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Looking For The Positives

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I mean blower. I know how you feel, that's what the county always did to me after I'd been shoveling all day...discouraging!

When we had that problem, they could actually get right up on the roof from the front porch without even a ladder! It was amazing.

My positive today is I've been watching the SRS light in the car this week and it's stayed off so I canceled my appt. They can't read a code where none exists. I'm hoping it stays off. I had given my heavy friend a ride, I'm hoping that's what made it hiccup.

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Well, Harry, after seeing your snow and hearing about your cold weather....I am a little embarrassed to admit to the 3 1/2 inches of sleet/snow that we got on Sunday night. Our temps are in the teens. On Saturday our temp got to nearly 70! Go figure!! :wacko:

My daughter has a 4 wheel drive truck, so she had no trouble getting out, although Sunday night she just slept at the airport. She has to be at work at 5. No flights, but she had to be there to answer the phones for Seaport. My nurse friend Michelle is staying with us also, as she did last winter when we had bad roads. She lives at Peel, way back in the boonies. My house is only 5 block from her doctor's office. As it turned out, Michelle's doctor boss closed his office on Monday, and my daughter was able to come home about 9. We played skipbo all day, and snacked on cheese dip, cheese ball and crackers. We had fun, but it was not the best thing for me to be eating! Michelle will probably sleep here tonight also, as the back roads are covered, and not likely to melt much today. My granddaughter was out of school Monday for President's Day, and she is out today due to school closing. I am sharing her senior picture here, because she is so beautiful and I am so very proud of her. Can you tell!! :wub: Her Mom got her cap/gown/announcements, etc. ordered yesterday..........over 350. Sure costs to graduate. Today we are ordering her prom dress!!!

Harry, stay as warm as possible, and be so careful with the snow blowing thing. The pictures were very impressive!



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Dear friends,

I have to admit to struggling the last few days. The snow is really getting me down. It feels like I have no time for anything beyond moving snow and dealing with the ongoing cold. I cleared the end of the driveway yesterday, filled the bird feeders, shoveled off the deck--and was pretty much done in for the rest of the day. Wind chills here the entire time I was out were about zero. The house struggled all day to get to 67F, though my study stays warmer if I keep the door closed.

It is marginally warmer today and the furnace has got the house to 70 at last. But it started snowing again about 7:30 a.m. and has not let up since. They said we would get four inches tops, but I already had that by noon and the snow is supposed to continue into the early evening. I'm betting six before it's all said and done--and maybe more. Before all this lunacy, six inches was a big deal here. Now, it's a small storm--or would be if we were not all running out of places to put it. That we are talking about a potentially bigger storm again this weekend is about enough to push all of us to the edge. I've lived in New England since I was nine--and lived in central New Hampshire in snow country for seven years--and I have never seen a stretch like this. I've seen bigger individual storms and more snow over the course of an entire winter--though that may not be the case when all is said and done--but I have never seen anything like this in this short a period of time.

I begin to feel like I am living in a snow globe.

I sorted seeds yesterday for the various garden projects this spring--assuming we ever get to the bottom of this snowpack. I need to start some of them this weekend, though how I'll get any of them to sprout in this cool and very dry environment is anyone's guess. But one of the amaryllis is sending up a flower shoot this morning--so maybe...

Hope the rest of you are staying warm. Mary, I know what a big deal 3.5 inches of snow can be in your part of the world. Be safe out there.



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I'm so glad that you keep us posted each day, dear Harry, as each time I watch the evening news and hear how awful a winter you're having in Boston I think of you. Do stay safe and warm, and remember that the one thing we can count on with the weather: sooner or later, it changes. Meanwhile, along with Fae's twinkles and fairie dust, I am sending all the Florida sunshine I can gather straight to your door

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I know how hard it is to have to constantly keep up with the snow. I have a house in the Catskill mountains in NY. We get snow by the feet all the time. We have had six and even seven feet in one snowfall. It is not fun. The driveway is 400 feet long. My husband had a plow truck and got stuck many times. He would plow and I would shovel. Be careful and pace yourself. I hope it slows down for you.


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QMary, I love the picture of your granddaughter. Beautiful smile.

Oh Harry, I too have been watching the weather in the Northeast. Please take care to rest between shoveling.

Arizona continues to have warm, sunny days. High 70s and several days in the 80s. I gladly send all of you some of my warmth and sunshine.


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Anne, Arizona is looking better and better! We are possibly going to get another couple of inches this evening. They called my granddaughter in to work (Hardees), so now I have to worry about her! :wacko: By the way, Anne, the necklace she is wearing in her senior picture is one I bought for her in Arizona on a trip...it has her name, MaCayla, on it. She fusses at her Mom all the time for putting the capital C in the middle of her name.....everyone gets it wrong...but, the necklace is correct!

Harry, thinking of you, hoping you are safe, and not out dealing with snow too much.

Shalady, my friend Tom is in Florida until the 19th. Whatever part of Florida he is in has had temperatures in the 80s. He has been sending pictures of palm trees, and beaches to his snowbound Arkansas friends.....what a friend!


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QMary, I'm glad you're getting enjoyable company and aren't alone during this storm, be it 3 1/2 inches or 3 1/2 feet, the cold/snow isn't easy to contend with. I wish we'd get a little snow, we need it in the mountains as we have no snow pack like we usually do, we are in danger of wells drying up this summer and it will affect wildlife. A friend down the street has a pond that houses baby mallards and it's in danger of drying up. Your granddaughter is beautiful! No, it's not cheap to have a senior, I remember all too well!

I have a positive to share...I was planning to make an appt. with my doctor today because I've had a scab that wouldn't heal, on my left shoulder, for a long long time...I was worried it was skin cancer because it runs in my family. This morning it fell off and looks completely healed! I am more than elated because I've been worried about it lately. My insurance would have made me pay for the "surgery" as it counts on deductible...I have to have some lab work this week that I will have to pay for also and was concerned about the extra bills, but knowing it has to be done, I just have to deal with it.

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Dear friends,

I've been named the Jimmy Fund Walk Participant of the Month for February. I've known since early in the month but was not allowed to say anything until the official announcement, which happened yesterday.



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Congratulations, Harry! Well deserved!

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Not a positive, but I am heading to Melbourne (2 hour drive) in an hour to visit with my sister Lois in the nursing home. She is slowly going downhill. A few months ago she could carry on a conversation, now, her daughter says, she only says a word or two. Mostly she is silent, or asleep. We see no real hope of any progress. I have to be honest, I dread the visit. I so hate seeing her in this condition. Always such an active busy person, I can only imagine what is going on in her mind these days, now totally depend on others for even the most basic things. When she had the brain aneurysm in July, she was still giving piano lessons, and was church clerk, and very active in their church at 78. I hate this for her. Please pray for my sis.

Luckily all the snow forecast in Arkansas today is for southern Arkansas, so roads should not be an issue.


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Mary, I travel with you in spirit today. Dreading the visit is totally understandable. I am so sorry this has happened and that she is slowly going downhill. Be careful driving as your heart is with her. Peace, mary

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I hope your visit brings love for both of you, QMary. I am sorry Lois is going downhill, and I hope the wonderful memories and your love for each other will comfort you. I hope the roads are clear and safe, and that the visit brings some peace for you. You are both in my prayers.


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I'm very sorry regarding your sister. I'm sorry for her, and for you. I, too, am losing a sister (bone and lung cancer). I know you hurt. Tomorrow, my sister will be 83. It will be her last birthday, and I will never see her again.

Aneurysms are sneaky beasts. A brain aneurysm took the life of a friend of mine as she left her classroom after teaching all day. Another friend, who used to be head of a department at the hospital, barely copes with the help of his wife. If you've read some of my posts, you know that my husband Jerry nearly lost his life to a hepatic artery aneurysm, and still has two aneurysms in his spleen. I say these things to let you know that I understand somewhat, although I can't understand completely. Please know that I care, and that I join my prayers with the others here for your safety, and that all goes well for you today.



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