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My name is Peter, and I lost my wife, Cynthia to cancer March 1st of this year. I am thinking of going to a spousal support group meeting.

I think I have been in denial. I keep saying I don't think I need help but I know I do. It's been stressful. My blood pressure is starting to rise, and I know it is from the stress. I have an appointment with my Doctor. So I just wanted to introduce myself to the group. I have been reading some post and it looks very helpful.

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Hello, Peter, and welcome! Be proud of yourself for taking your grief seriously enough to seek the support you need and deserve. Seeing your physician is an excellent first step, as is joining a spousal support group. As for coming here, I know that you will be very glad you did. You are with kindred spirits here, and you won't walk this wretched path alone. 

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Hello, Peter.........while I welcome you, I am so sorry for the reason you join us!  There are great folks here who truly understand....and Marty has many resources available to you via links, as well, I hope that you will take some time to look into them!  This IS a very (VERY) stressful time for you....how could it not be?  I do hope that your physician will be able to assist with that issue, and that you might find some solace and support in the spousal group meeting.  And, please come back and let us know how you are doing........we cannot make your pain go away, but we DO "get it".....and there is some comfort to be found in being able to say/vent whatever you wish about your grief, and know that none here will judge you, and understand. I am Kathleen, but go by Kat. Again, welcome.

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Welcome!  I am so sorry for the loss of your wife, and for the journey you're on, but glad you found this site.  My husband's death was sudden/unexpected, and this place was a life saver for me.

I'm glad you're going to see your doctor, I think that's essential to any of us with a major loss.  Let us know how the group support is once you've attended!

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Peter I and so sorry you had to be in this community for it means you lost your soulmate but there are truly amazing people here who understand and share their pain in order to help a fellow griever I understand your pain. I think to some degree in the beginning we all are in denial maybe even further down the road some people are still in denial who wants to accept the fact that our soulmates are gone and we now face the fact that our lives will never be the same I feel though that we at some point we need to accept it in order to be able to continue on and it stinks. Grief is truly hard work and takes so much out of us,sometimes you just want to rip your heart out to not feel the pain anymore.I lost my husband of 26 years on May 17,2016 I have finally accepted he is not coming back and it hurts and it's scary. But I try to remember his love for me, my love for him and how blessed I was to of had him in my life, he is my angel walking beside me everyday I believe at you own pace in your own time you will find your way that is my hope for us all. Definitely seek a counselor if you need one and please take care of yourself stress and high blood pressure are no joke, my husband had it know you are not alone we are here for you whenever you need us hugs

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Yes. Welcome Peter. I lost my wife to cancer in 2011 and I was sure I could handle it but I was so wrong. It took two months for me to recognize I was not going to get through this without some help. For many men help is not so easy to ask for but when you accept that it is something you need, then you can begin the grief's journey you now find yourself on. I am glad to see you are considering going to a support group. You may also find personal grief counseling very beneficial. I certainly did.

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Welcome, Peter.  My wife passed away suddenly nineteen months ago.  This place is a wonderful place to learn, share, and earn how to deal with grief on our own terms.  We are all here to listen, learn, share, and support each other as we travel this grief journey.  - Shalom - George

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Peter, it will be a year for me in October.  I found this group at three days.  I kinda like to think Billy pointed me the way to go.  They have saved my life and circumstances that have happened since his death make it necessary to find one on one counseling.  If the first does not work out, I will not blame myself (I am stubborn though), but will keep looking.  You are wise to seek your own counseling too.  Billy leaving was the worse trauma of my life, but since he left other things have happened that I need guidance with, so seeking help is the thing to do.  And, this group, they are the best, most understanding, helpful people in the world..  And, that is one thing that makes them special, they are from all over this world and grief pain is universal.  And, you can say anything.  We have all been "there" in some form or other.

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