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My Sanity Needed Vents

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One of the doctors that trained at the hospital where I retired from is a surgeon now in my home town.  His mom was pruning her rose bushes and stuck a rose bush thorn in her hand.  She almost died, really, from a thorn from a rose bush.  Strange little things can hurt us bad.  Billy kept getting scrapes and hurt from moving rocks at our place where he thought he was Jeremiah Johnson.  We rushed the nearly 40 miles to the closest clinic more than once.  The time we had to rush Brianna, when she was a tiny tot was the last draw for me.  We moved away from the beautiful mountains only about a half mile from the clinic.  Every little thing I would have Billy at the clinic.  Taking his blood pressure I heard skipped beats.  Took him directly, no appointment.  He was sent to a cardiologist who said it was "normal" (wasn't normal to me.)  Living close to clinic did not save his life though.  

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Concussion, broke skin in three of the four places I hit plus have a pulled muscle in my arm, did a job on myself.

Not affecting my eyes or cognizance. Iris wanted me to look under a rock for her key, but the first one I checked, no key Or any of the rest of them. Accidentally pushed a boulder underneath the deck and I knew she wanted it to block the dogs getting under so tried to get it pulled back out but no leverage or strength. Got one of Mike's tools but too wimpy. So I scooted underneath it to get better leverage. Scooting forward is how I hit my head with great force. Couldn't get up, scooted backwards and crawled to something to pull myself up, that's how I pulled a muscle. Finally got up. Took from Tues to today to show up. Turns out the reason I didn't see a key is because she didn't tell me it was a key holder. That would have been a good piece of information to know! You have to physically look at the bottom to see it. When you pick it up nothing is there. Never would have happened had I known.

I'm of the mindset that if you can't do something, try another way...especially with 10% strength from my injuries and being alone for 18 years.  In this case the other way would be "don't."

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Not affecting my eyes or cognizance thankfully!

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Power went out, no internet or phone either. Had a Tbsp peanut butter and 1/2 cold egg for dinner. Walked Kodie for something to do, branches in the road all up & down the road so picked them up, took 1 1/2 hours, soaked to the gils, it was pouring out. Power back as I was going to sleep.  Had already set the clocks so had to do it again.  So much for resting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still getting headaches and head still hurts but lesser, didn't throw up yesterday so that's a plus.  Never heard from son.  At least I did my daughter and her BF, it's hard going through something like this alone!  

Went to church yesterday, at the end of the service when the pastor was leading the singing, Kodie joined in, quietly.  It was so cute!  The Husky in him.  The pastor adores him, thankfully.

Iris and Jazzy got back Saturday, good, can't believe her code worked for her, it didn't for me or her other neighbor!  Today we have to get Jazzy out of her kennel, Iris will be gone for six hours.  It's pouring rain, that ought to be fun!

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On 10/17/2023 at 2:14 PM, KarenK said:

Teeth not lining up properly in mold yet, so back to the lab. Will try again in 2 weeks.

What was the outcome?
Way too quiet here lately, it echoes...

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Kay, I'm so sorry your son didn't respond. I know how that must hurt your feelings. Maybe your DIL interfered. Glad that you're getting better.

Got my dentures today. Feels like a mouthful of rocks. I'll get used to them in time though. Have lost 7 lbs on the "no teeth" diet. Not recommended however.  lol

Saw my doctor last week for med refills and found out that he had actually done the blood test for Myasthenia Gravis after all. It was negative as I expected. He apologized that his staff evidently didn't recognize the test so they didn't bother giving me the results.

After I get used to these blasted dentures, I'll make a neurosurgeon appt. for my double vision. Another day, another medical problem. Oh, joy!

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It's sad that this is what our lives comes to, growing old alone, enduring the changes, one by one...or all at once.

I am glad you got your dentures, it can be hard adjusting to them, I remember my sister going through that.
My son called yesterday, he bought his house three years ago, the former sellers sold it with a new roof, now it's leaking everywhere, and the company is defunct. Their dryer went out. They have a gas leak. And a neighbor took out their fence, Paul had to cob it together, large section, as the dogs couldn't go out like that.  Neighbor has done nothing.  WTH!  Bethany is overextended and keeps trying to loan HIM out!  He tells her not to.  They're going to her sister's for TG so I'm high and dry.  The only reason I go is to be with family. I messaged Melissa, haven't heard back.  Iris invited me to go with her to the Methodist TG spread, all I can eat is the turkey, everything else is carbs.  Will see.

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On 10/31/2023 at 12:21 PM, Margm said:

Go to doc next week, blood work and he listens everywhere.  That's about it.

Well, he had asked me to lose four pounds and I did.  ALL of my lab work was excellent and that is a pure miracle, with my starch diet.  Now he wants me to lose five more pounds.  If I don't die soon, I might be at my high school weight in 5-6 years.  Maybe longer.  Lots of family problems.  One of us needs mental help bad, but I think she is narcissistic, so not sure it will help.  I think you need to tell the truth to be helped.

Still sleeping with the fan on at night, turned away from me but just moving air around.  It is 50 degrees right now and I saw a map that showed y'all in the NW area, Canada included (of course) are in for some very cold weather.  Think maybe y'all are more used to it than us (I don't know what to call us, hillbillies (?), no hills, rednecks (?) nah, and we are not Cajuns either). Just flatlanders.  

One thing I do not like about getting to be 81 is that if I look forward to something, I might forget it, and for sure not to buy green bananas. 

Cover up and stay warm folks.   

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Marg, good job on losing weight, I can't imagine trying to lose on a high carb diet, but you did it.

Can't have bananas but if I did it'd be greenish. :D


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Best weight loss for me (this week), some kind of Cabbage soup loaded with spices and assorted veggies....This was heart healthy recommendation to a friend of mine from Heart clinic.....It is low carb but you could add turnip, sweet potatoes, or rice to starch it up...Three bowls a day...you will lose 5 lbs easy in 7 days

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Sounds good, Kevin!

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I remember the cabbage soup diet.  On my high starch "diet" I can have spinach and green beans.  I can have most underground veggies except turnips.  Makes no sense, but tell that to my intestines.  They don't like me much anyhow after I let them all get burned up from radiation.  I just have to cut out and down.  I used to would not cook cabbage but Billy made the best "fried" cabbage ever.  Loved cabbage slaw.  I would certainly love to have stuffed celery.  I miss all our southern soul food and skillet cornbread.  But, I sure don't miss what they do to me.  

Know you feel lots better with the weight going away.  

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Yes, I would eat it when Billly cooked it, or his mom.  Just didn't like it when I cooked it.  We were discussing my cooking today at our Thanksgiving dinner.  No one can cook old south turkey and dressing like I can, no brag, just fact.  The simple chicken and dumplings I never could master.  My nephew was talking about my dumpling (singular) and how it was good once you cut it into pieces.  This was true and they all laughed. No matter if I followed a recipe, used biscuits, flour tortillas, no way could I ever fix dumplings.  And really, the thing was the dogs would not eat them either.  

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On 11/22/2023 at 4:02 PM, kevin said:

Kay, how is your Head doing?....Those bumps and scrapes happen so quickly..

Still hurting, headaches but not quite as frequent.  When someone told me to expect six months...maybe they were right.  Still sore to the touch although not as bad.

Iris had asked me to go with her to the Methodist Church's TG dinner, she stood me up.  I couldn't talk to her the previous two days to touch base with her and kept trying her TG morning, line busy so couldn't leave message, so I texted her...no response. Kodie and I walked down there at noon, her car was gone, so she must have got off the phone and taken off as we were getting my coat and leash on!

I felt really bummed and alone for a few minutes, but then I texted Melissa and Finley and she wrote back, "Leave now!" and he wrote, "the kids will be so stoked to see Kodie!"  so we went to his mom's apt.  There were 15 of us there, including her XH, which says a lot about her.  We hit it off, both like the same mystic and spirituality books!  Her daughters were fixing the meal, small kitchen so no room to help out but Finley helped with some things, slicing turkey, etc.  The kids adored Kodie and he lapped up all their attention.  It worked out for the best and I'd wanted to know her anyway but you know the apprehension of the first meeting, esp. on a holiday.  It was a great day and no real issues on the Hwy except I saw a car upside down in the ditch, unsure if from that morning or previous...it had tape on it.  A word of caution to go safe, let people pass to their own detriment, just be aware of surroundings.  

The real slap was the next morning with countless lame texts from Iris trying to lay it on ME!  Nope, not accepting any blame but so over it.  She said I should have been more clear (she ASKED me and I accepted!  How much clearer can one be?!  I turned down Finley's invitation because I had a prior commitment with Iris.  We had even set the time as noon for dinner (she's usually early so I'd figured she'd come by at 11:30).  I am so over it, she is a user/manipulator and I've literally done everything for her the last two years during her cancer journey.  Now she wants me to take care of Jazzy the month of February+, NO!  Get a dog sitter.  I have many reasons it wouldn't work, don't owe her them.

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On 11/23/2023 at 4:36 PM, Margm said:

The simple chicken and dumplings I never could master. 

Yesterday I just entered a recipe in Lane County website for leftovers..."Keto Turkey and Dumplings!"

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Glad your Thanksgiving turned out well, despite your so called "friend". Guess she is finally showing her true colors! Don't let her use you anymore.

We're having our dinner tomorrow on my son's day off. Got ham this year. So much easier to deal with than turkey. Will still have all the side dishes.

Tatum(biggest dog) has been sick with stomach bug for 4 days. What a huge mess! Giving her rice and chicken. Can definitely tell she isn't feeling good.

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Kevin, it wasn't from a fall, long story involving a crawl under Iris' deck to retrieve a boulder that rolled away from me...won't do it again!  I wear the best shoes, Kalso Earth, have for years.

Karen, I'm so sorry about your dog, try chicken breast (no fat), white rice, some pumpkin and plain yogurt.  I also add Probios to the mix, my Arlie had Colitis his whole life, couldn't tolerate antibiotics even. He ate 4 cups/days so did a lot of cooking but when he had an outbreak, this is what he got.

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Another three weeks of this darkness then we turn the corner...This Darkness gets you down...Sunrise is 8;40 AM and Sundown 4:30 PM....Bright spot is weather a few degrees above normal and No snow....We need the snow eventually for the farmers and the Forests.....Will finish putting up outside decorations hopefully...Very limited ladder work...

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We're to get it starting tomorrow, the weather predictions off 12 degrees, every day, so are their snow level predictions.  Kind of early in the year...

Praying for safety today as I have to travel the highway this afternoon & evening and it will be icy, foggy...

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Woke up to 12 degrees F today....Had to coax dog outside to do her business....Sky is clear and this is coolest couple of days  for next two weeks...Absence of moisture will be a problem we will pay for...Kay. how was your Drive?

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I'm not sure I could do my "business" at 12 degrees either.  It is a shame we don't have dog boxes like we have cat boxes.  Y'all stay warm.  A friend of mine had a raincoat and boots for her pup.  It is colder in Louisiana too, but it is 54 and raining.  

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