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I AM SO SORRY I haven't been in contact xx

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We are in lock down now. It is my nightmare cometh but it is as it is. The army is on the street.outside my house So now I lost HIM 16 weeks ago today now we have the beginning of a war... all schools closed army on streets. Never have I wanted Mathew more.....Never have I been so glad he did not live to see this. Does this make sense ? xxxx

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Stay at home and don't allow yourself/ or your son to be a soft target....or accidental victim of "friendly " fire....I sincerely feel for you , time for super caution....these people are plain crazy now...everything is escalating.

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I'm sorry Debi.  I did read about it on Yahoo news.  I don't watch news on TV.  I did think about you though.  I am so sorry they are making it hard on you.  Just stay inside away from everything.  I guess that would be a very hard thing to do if you don't have a supply of everything in the house.  Please let us know how you are doing.  

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Oh Debi, you and your son are in my prayers.  Please do stay inside and keep safe.  They are going to have to let people out to buy basics eventually.  Make the most of your food.  Have you read Cori Ten Boom's "The Hiding Place"?  Remember how her and her family dealt with that time and got by, while they were stuck inside their home?  Maybe try to play games with Max.  Do you have t.v.?  Maybe pop popcorn and watch a corny movie?  Anything you can do to lighten the mood of the seriousness of the situation.  I know you miss your husband, I would too!  I also understand your being glad he was spared, as I would too.  Our hearts are with you and we send you hugs!

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So sorry my friends for the radio silence but it has been a very difficult few days here.  Anyway, today we are back at work and the schools have opened. It has been very tense because we are still on 'Level4' risk of attack = 'imminent' so you can imagine. Level 4 is the highest any country puts its people on. So from now on? I have to worry about the only person I have left travelling to and from and being at school.

My son goes to an academically difficult  school here where you have to maintain top grades every year or you are kicked out. This morning he was greeted with an army tank and 6 news channels. He was not impressed with this and quite angry they were filming him and his friends. This is a state school those kids have got to on merit and a great target.....TV WHY ?.

Scaba You may remember College St Michel ?

This is a tiny, tiny country but it is the 'hub' of Europe as in it is Europe's capital so therefore a sitting target. We have here the parliament that makes up all the representatives of every country in the Union. We have here also the EU which makes all the democratic laws governing Europe. We have here the seat of NATO for goodness sake. It seems still we can't adequately protect ourselves from threat. Again what does that say about politics?

I rent a little house, and I have shutters on it that I can manually pull down which I have. Max and I always joked to Mathew about 'Are you laying in for a siege?'(he always was a generous man and bought food in bulk)  and luckily I knew that for at least 2 months we would be fine so maybe he knew something!!! (Actually he was left starving in the war he fought and shooting any furry animal that moved).

So we have lived Max and I like that. I am not scared having lived through all my formative years in London with IRA bomb threats and explosions but for Max I wanted a better world. 

BUT let's get this into perspective. Hardly the bombing of WW2 my father lived  through in London as a very young kid (the 'Blitz').

I think we all hoped for more.

Oh is strange when you have kids isn't it? You become so much less and they become so much more..You want the sun to shine brighter for them, the seasons to be seasons and the world to be a much happier place than you ever remembered. What have I given my son? What have I done to make this world a better place? Zero. Just lived in my own little bubble of work, family and me. Nothing changes. 

On his last day Mathew said 'watch Max always this continent is rotten' I felt his random moment of prophecy. Suddenly I know why he said that to me.

I wonder what he would make of this? His country of origin are direct enemies of ISIS. In fact ISIS hate them more than the Western world. Had he been alive what would he have said? I have never been SO in need of his protection...BUT he always manifested love and he made me calm.  So he has. There is a limit to everyone living in grief and when you add fear and Christmas too it oh my lord!!! But We are living and breathing on this earth and that in itself is sacred.


I love you all xx



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Debi you are so eloquent in your thoughts. I am constantly amazed at how after millennia of cohabitation we as humans have yet to discover how to coexist. Instead we find so many ways to justify genocide based on skin, beliefs, geopolitical boundaries, economics, greed. And sadly it is always the children and downtrodden who suffer the most.

Be safe my friend and know you and Max are in our thoughts constantly. 

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So good to hear from you again, dear Debi. Our hearts just hurt for you and Max. How I wish we could beam you up and over to someplace safe. I share your concern for the children of this world. What legacies are we leaving them? What is happening to this world of ours? And what can we do to fix it? Just stay safe, dear one. You are tucked securely in our hearts as we all pray for you and for peace . . .

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I really now, I am bowed. What comes first Brad, the fear for my son, the grief or the loneliness  who knows...It changes on that scale day by day. That people - such as you my wonderful Brad -- that ,care are everything. I just want HIM here to hold me and to chase away the demons in the night. Instead I am the only one one to chase away my son's. BUT it it as it is and it is as it will be. I cannot change it. If I could just have one other adult member of my family to call. To check my pulse and know I was doing ok...

My thoughts for tonight these......and a HUGE hug to you my friend xxx

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Marty, your beautiful love is so special and makes me warm.   You are enlightened soul who has provided a space for people to show their love to both those who have passed and to those that are living.. God Bless you and your family. Marty the only way I can figure to fix it, is one person at a time. Love cannot be conquered - and if we approach life with love, each person at a time......

I am not naive enough to believe this will change the world, of course it wont. BUT I do believe certain souls are enlightened enough to do it, one by one. Make this world the place that our Creator envisioned  it to be.  Bring our children up to love. There is and has always been evil among us but it has never won...Ghandi once said - and I paraphrase - that in the whole history of mankind, evil has never conquered, not even once. You see, even looking at odds of 1/3rd  evil (not possible) the bad are outnumbered. I believe it to be so, because I have found it to be so.  

As for us, it is a great burden now when our chikdren walk out of the door on the way to school. Our fathers and forefathers battled for democracy, they never imagined this for their grandchildren. But in Europe at least, the world was ever thus.

We get through every blessed day, with the support of big hearts like yours. xxxx

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I am sorry, I was not on line yesterday to view your post, I was making the trek to the valley to the doctor again.  (Third time this week).  It's 115 miles to the doctor and pharmacy round trip.  Apparently I am still sick and all my symptoms are related, the sinuses, eye infections, tiredness, sore throat, sores in back of throat, swollen lymph glands...all added up to an upper respiratory infection, I've had it a month.  It's exacerbated by the neighbor's burn pile (day three now), my Diabetes, and my Asthma.  but it's viral in nature.  My eyes are burning so bad I can't read, couldn't watch tv and it's hard to be on the computer for long.  

Anyway, enough about me, I am so relieved to hear from you and glad you can go out again.  I was concerned about your supplies so hope you have plenty of food, t-paper, etc. on hand.  I can understand Max's being upset at the media and tank at showing up at his school.  That seems stupid of them and as much as they like sensationalism I would think they'd put the kids' safety first!!

I am alone today but have much to be thankful, even though I couldn't go see my granddaughter and be with my family today.  It's very cold with ice and snow and low temperatures so I'm by the fire with my animals.

Blessings to all of you on this Thanksgiving Day.  I hope each of you, in you sorrow, can think of something you are thankful for.

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