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I really dread Saturdays because it is the day my fiance passed away. Saturdays are also the beginning of my work week and I feel so much anxiety on those days. Every time I go on my lunch break I remember that fateful night when I looked at my phone and saw all these missed calls and messages. I remember calling my fiance and there was no answer. I remember checking my social media account (as I always did to see if he was online to verify he was ok) and seeing the word "Pray" as his mothers status which instantly sent me into panic mode. At that point I knew something was wrong, thinking he was in the hospital but then my worst nightmare came true after I called my mom and she said the most heartbreaking words "he passed". 

So Saturdays, the days I use to enjoy I now hate so much. I'm sure many of you can relate....

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Yes. We do understand. My day is Monday's, 16th of each month, February. I wish I could say something to take it away but it lingers.  They are benchmarks of what we have lost.  One the toughest days, I reminded myself that tomorrow will be a better day.  It least I can hope it will at least be better that this day of grief.  Hang in and hold on.  It is because we love deeply that we grieve deeply.  I read that when we embrace and fully express our grief, pain, cry, write, journal, shout,... whatever tool works for you that gradually you will move through the grief and the shocking intensity will diminish.  I didn't believe it at first but over time I find the grief at times will lessen. My thoughts and prayers are with you. - Shalom 

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8 hours ago, AB3 said:

So Saturdays, the days I use to enjoy I now hate so much. I'm sure many of you can relate....

Man, do I ever relate to this. Mine is Fridays.  Friday will never again be just another day. I found myself yesterday counting off another one. I thought I was through doing that. 54 weeks without my bride. There ain't no 2 ways about it---this just plain SUCKS. But somehow we manage to persevere, and we manage to find ways to put

One foot in front of the other...


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I don't have a particular day...but places we frequented are hard.

Yesterday I went to a golf course for a drink and nosh....the last time I went was with Kev...a place we went often ...as it was always a nice place to sit and enjoy a beautiful day...there is a lovely porch overlooking the greens..

So...a few drinks later...some texts to frds,fam about the craziness of life, I drove home rocking out to Def Leppard....and took a long hit bubble bath to drown my sorrows....

Still in this crazy grief train.... Marie


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My wife Tammy died on a Friday. It was March 6, 2015, the day that would become the worst day of my life. Whether it's a Friday or a Saturday or a Thursday or a Monday or a Tuesday or a Sunday or a Wednesday, it still hurts. Every day, every month, the pain is still there, my constant companion. This is the life of someone grieving their beloved soulmate. All you can do is get through the day the best you can. If you're able to accomplish something, give yourself a pat on the back. If you have a day that doesn't go so well or you simply accomplish nothing, that's OK, too.

AB3, our lives were changed forever and this new life is mostly about coping with the pain and somehow functioning. In time, you may have an inkling of hope. And maybe, a sense of happiness will return in some small way. But for now, I know it's hard to see anything clearly through the dark clouds of grief. You're still in shock and the feeling that life is futile and meaningless overwhelms. I was there for a long, long time, too.

It takes time and much work to climb that ladder out of that lonely, deep, dark, excruciating hole that is grief. We'll be here for you to help along the way, when you need us. - Mitch

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It used to be Friday night through the whole weekend because that was George and my time together...he'd wait for me to get off work Friday evening and start OUR time.  But really every day is the same as another anymore, now that I'm retired, it's all time done without him. :(

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The 5th of every month remains a depressing experience for me. But Saturday evenings also seem to be a low point. I'd get home from work and we would always go out for a meal or just watch several movies with a bottle of wine. Saturday evenings were 'our time'.Now, I still get home from work and say to myself "what the hell am I supposed to do now"?

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