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Another day alone

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Brad, you are not alone when it comes to having things flair up and have even small things making us feel like we can't take care of ourselves.  Humbling to me because of all I did I never thought I could for Steve.  It's hard to be alone with illness.  It so intensifies how we always helped each other.  You are fighting some big battles.  I can get stomach pains and I get freaked out it is some devastating illness now.  We get deleted for battles.  NN did give some excellent advice.  You are taking care of yourself, so don't forget that.  It's just so much more intensified now.  Another reminder of the grief.  Seems everything revolves around that for us now.  I can't think of anything I do that requires energy without knowing that is sapping what little I have.  As someone once posted, that we get done anything in a day is a triumph.  Keep taking good care of yourself.  Deedo would want that for you.   

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Oh Brad, I'm sorry...sometimes we really just need them here, don't we!  Prednisone is one of the miracle drugs, albeit a last resort one.  It performs wonders but comes with its own price.  I hope you heal soon!

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Brad, I hope you will be feeling better soon. I haven't had many health problems since my husband died. He always took good care of me. When I do get sick I know it will be difficult physically and emotionally. 

The past few days I have sorted through our storage areas. I threw out and gave away most of the stuff. I hired a helper and good friend to help me. It was hard to do this. I cried and thought about my lost future with Andre. Yet, when I finished I felt better. I kept photos and some favorite things. Because I now have more space, I can go through the stuff I kept easily. 

I continue to miss my husband very much every single day. There are times when I don't think I can go on alone. I cry and cry when I'm alone. I want him back with me. In the year he's been gone I've done what he wanted me to do. I'm making friends and building a new life. None of it will ever replace him. He will always be with me. I know he is happy with what I'm doing. I'm still in a lot of pain. 

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Not looking for sympathy just sharing a Uff Da moment.  On top of all: hacking up a lung, splitting open a wound, Crohn's flair, feeling crummy, woke up at three with last nights storm having blown snow/sleet/rain into furnace so now breaker trips every time I reset and I have no heat.  Mayo will want me there for wound and furnace/electician here for breaker problem 200 miles apart.  Thank God for great neighbors.  

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Furnace is fixed and I'm a certifiable idiot. Hand will just takes weeks to mend instead of days; not a big deal just minor annoyance, and someday I will shake this virus. 

Things starting to look up; amazing how being warm helps. Time for me to switch focus on what really matters. Thanks for the love and support 

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Oh Brad, I think that is what we are all here for.  To try to help each other "get well" or just to feel better.  I think I would be in my living room running in circles constantly if I did not have this forum to go read.  I have not been sick yet, still have problems with my colon rupture, but it is an everyday thing.  I just watch my temperature.  I know if I get sick then I will just lose it.  He was my nurse.  It is raining here and that song "raining in my heart" is all that comes to mind.  I put on my Facebook page the words to Little Orphan Annie, "The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow."  

Take care of yourself Brad.  We have not had real cold weather in this part of Arkansas.  I miss Louisiana right now.  

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I'm having a hard time today. I woke up tired. I woke up missing Andre so much. It's noon and I've been crying off and on since I woke up. We were retired so we were always together. We enjoyed each other's company. Without him here with me, I'm so alone. 

I have to do a few things at home today. I have the most difficulty when I'm home alone. I just want to go back to bed and cuddle with my dog. I feel so empty inside. I wish I was with my husband. Or that he was with me. I'm trying to live this new life, but the pain of grief makes it difficult. I'm going to make it, but this is so hard. 

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Brad, I'm sorry you're having such a tough time of it.  We had snow all day yesterday, I stayed in, today my truck is finally running after installing a new battery.

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Brad, yay, I'm glad you got your heat back. Sometimes when it rains it pours, but the sun eventually comes out. Just take care of that hand, wrap it up really well, I feel like any hard or fast movements are causing the stitches to break. Glad you are feeling better.

Margaret, I had to laugh at you saying you'd be running around in circles in your living room. I agree! I couldn't come here I think I would have shot myself by now. I really thought I was going to go insane, mostly because finding any sort of grief help and support was so hard. I"m sorry I had look for it at all, but to be so in need and having to look so hard and long for some support was terrible and made things that much worse.

It's funny that you all had your spouses as your helpers and those to pamper and take care of you. My sister was the same for me. It's really easy for me to get debris or dust in my eyes and I have a lot of eye wash that I used, not to long ago I had an attack where my eye bothered me for days and she squirted eye wash in my eye and tried to help me clear it. No one else would do that for me. Any time I had a cut or did something to myself I'd show her and she'd quickly get some antibiotics or tell me what I should do, she'd be very concerned. Now I have no one that cares about that stuff, or if I show my mom she will just looked grossed out but that's it. I miss that pampering too, someone who really cared.

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I'm having a hard time today. I woke up tired. I woke up missing Andre so much. It's noon and I've been crying off and on since I woke up. We were retired so we were always together. We enjoyed each other's company. Without him here with me, I'm so alone. 

I have to do a few things at home today. I have the most difficulty when I'm home alone. I just want to go back to bed and cuddle with my dog. I feel so empty inside. I wish I was with my husband. Or that he was with me. I'm trying to live this new life, but the pain of grief makes it difficult. I'm going to make it, but this is so hard. 

Oh my heart broke reading you two were retired, so even more time to be together. I know all your days revolved around each other. I now know that feeling all to well when someone so involved with your day to day is no longer there. Take baby steps. Do something that you liked to do even when be was here and it was just your thing. Those are the baby steps I'm taking. It doesn't work every day, but sometimes it gets me through.  One hour at a time.

I look at shows that were my favorite, or play games that were my thing. It makes it a tiny bit easier than doing something me and my sis both enjoyed so I'm not sitting there the whole time wishing she were enjoying it with me. But it's so very hard. Their absence is like a neon light flashing. This grief is like carrying a cinder block everywhere.

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Debi - Of course I'm showing off.  Actually I showing how dependent I was on Deedo.  She could make all my owies go away.  The hand doesn't hurt at all just need to keeep it good and clean for the next 6 to 8 weeks while it granulates from the inside out.  More of a nuisance than anything.  I'm glad you tummy is better.  Mine's responding to the prednisone.  On the bright side I eat like a horse while I'm on prednisone so my weight will go up.  

HH - the stitches were removed on Thursday and then Saturday I pushed a shopping cart into a rack and split the wound open; it hadn't healed up well enough for the stress I put on it.  Not a big surprise it was pretty tight to being with.  

Kayc - Glad you got your truck running - you need it where you live especially with Winter around the corner.

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Brad, I love that Deedo made all the 'owies' go away. We all seriously need someone in our lives to make the owies go away. I found my husband responded to a little head stroking with the words 'there there'. It always did the trick. You have certainly been in the wars my friend. Please take good care of yourself. xx

Kay did you install the battery yourself? Anyone who has a clue about a car again is a hero (or heroine) to me! xx

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No, I know how to, but they're just too heavy for my wrists.  :)

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It's pretty easy in theory, there's just a couple of cables to attached...if you know how to charge a battery from another car (positive to positive, negative to negative), you can install one.  :)

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I can plug in my digital camera to the computer and pictures magically appear.  Does that count?  Of course I haven't really figured out how to do anything with them.  Must be a blonde thing too.  That or the fact I haven't the patience or motivation to do anything fancy.   Just give me email and a web explorer and I am happy.  :rolleyes:

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I wrote my sister, the teacher, thinking I would be smart and let her know I had discovered an ancient poet.  Now, she is the political one.  She watches the news programs and I try to watch a comedy on Netflix to keep my wax wrapped brain intact.  Here is what she wrote me.

"Yes, once I discovered Rumi's poems, my first thought was that he must be some new contemporary poet. I did not explore him then, but when I began to teach World Literature and ran across him among the Medieval Troubadours, I was quite impressed. He has been popular for all the the 21st century now. There are others from his era, too, who write as if they might be walking among us today. I think we can thank new translators who do not feel they have to use a Shakespearean dialect to render the translations." 

Well, of  course she knew of him.  I barely scraped by in school but that girl was a failure if she made less than an A.  I was proud of C's and B's.  But, she writes poetry herself.

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