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Hurdles - But Positive Ones

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I'm in Canada now, and have just come through two major events. My next eldest son graduated from college on Saturday, and yesterday he got married. My son, Nik, was sort of a hyperactive child - acting on impulse, always on the go. Despite being very bright, it took him an extra year of private classes to finish high school, and then he wandered around trying different things before finally deciding on college. Now he's graduated with a Bachelor of Honors degree and was at the top of the Dean's List. Yesterday he married a beautiful, bright girl from Trinidad here in Canada.

Two very emotional days. No signs that I could see from my husband, his father. But maybe I'm not looking hard enough. The only sign might be that I felt fairly calm throughout it all, though my speech at the wedding was a little confusing. I'm still not thinking clearly enough.

I shed a few tears - but mostly ones of joy. I laughed too. And I danced at the wedding.

Feeling hopeful.


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Melina, Hurray for you....and to dance and laugh. Good for you. I bet your husband was your calming agent...or an invisible dance partner....I have no doubt he was with you. I also know you are happy to have been there and maybe happy it is now behind you. So neat that your son who struggled a bit with school, did so well and found his soul mate. Safe flight home. Mary

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I'm so glad to hear this Melina! One thought that came to mind when you said you weren't looking hard enough for signs from your husband......I think the opposite may be true. Maybe you're looking too hard??

I'm really glad that these ended up being happy occasions for you. Yay!! :)



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It sounds like you did well with your son. You had a big weekend, I'm glad it went well!

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Dear Melina,

Congratulations. i count four big events: dancing and laughing are both major moves--in some respects even bigger than the graduation and wedding.

Rejoice in all these blessings. It sounds like you found a rainbow to walk on.

And i agree with Tammy: Maybe you are looking too hard. I only found love when I stopped looking for it. Signs sometimes work the same way.



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Yes I agree, maybe your looking to hard, Ruth comes to me when I least expect it, but then another way I see it is you saw the signs you just didn't notice it....he was present in your son and you were seeing a sign the entire event....I also think that's also part of your calming feeling....may you continue to heal....


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Melina, I agree that we tend to look too hard. I see signs and feel Bill's presence when I am not looking...I found Bill that way. At age 46 I decided it was ok to be single forever..and voila...there he was and we had almost 24 years together...25 tomorrow. Bottom line for me is that they are near us all the time...looking or not...signs or no signs that we see. Hope you arrived home ok and the flight was smooth. Mary

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I like Mary was not looking for love when I found Pauline. I know God had a hand in that. I believe with all my soul HE brought us together for a reason. I was meant to give Pauline a happy loving and trusting life. Something she did not have before. I was meant to take care of her through her battle with MS. I feel she is all around me all the time. Twice will sleeping at night I have been awaken to hear her breathing and feeling her warmth next to me. The biggest one was I was in Sears looking at a wallet for my front pocket. I walked out of the store and I heard her telling me to forget the Dwayne in you and go buy that wallet you need. I was never one to buy anything for myself. When it came to Pauline I would get her whatever she wanted as long it was in our means. I know she will always be there for me in one way or another and there are signs sometimes very shuttle but they are there.


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The same thing happened last week to me, I was completing the last task of changing the cell bill

from her name to mine as we changed her plan to a family plan 7 years ago and kept it in her name, I had intentions

of upgrading to a smartphone but I'm also not one to spend on myself, I had done the research and decided but changed my mind

and decided to keep my existing phone, while I was standing there in the store I felt this overwhelming warmth engulf my entire body, and I felt the wave of tears getting ready to roll as I herad her say "you go ahead and get that phone it's what you want, I want you happy", well needless to say I have the phone and I'm glad I listened to her...


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Those phones are addictive, aren't they, Nats! :)

Dwayne, you just keep listening to Pauline, and I'm glad you got that wallet!

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Thanks everyone for your warm thoughts and congratulations. I'm surprised that I've been doing so well over here. I'm a little afraid to go home and face the empty house. Last night I had a minor breakdown in the car, while driving alone. Just a little sobbing. The grief suddenly washed over me again - completely unexpected. But I suppose it will continue to do so for years to come. The main thing is that I got through this.

Next hurdle will be August 5th - the day Thyge died....


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