their homes with assistance. Are you working with a social worker? There has to someone out there to help you. Do not give up hope. Love ya, girl!
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