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My Sanity Needed Vents

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So sorry, Kay. I remember eons ago backing into a Jaguar at Neiman Marcus where I'd won a gift certificate. Of all cars to run into! I simply didn't see him backing up at the same time. Fortunately no damage and he didn't even want my insurance info.

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One time I got my brakes replaced (Mock & Son's, Eugene, OR, early 70s), and a few days later they failed on busy River Road. I was going slow, but even so tapped a Porsche and Mock & Son's wouldn't stand behind their work. To top it off, I had just switched from Farmer's to Allstate, and Allstate said "never knew you."  I had to take out a loan from Dial Finance ($2,000) to pay for it and they charged 29% interest.  Not everything "back in the day" was good!  Had it been today I would have a copy of my insurance immediately on my PC!  Back then I made the deal over the phone, dropped off my payment in the slot on their door...they were supposed to be open for me but the guy was in a hurry to go on vacation.  Those are the days we trusted.  Not any more and see what it got me then!

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I'm so glad to hear it!  Brought through another storm! I'm glad I know you're on a hill and not affected by flooding, me too. ;)

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15 hours ago, KarenK said:

but it's 111 at 6pm. Bad time for my AC to quit which it did late Sunday night.

Karen:  Oh my 111 degrees!  Glad you were able to get it repaired but sorry Sears is not cooperating.  Keeping fingers crossed you will be able to get some reimbursement.  Dee

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I have used a flip phone for as long as I have had a cell phone.  Jitterbug, I think.  I have looked at their "smart" phones for the past couple of years and I ordered one today.  I would say "pray for me" but not sure God is in favor of me and "smart" in the same thought.  If you looked it up, you would see any simpleton could work it.  It is 'FOR SENIORS" but I think I'm past even "senior."  They do not have the fancy prices the fancy smart phones have, but my Jitterbug has been jitterbugging along for a long time.  

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Marg, I have a friend who is 90, she operates hers...don't sell yourself short, you're a lot smarter than you're giving yourself credit for1

Prayers for here today/tonight...T&L storms continual.  Pray no more fires!  Rain also but 76 (likely 82), but rain doesn't always help the underbrush that gets on fire.

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On 9/1/2023 at 8:57 PM, Margm said:

  It is 'FOR SENIORS" but I think I'm past even "senior."  They do not have the fancy prices the fancy smart phones have, but my Jitterbug has been jitterbugging along for a long time.

Marg:  There are days I wish I had gotten a Jitterbug when I graduated from a flip phone back in 2015.  The advertisements make it look so much simpler than the Samsung smart phone I chose. The big buttons on the Jitterbug look much more user friendly.  My fat fingers and poor vision create problems not to mention not making use of all the extra bells and whistles I haven't a clue about.  I had to ask my 13-year-old granddaughter how to delete and block a spam number yesterday.  You will do fine with a new Jitterbug since you already know how to Jitterbug. 😁Dee

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I have problems getting my fingers to do what I wish with all these hand injuries, my fingers stutter.  My brain tells them one thing and they do another.  Not sure how to copy/paste with my phone...don't know how to use bluetooth and can't get my kids to take the time to show me.

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I have not got mine yet, but my fingers shake, so I would imagine I'm not going to have fun.  Right now I have to roll over to my contacts on my flip phone, hopefully, a small bit smarter one I will be able to just reach them without all the different motions.  We'll see.  


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I woke up to a dead PC (may it RIP) it was 16 years old, I've had it over 14 years and loved it!  I feel like I lost my partner!  I have been catching up my laptop budget, utilities, settings, etc.  Ugh.  I loved Windows 7, now it's gone.  Stuck with Windows 10, double ugh.

But the good thing is I had caught up my laptop two weeks ago when I went to my son's, thankfully.

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On 9/4/2023 at 3:53 AM, kayc said:

 have problems getting my fingers to do what I wish with all these hand injuries, my fingers stutter.

Kayc:  "stutter" is the perfect word to describe what my fingers do on my laptop.  The keyboard is so sensitive I am constantly having to correct what I accidently typed.  

Sorry your PC gave up on you.  It was smart to get your laptop set up and current when you visited your son two weeks ago. 

I used to have my smart phone set up with the Bluetooth system in my car.  Unfortunately, I didn't drive my car for an extended period which resulted in a dead car battery, and I lost the ability to use Bluetooth.  I decided not to have it set up again since I felt I shouldn't be driving and on a phone conversation at the same time.  Getting older convinced me I could only do one thing at a time.  I believe my laptop has Bluetooth technology but couldn't tell you how to use it.  Am wondering if my printer is connected thru Bluetooth since I can print in a different room than where printer is located???  Can you tell I am not a techie kind of person.  My daughter gave me the printer she no longer needed, and my son did the connecting. Dee 

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Microsoft sicked OneDriveNow on me, they took my $ and didn't help me get my printer installed. Debating fighting their charge. My installation was done with a CD drive on my PC but my laptop doesn't have one.  I only use the printer a couple of times a year and am considering forgetting it.  

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That is such good news Kevin, almost as good as this Louisiana state of bayous, creeks, rivers, lakes, and Sahara Desert #2.  We are actually getting rain.  Of course when we get the tail end of all those hurricanes that are scheduled, we just might all be under water.  

I guess you all are getting your autumn cool spells.  It is still so hot here I shower and "glisten" all day.  You said "touch wood" and I wonder if that is the same as our "knock on wood?"

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The "Wood" terms are the same Marj....UN alarmist saying this is the Hottest summer ever......I call them out, we have had Hotter weather in the 70's, thats the same decade same WAKO's called for an ICE age in NEWSWEEK,  ....I believe in Climate Change and I think if we planted more Trees, managed all the forests......This raising gas taxes and doing nothing but Solar panels is an insult to the voters....On that note , its good news all round...

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We didn't have an A/C until 1967, when my daughter was born.  Even then, it as the RR depot's that they had given my dad.  But, we, as a family were all born in June, July, and August.  I remember the window fans put against the screen window and waking up to damp sheets, and they felt so good.  (Before 1967).  The oldest generations built their houses high up, there was a porch overhead for all us kids to play under (and snakes).  The ceilings were high and I do not remember screens on those big open windows.  My great-great grandmother one night took her kids, built a big fire outside and all slept around it.  Wild cats and other varmints roamed those back creek bottom woods.  My grandmother left us her "Memories" in book form.  (Typed papers in folders.) They didn't realize if they were having a climate change heat wave or not.

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Cut my thumb to the bone, after 4 1/2 hours of profuse bleeding through three large bandages, went to ER Dr and got stitches, numbness wore off during the night, hurts like the dickens. Can't shower, cook, clean, do dishes. Have to go back to Dr in eight days.

Kevin, evacuations downgraded here, everyone back home, they're still doing mop up, air quality good, got this three days ago!  Never saw zero before!


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I cut myself with a kitchen knife 3/4" across and to the bone, it bled profusely through three large bandages for 4 1/2 hours and that's when I said  I need ER for stitches,

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