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Never realized how alone I was until losing my fiance. I especially notice on work nights and durring the day, the times we would talk the most. Other than him I really didn't talk to anyone else (besides my mom), and honestly didn't need to he was my best friend. We talked everyday and when we didn't it didn't feel right. It has been 3 weeks and two days and the loneliness just grows more and more. On my 2:30 am break and all I want to do is text or call him.....the agony. 

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AB3 - Sincere hugs.  You are so early into your grief and what you are going through isolates you even more.  I'm really hoping you might be able to find someone you can talk to, to share with, to help find a modicum of peace.  It is so very hard when you lose that one person who makes your world so wonderful.  Many people never find it and hence will never get it when that one is wrenched away.  

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True words indeed Brad.    

AB3  the one we love the most is truly also our best friend. He was the one you could say anything to and you could listen to him as well. Listen to him now for he hears you and it's okay to speak to him. Many of us do that.

It was once suggested to me in my early days along this journey that I write a letter to my wife. That I could send an anniversary card and such. That's kind of what I am speaking to. I like to think Kathy read what I wrote even before it arrived in my mailbox. I needed to express the most intimate thoughts. Weather she heard me or not it was for me as well as her. I needed to talk to my best friend.

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4 hours ago, KATPILOT said:

It was once suggested to me in my early days along this journey that I write a letter to my wife. That I could send an anniversary card and such. That's kind of what I am speaking to. I like to think Kathy read what I wrote even before it arrived in my mailbox. I needed to express the most intimate thoughts. Weather she heard me or not it was for me as well as her. I needed to talk to my best friend.

I have an ongoing letter written to Dale that I started in the beginning and just keep adding to it.  I haven't mail it to him, but it is saved on my computer and I also like to think that he has been reading it as I go along with it.  Sometimes you do just need to talk to your best friend and the letter really helps me.



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Joyce, I have a computer file called Letters to George, it's one file I keep adding to.  Of course I talk to him all the time too.

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I have an ongoing letter to Al, also.  I started it written in verse for the first few months, but that was so much work.  Now it is just talking.  Last week, I asked him if I told him how much I loved him.  Reminded me of the OLD song, "Have I Told You Lately That I Love you?".  That song ran thru my mind all day.  Willie Nelson, Eddie Arnold.  "My heart would break in two if I would lose you" ...

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"Have I told you lately that I love you? Well, darling, I'm telling you now." A beautiful song, Gin ~ My mother used to sing it to me when I was little, and I remember it well. Thanks for the memory ~ and of course, now it's running through my mind as well.  

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There are different versions of the words.  One says "my heart would break in two if you refuse me" and the other is "my heart would break in two if I would lose you".  I pick the second one .  I spent several hours listening to different artists singing it.  There is a newer song with different melody and words.  And of course I had problems with my iPad volume.  Gave me something to do for a few hours in the middle of the night.  I do love the song.  

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