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Everything posted by Stallyn

  1. Wendy, You both are in my thoughts and prayers, prayer perhaps happens even when you are exhausted, the Holy spirit prays in your behalf I apologize for my behavior, I am used to dealing with everything internally since I am alone here, yes you taught my ego a lesson. Such comfort knowing someone cares, take care William
  2. Good top hear from you Teny, it seems like forever doesn't it? I have the same feelings, I don't know what I would do if this site wasn't here, always a blessing supporting each other, God bless, William
  3. Hi Guys, I am here, sorry my dear ones,I was having alot of bad days coming at me and I didn't want to deal with it on top of it I missed a few days of meds. I made a bad choice to rid of all her shoes and clothing within 2 weeks, I look back and regret it, but I kept alot of her favorite clothing so that helps a bit, but ever since then I forget everything all the time. Some of you know my story about the spouse's family and friends, such a horrible and cruel things they do to US, the most impacted by this bereavement. I miss you guys.. Love, William
  4. Derek, You been through so much and your support is unwavering, I do not have any children, I read somewhere children behave to a loss in a different way that us adults, You are a good father and always will do the best for him. Blessings, William
  5. Suzanne, I had a few times this week of immense sorrow, how I long to reach for heaven for the glory it has, I know it seems like forever, I am almost at 7 months also and have not found myself. Wendy is in my prayers, Huggs, William
  6. Wendy, I stand with agreement to prayer and add a bit of my own, May God fill you with serenity and faith, and bring us closer to each other with support and prayer. I am glad she is doing better, We are her for you my dear friend, Blessings, William
  7. Add me too it, Its never the joy towards the weekends anymore, another day to chalk off. You gotten this far and that is a huge achievement, may God bless you! William
  8. Kay, I can remember when she told me, I was very upset and sad it happend to her, she was taking therapy the year before she passed, just not right. like you said we move on now, but thinking how things became for us is sometimes hard to forget. William
  9. Kay, Wendy, I been in this charade with scammers for months, obviously widowers are singled out, first it was desperation & loneliness and thinking I could "do it again" like it was 1997. The more i think about it, I wait however long it is to be. I want so much to see Myrna again, she filled the emptiness I feel every day. 20 years is along time to carry on like that Kay, I don't know how you did it for so long, my wife waited years to tell me she was sexually abused by her father as eventually it took her life to the HPV virus, (which I was blamed of carrying it!) maybe I may sound cold, but knowing he passed on in 86 from hepatitis, that set her free, I was grateful for that. But I paid the price of losing her to it, her family didn't have to suffer with that secret or her death like I did. Wendy, you are so correct, I don't think of ever having a clear head for almost 7 months, a good kick several times? Yea! Hugs, William
  10. Well Friends, I think of myself as the loser of the week, I would like to get the guy behind it, I think they all are, luckily I didn't send a nickel or anything else I guess its changed for the worse now, I agree, I am going to hold off, find myself, and go with the flow. I am so frazzled out with these scammers. Wasted too much time as it is, and I am still grieving more than I thought, couldn't hold the tears missing Myrna so much, things are so different & what happens next I don't know anymore. P.S. Wendy, I can pay the plane ticket to russia and you can teach them some lessons the practical way, LOL God Bless! William
  11. Wendy, thats why I waited till now to mention it Well, I had to edit, the "woman" claimed she was robbed and I did a search with her email address and shes pulling the same scam on dozen others, I feel so stupid and useless to be involved in this, I think I am going to hang up any ambitions to find someone anyways, way too soon. William
  12. Marty, thank you for the encouragement of faith and hope! We had an paranormal experience when we were married, we resided in a huge apartment complex with ALOT of history, one night we were in bed laying next to each other on our sides, then suddenly we heard inhuman screaming coming from inside our pillows, she always mentioned the paper sitting on a table curved up and moving by itself, and of course we saw the "shadow people" Hugs, William
  13. Mrcelloboy, Thanks for sharing that, you seem to have found a very understanding and loving companion, that is awesome she supports you in your grief, alot of women seem to have jealousy or fear of the things we lost or cant change. I haven't mentioned that I found a wonderful woman in Russia that we been corresponding for 5 months, and shes planning to come here sometime next month, I told her my situation with fear and she wasn't fazed by it, I don't know if the time is right or is it doomed? I still love Myrna, and she wanted me to be happy. How long was it since your loss? is there a chance that a relationship will work after 6 months? I don't remember when your loss was but your input is immensely appreciated. Blessings, William
  14. Wendy, I seen those churchgoers are overzealous about their faith and think numbers are better than faith, I never felt welcome either, it was to distracting to my own faith. Does God condemn us if we don't go to a church? God is always with us. I am surprised each of us have the same experiences, we should form our own group right here, no strings attached, just always what we are doing now, loving each other, supporting each other. John, Never in a long time I felt such awe since your post, I am at a loss for words simply awesome, you have such a way with words, thanks for sharing that my friend! Truly, William
  15. Kay, I'll say a prayer for them, God bless Your friend, William
  16. Teny, nice to hear from you today, you are among many who are with you. How are you doing? Wendy, I seen what it does and its tragic, hopefully they will find a cure for it or some method to detect it long before it rears its ugly head. With love, William
  17. Wendy, I am not for sure, it was from after-death.com, Wendy that is understandable, I can give you my experiences from the past also, I became a christian in 1990, grew up in the catholic church, and experimented with different deviations of religion and the next was worse than the last, telling you what and how to think, live, pray, just to get wounded by them cramming doctrines into my head, last time I went before I got chrohns, since then no more. I think well our personal relationship with God is the important factor and not what others tell you how it should or must be. Prayer is like our diary, God and ourselves are the only ones that need to know, however you approach it, the answer will come. I hope this isn't offensive in any way. Hugs, William
  18. Wendy, I am so sorry that your grandmother is not doing well, I only imagine the influence they have on you, and meeting Steve in the process, wow what a blessing you both were to each other. My father wasn't around much when I was growing up, it wasn't the normal childhood for me, my mother was a bona fide nut but we are survivors William
  19. Thats a nice gesture of them, you are like "one of the boys" maybe its easier to talk to a man since you are around the often, were you close to your father? If it works for you why discontinue it, it really hard to tell when its time to wean off it, my doctors would keep me on something for years or months mostly if it worked well, sometimes it didnt work or the side effects were worse than the cure. may peace be with you! William
  20. Wendy, This must be a common thing it seems? I always expected a dove, stung by a bee LOL, you are popular with more life than you know this is a paragraph from a site I visited. "AFTER DEATH COMMUNICATION is a spiritual experience, which occurs when you are contacted directly and spontaneously by a deceased family member or friend, without the use of psychics, mediums, rituals, or devices of any kind. It's estimated that 60-120 million Americans - 20-40% of the population of the United States - have had one or more ADC experiences. Therefore, ADCs provide convincing new evidence for life after death" I personally don't care for the psychic mediums, perhaps God allows us to "see" our loved ones to encourage us and let us know that they are happy. Statistics are high that it occurs, often times I believe we are contacted , by the time we are awake it is forgotten like most dreams, I only recall 2 times being visited in dreams but its likely to be much higher than that. William
  21. Derek, I admit if I see her I would like to tell her how I feel but that would give her too much empowerment, thank you Derek you a great guy! William
  22. Derek, Wendy, Well I am on quite a few for about 13 years I think, now regularly long before my loss I been taking Wellebutrin, Zoloft, Valium & Trazadone they work for me if I don't take them for 2 days I deteriorate badly as my diagnosis is Bipolar II. Ok I now know that it doesn't affect the grief process, since psych meds usually are consumed out of the body in 24 hours, and has no permanent effect on the brain like a loss does. Wendy, you seem to have a very compassionate doctor, and effexor is a good drug with few side effects right? I feel bewildered by the understanding and compassion here, so amazing! William
  23. Suzanne, you are always welcome, Thats a great idea, rent a spouse, would be nice to have someone go shopping with me, so boring, Wendy, I may add I did some research on ADC, called after death communication since I wondered too. It usually happens when you aren't actively looking for it, shortly after my wife passed I remember seeing a hummingbird gazing at me through the windshield like time stopped for a moment and I said her name. You can do a search for ADC. I'd like to know what Marty thinks also.. William Wendy, I don't remember if I did take them, thanks for reminding me my dear friend.. WIlliam
  24. Suzanne, Thats a very unique experience, I hear of it but it seems rare, he really reached out to you in such a wonderful and mysterious way, I had a vision of my wife standing at the door looking at me awhile back but noting happens anymore except the dreams where we are interacting in some way. I hope you don't mind, there are some private contractors that do anything involving remodeling/repairs, however far and few to find a honest one, and you could perhaps make a white lie that your spouse is in Europe to keep him in check with the estimate. When I was training as a mechanic, they would tell us the woman were the best to "sell" repairs to, however I did not practice that William
  25. Karen, It took alot on part to change and I was blessed, I hate that word "was" she was so much a part of everything I was. I been through too much and not try to be bitter, I heard that my sister told my mother in law that I blame everyone for my dilemma, funny since we haven't really spoke in 20 years, what does she know, it makes me very upset to spread lies. Guess it doesn't matter, not really a important person in my life anyways. Thanks for the pat, Hugs, William
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