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Yesterday I was gone all day to my sister's birthday celebration, out of town. I have a job interview for this morning (out of town) and was all excited about that and then I finally heard back from my doctor and got the very disturbing news that my elbow is badly displaced due to the erroneous information given me in emergency by the doctor I'd first seen who'd told me to exercise it. I spent over an hour on the phone with an orthopedic group trying to get an appointment but the information was already sent to recycling so they have to send for the x-rays and info all over again. I'd also been given wrong information my the imaging technician, who'd told me it was NOT displaced...turns out they aren't supposed to tell you anything, the radiology specialist told my doctor it was and my doctor had neglected to pass that information on to me...I'd been trying to reach her about my pain all week to no avail. I am so upset! Then the unemployment office sent me an email telling me to call them so I can apply for a part time position 80 miles from my home! They say it can interfere with my unemployment benefits if I don't. I don't think they're even open today and I didn't get their email until after I got home last night. It looks like I could be having surgery as early as next week. Six weeks of trying to heal for nothing, it's going to cost me a fortune and set me back more precious time and pain. Just hasn't been a very good day.

Heading to bed, I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow...job interview, lunch with my insane mother, then to the auto repair, will get home very late. I am not sure what to do about the job interview who would hire someone who has to go for surgery immediately? I have to be up front, for one thing if they hire me and then let me go because of the surgery, it will go on record with the unemployment office, who will deem me as "unfit to work" and deny my benefits. The thing is, I have been working all along and it's not my fault my boss cut my hours back, I'm doing my best. I didn't sleep much last night, about three hours is all. I'm exhausted.

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Guest Nicholas

Dear Kay,

You have my sympathies, particularly as I had mistakenly assumed that it was only the British NHS that was cr*p.

I have no faith in the medical profession whatsoever.


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Wish I was closer so I could try to help you. I hope you can rest some. Try to to worry, one thing at a time, one day at a time. Whats most important is, they fix your elbow and then you'll have to see where it goes from there. Saying more prayers for help for you, Deborah

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I am so so sorry Kay. This just feels so unfair....You are a trooper to even consider a job so far away. Yet, I understand why you do. There are no words and I am just sorry that you have to go through this. I will be thinking of you. Do keep all of us informed. Mary

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Dear Kay,

So sorry to hear about all the medical snafus... I think that's why there is a rule about not giving results over the phone? But that's neither here or there now? If surgery is what it takes then do it and get it done and over with, huh? You can't heal until then... ouch. Sending positive light your way.

And dealing with the employment office sucks no matter what time of day it is. Were you working that far away before? Is that why they are sending you now for a part time job? 80 miles seems pretty far to me but Oregon (where I live) has been in double digits in the last 2 years so maybe the rules are getting tougher these days?

Maybe it's the moon? Just saying...

Hope all get's better with you. Take one baby step at a time. I know easy for me to say, huh? I'm in my own mess.



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Hi you all, I was gone all day again yesterday and was so exhausted when I got home. A neighbor stopped in to help but stayed and stayed and finally I started falling asleep so he went home.

I didn't get the results over the phone the first time they were in person. I now have a copy and sure enough the results were at least 3 mm displacement. I registered at the orthopedic place, they have to have you sign a paper allowing someone to come in to the building with you or inquire or pick you up but I don't know who will take me because I don't know when the surgery will be yet. This is one of those things you need a spouse for.

I got two new tires yesterday and reminded them to put them on in pairs (I was there for two hours). I got home and they put them on wrong, so that means another trip out there after working and going to the doctor Monday. No wonder I'm so exhausted! With my arm, I don't have the stamina that I did. My little sister had offered to stay with me after I have surgery but now she's saying she's busy this day, this day, this day, this one, etc. so I can see I won't have her here, what's the point in her coming clear across the state for one day? I will need someone a lot longer than that. The church hasn't been there for me at all. I am feeling so alone. I remember when George was alive, if this sort of thing happened, he would have been there, no matter what.

I don't have the stamina to sue, it's not about what happened, it's what you can prove, and roving something is harder than telling what happened. I don't have a videotape of the doctor telling/showing me how to exercise my arm and her cryptic remarks afterwards. I don't have proof of what was told to me at radiology. I don't have proof that my family doctor's office didn't return my calls. No, I think it's like Deborah said, get the arm fixed and a day at a time.

I went for the job interview and it went really well but I won't have a job from it. He said he'd hire me for management if he had an opening there, but basically, I'm overqualified. The job he has an opening for is rather simple so he can't expend much money for it, it's one anyone could do.

I called the unemployment office and explained that their part time job is 80 miles away and that's too far (I've been commuting 50 miles away) so they removed it.

It truly is a day at a time, isn't it?

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Hi Kay,

Just read your post and I'm so sorry about what you are going through. You are definately in my thoughts and prayers. Wish I lived closer so I could be some help to you. Yes, it IS one day at a time!! Hang in there and please keep us up to date. Lots of hugs!!


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IO appreciate all of your prayers. I saw the orthopedic surgeon today and he said I don't need surgery. They took more X-rays...he didn't say anything about them but after examining me and seeing where my pain is, he said my bones are calcifying and I am right where I should be time line) in both healing and pain. He referred me to physical therapy...I'm not sure I can go to it because it's expensive and with me not having regular work right now, every penny counts, but we'll see. He had me buy a "sleeve" so I graduated out of the sling, yay! I couldn't be more happy right now than with this news, now I feel the go ahead to build my strength back and keep looking for a job.

\Anyone hear from Dwayne today?

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Kay, this is very exiting news....no surgery or recovery from surgery. I have been in and out of PT for months following a fall and dealing with limited use of my left hand and arm (I am left handed) so I can relate a bit, just a bit, to what you are going through. My PT guy gave me a bunch of exercises to do at home as Medicare coverage is limited. I wonder if you could go for one or two sessions and have them show you the proper exercises to do at home. Wish we had national health care. I am happy for you, Mary

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Glad no surgery for you Kay. And it sounds like you are where you are supposed to be in the healing. Doesn't really help a lot, as you are hurting, but maybe you can see a little glimmer at the end of the tunnel? Wish you had more support close to you, I know that is hard.

Thinking of you, and wishing you speedy healing.

Mary (Queeniemary) in Arkansas

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Thank you, all of you, and Teny, it's good to hear from you again, I hope you are well. I pray for you and for Greece.

I am elated to learn I am where I should be in recovery and my pain is not unusual for this type of injury. Dwayne suggested I look on line for stretching and strengthening exercises, and my sister also suggested I contact a P.T. for one visit and ask if they'd give me a list of what to do as I'm out of work. I may try that.

It is just good to know there's light at the end of the tunnel and I can start refocusing on my job search!

I'm sure this is all an answer to prayer, and I thank you all for yours!

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Hi Kay C, I am sorry you are feeling this way, I can only keep you in my prayers in hopes things get better for you... Shelley

I have a psychiatrist appointment this Friday to get tested for ADD, than the following Monday I have to see a sleep specialist because I am not sleeping at night for along time... Than the following Thursday I have to have a hearing test done... I am also waiting on some blood test results also... I hope this finds you better today... Shelley

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Shelley, I'm sorry to learn you're going through so much at once! It seems it's going around...

I found PT exercises on line for Radial head injuries, both stretching and strengthening, they laid it out very well. I start with the stretching ones and when I no longer have pain with those I graduate to the strengthening ones. I'm hoping it's strong enough to shovel snow this winter! I still can't straighten my arm out and probably never will, and it's very difficult to move my right hand to my right shoulder, there are certain ways it just doesn't want to go any more. Hopefully, with time, it will show slight improvement at least. The elbow still hurts but it's off and on now, it's been seven weeks today.

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Kay, I have dealt with an injury from a fall last October. I did tons of PT (thanks to Medicare) and will do an MRI soon since PT did nto help a ton. I have been told by the pt folks that these injuries take a while esp joints. Icing helps lower the inflamation. My PT guy is BIG on icing...freeze water in a paper cup, 5 min directly on the area moving it around. Check with someone first...this is just what I am told. We are targets for inflamation in our grief...vulnerable. There may be a kid who will shovel for a pittance. I know you are unemployed but there may be a resource in your town for elderly and injured who provide that service. I live in Wisconsin where the snow is abundant....so I get that.

onward...one day at a time


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I live in the country and there is no such service, but I've already decided that this year instead of shoveling my entire driveway, I will do the ramp and a path to the street and a pathway to the wood shed, and do as little as I can get away with. I shoveled so hard last year and I know I can't match that physical task again.

I woke up at 4:00 am to an anxiety attack over being out of work and I applied for a couple of jobs...one took hours (it was on line), but I got it done. I also talked to a former boss and he's going to ask around (for openings).

Dwayne, thank you for your encouraging phone call, you amaze me, you're going through so much and yet you take the time to encourage others!

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Dear Kay,

I just had to call, even to just lift your spirit, and have you know we really care about you. Like I said yesterday, I know you are going to get that job. Things will be looking up for you in no time. I trust in the Lord and He has never let me down. Stay Strong keep the Faith, I know it is hard to do now. We both along with Shelly and Mary have had, plenty to be down about. Today is a new day. I really believe that you were led to that job, which took you hours to do the paper work. I feel so strong inside me THAT YOU WILL GET THAT JOB.

Kay it is always a pleasure to talk with you. I just knew you needed lifting, up again. Even though were are on different coasts, I am always just a call away.

God Bless you Kay, I pray our loving and forgiving God will find away for that job to become yours.


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