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Looking For The Positives

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Wonderful news QMary! Yes, just to see someone rally and come back to life can lift our spirits delightfully. I know you must be feeling such a sense of relief. I hope your other sis can come for a visit, and that you own travels are filled with good times and good friends.



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Here is my positive for yesterday.

I was cleaning up last night and found an old cell phone from last year. I charged it up and found that a lot of old text messages from Daniel were still saved on the device. It was so nice to go back through and read all of the wonderful and fun things he had sent to me.

It felt good to think of him and laugh instead of crying.

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QMary, I am so glad to see that your sister is responding and at home. I know this has to be gratifying for your whole family even though, as you say, it is a lot of work...the caregiving. We do it for those we love, even though it is challenging. When I was taking care of Bill, the best gift I got was my brother's 3-4 days visits once a month during the final 4-5 months. I got away to a local retreat house and focused on sleep.

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QMary, that IS a positive, and I'm so happy to hear it!

Amy, I'm glad you found the cellphone. These things are so important to us, only we who have lost our mates can fully understand the importance of such a find! :)

My positive is that my sister Polly and her husband are going to go ahead with their trip to Hawaii next week. This from thinking she could die this week is a really big positive for me!

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SO glad you and yours are ok....Kay. Big hugs and thanks for letting us know.
I too am so very appreciate of your presence here and how much you have supported me.

Big hugs.


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Thank you all for your support. My sister Polly has a lot of health issues but only the heart is life threatening. I'm hoping it's a while before we're faced with that!

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Here's a new blessing/positive for me.......in terms of acceptance, that is.
This morning I had a sense for the first time that death is not about something going wrong, or right for that matter.

Just some peace for a bit that we did the best we could with what we had and hindsight is not the point. The point is to honor the unbreakable, perfect love that still remains and has never changed. Amen.

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Here's a new blessing/positive for me.......in terms of acceptance, that is.

This morning I had a sense for the first time that death is not about something going wrong, or right for that matter.

Just some peace for a bit that we did the best we could with what we had and hindsight is not the point. The point is to honor the unbreakable, perfect love that still remains and has never changed. Amen.

And even, more, the acceptance makes him feel so much closer I can almost feel him breathe and the tears are mixed with joy..........

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Across the street from where my son works in Salem, there was an 8 hour standoff with police & a guy in a blue bus. The police closed the road and WalMart and no one could come or leave. They finally allowed my son/coworkers to leave via the south exit so he could go home and finish watching it evolve on t.v. It ended with the gunman shot and killed by police.

I'm very thankful no one else was hurt. Had I known my son's job was across the street from WalMart I would have been worried, but I had no idea until it was all over.


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Dear Kay,

I read the story. Truly, Marty is right. That's enough to make anyone's heart stop, and enough to shatter a mother's nerves. It's a blessing you didn't know until it was over. I'm thankful your son is safe.

Perhaps it's time for you to have a good, nourishing breakfast. As for me, were I you, I would likely be having a full stack of pancakes (six, big, fat, plate-size, buttered ones with lots of maple syrup, please), and by noon, I might be able to think nutrition.



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My positive today is I made it through my work at the church this morning. I am still very, very sick, I warned the pastor not to get close to me and no one else came in. I counted/recorded $, made out the reimbursement checks & posted them, and did the bank deposit, only was gone three hours, not bad. Next week will be a busy day so I'm glad I had a light day if I had to be sick.

I had a small piece of bacon, a scrambled egg, and 1/2 piece of toast today, Carrie. Usually it's just oatmeal. :) I felt I needed something to carry me over. Yesterday I wasn't up to eating much.

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Dear friends,

I saw the first humming bird of the year tonight sitting on the garden fence. Time to get the feeders out.


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Kay, I didn't see that you are sick until just now. Are you better? I surely hope so.

Yes, Harry, it's time to get the feeders out. We saw a humming bird also, and are delighted that our western grosbeaks are back. Unlike the Midwestern grosbeaks, ours are black with orange, rather than black with red. I love to hear them sing. We have the door open, and they have a choir going, I think.

I, too, have a positive. While I was watering the roses with the dishwater I carried out today, one of the biggest black widow spiders I've ever seen ran out of its hide-y hole underneath the scalloped stone in a challenging mode. My positive is that she did not bite me either time she took a run at me. She was carrying a huge egg sack on her back. I hate to kill even such a spider, but common sense told me I must. I didn't do it personally, but I had it done just the same. Jerry and our programmer came to the front yard at just the perfect time. I asked the programmer to kill it for me. He said that it was one of the biggest he had ever seen. She was a big girl, for sure and certain.


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Carrie, I'm glad the black widow did not attack you!

Harry, I've been having hummingbirds for about three weeks now, I really enjoy watching them on my patio! (Kitty enjoys watching them too! :))

I am still sick. I was feeling better yesterday so I went out but I think it was too soon. To compound it, I got hit super hard with allergies (grass & pollen), further adding to my misery. I have to take Arlie to the vet this morning as we've been battling an ear infection for a week...although he seems a little improved, he's still shaking his head and I feel he needs examined. (I've been using his ear medicine but he may need antibiotics as well).

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Surrendering myself to what is and what I cannot control or change reveals a lot more of me to love and care for.

Since my house burned down
I now own a better view
of the rising moon

-- Mizuta Masahide

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Am not sure I could look at it that way but I admire anyone who can.

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Oh, Kay........you dear sweet angel....you are such a blessing to us here.

I just choose the moon view because I don't want to live in ashes and his love lives on so well and clearly within me. I need to honor that to survive emotionally. I have to go to that place, that view, because I feel such hopeless despair otherwise. It's just survival and I am not there yet....just walking that way because I want to survive. Much love and many blessings to you always.


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It's a good way to look at things...I will try to remember it, although I hope my house doesn't burn down to try me on it! :)

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