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Certain Days Without That Someone

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Today's my birthday, and normally I would be woken gently by my husband, with coffee in bed and flowers on the bedside table.

But instead I woke from shrill ringing from the alarm clock, to dirty dishes in the sink. Have to go to work early for a boring meeting.

Just needed to whine.


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Happy Birthday to you Melina! I hope at some point today you are touched by something....a soft breeze, the chirping of the birds, something to remind you that your husband is still with you in spirit.



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Happy Birthday...may you reflect on the positive days you have mentioned and know you are only apart from your husband for a short while...you should do something that makes you happy even if it's something small, or buy yourself something you have been wanting...it is still a special day for we are celebrating your birth, a joyful event and your husband would want you "Happy" trust me I'm telling you this as a husband...Take Care...


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Thanks, Nats and Tammy for the birthday wishes. I really appreciated them.

On a positive note - I did notice the "chirping of the birds", Tammy. When I came home from work I saw the baby birds starting to leave their nests, with their parents following them. They've built nests under our roof tiles and I can see them from the kitchen window. The poor things keep banging into windows and walls, but they seem pretty determined to fly. Thyge would have loved watching them.

Nats - I have just decided I'm going to go buy myself some flowers! Might as well stick to tradition. And I've received birthday greetings from sons, daughters-in-law, work colleagues and friends. Three friends are taking me out to dinner. So I'll have to stop moping now.


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Sorry I missed your birthday....It sounds like you turned into the best day you could and I love that you bought yourself flowers. Congratulations on your day. I know it was lonely. Mine was in April and though I made plans, it was not the same...never will be. But you did a great job. Peace, mfh

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY, I hope you find peace and joy today. have a great day!!!!!


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Happy Birthday dear Melina,

I so relate to not having your Thyge with you today in the physical sense. I hope you sense him with you in your heart and perhaps a bird singing in a tree, the wind through your hair, or some other meaningful way to you.

Congratulations on your decision to buy yourself flowers! Wonderful!

I send you support, understanding and care.

Blessings and Courage, Carol Ann

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Hi Melina,

Thanks for the reminder. I did know you are in Norway but got the time deal backwards...sort of how my AWOL brain functions these days. Thanks for the wishes...Next hurdle for me is June 22...silver 25th wedding anniversary. We had such great plans to celebrate our love. Mary mfh

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Thanks Dwayne, Carol Ann and Brian - and everyone else...

It's nice to have another family here in this group. I don't feel so alone.

Now I'm off to have dinner with friends. This is a weird and empty feeling - not celebrating with my husband.

But the flowers I bought myself are beautiful. Why thank you, me.


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Dear Melina,

Happy birthday my friend. I hope there was much to smile about today.

I love your story about the birds. Reminds me of all of us--trying to spread our wings in this strange new world--and constantly bumping into things.

Hope your dinner out was a good one.



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Dear Melina,

Happy birthday my friend. I hope there was much to smile about today.

I love your story about the birds. Reminds me of all of us--trying to spread our wings in this strange new world--and constantly bumping into things.

Hope your dinner out was a good one.



Thanks Harry,

The dinner was good and I was able to enjoy it a little.

Thanks again, everyone...


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Today is probably tomorrow for you. I wish you much happiness and peace for your birthday, and a good supper. Nice idea to buy flowers, I'm sure Thyge would have picked the same ones.


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I hope it's not too late to wish you a Happy Birthday, my friend! And it's okay to whine. I cried myself to sleep my first birthday after George died...everyone had forgotten it and no one even called me. George always made a big production out of my birthdays and it was sorely missed. :(

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Thanks Lainey, Kay and Pat,

Lainey - I bought roses, which is what he would have chosen. Not always mind you - sometimes he just picked flowers from the garden, but that was great too. Kay, I'm sorry no one remembered that first "alone" birthday. Hope the later ones were happier. Are people's birthdays posted here somewhere?


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They are posted on the Calendar...unfortunately I forget to look about 350 days out of the year. :)

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