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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Everything posted by lorikelly

  1. I wish you a Happy Birthday, one that is filled with peace . lori
  2. I would love to see that movie. lori
  3. It really is amazing if you go to someone who is geniune and has the gift. lori
  4. Karen I will be praying for both of you. to be a mother and not be able to help our children i think is the hardest thing. my thoughts and love are with you. lori
  5. Annie I went to see one also, i can not explain how wonderful it was. she knew things only i would know. never meet or talked to me before. i scheduled my appt through email. i wrote a topic on it also. lori
  6. Amazing, i always believed this. i have worked in the veterinary industry for 15 yrs and i could tell so many stories. they are truely amazing creatures and i believe we as humans could learn so much from them. lori
  7. Regina Just to let you know that you can use the computer at the library and its free. our library is open on sat and nights. hope this helps. lori
  8. I do this also, i say to my mom i can't believe i haven't seen you in 20 mos. one thing i did stop was counting the weeks and always looking at monday as a terrible day (this is the day she died). i think it is something we do just to be able to cope. lori
  9. I felt the same way for many months after my loss . i was told it is quite normal for what we have gone through. i still have days where i think about it more then i should. i am preoccupied with getting old and what will happen. lori
  10. Sounds good to me. it would be so nice to meet all of you. lori
  11. That is wonderful, i believe in those signs. i am so happy for you. lori
  12. I am in Central New Jersey and have always hoped that some how we could all find a mtg place adn meet. lori
  13. Teny Write whatever you want even if you don't think it is positvie, it will help you . i am sorry you had a bad weekend, i hope that each day is a little better for you. lori
  14. I really believe in those things, i think our loved ones try so hard to let us know that they are with us. if you search ADC (after death communications) you will find alot of good info. it doesn't hurt to believe and it gives you comfort when you need it most. Lori
  15. What a beautiful song. i know that we will all be together one day with our loved ones. Lori
  16. thats a great way to start the day, sometime we have to put it in our head so that we can see the good in front of us. we tend to wake thinking it will be horrible and it is. lori
  17. thanks for sharing that with us. i love the show Medium, i would of loved to see her . i went to one in dec and it was amazing, even my husband who didn't believe in them can't explain what she knew. lori
  18. There is nothing weird about the way you feel. i was also the youngest, very close to my mom and took care of her while she was dying . i felt the same way, i kissed her many times in the casket. she was my mother and i felt i needed to. your feeling about her being cold in the ground will start to get less and less, i know mine did. it just takes time, i didn't believe this in the beginning but it does help. lori
  19. Maylissa My thoughts are with you. i still can't believe it has been 16mos since i lost my wonderful spanky. i still call his name out and look for him. i know that one day i will see him again and he will come running to me just like sabin will do with you. lori
  20. I am so sorry for your loss and what is going on with your sister. i lost my mom july 3 2006 and i still feel lost. i always feel like i am searching for something but not sure what. i don't know if it ever goes away but the pain does seem to soften. it is so hard to explain i didn't believe others when they tried to explain it to me. i will be praying for you and your family. lori Correction my mom died july 3 2006. lori
  21. William Just want you to know that i am thinking and praying for you. lori
  22. Drew What a wonderful son you were, you mom must of been a great person to have raised someone like you!! i am so sorry for your loss. I lost my mom 18 mos ago, it has been the worst pain i have ever experiencecd. i to took care of my mom and can understand when you say they become the child and you the parent. please keep coming back and posting, this has helped me so much. Lori
  23. Kim About your daughter, just a thought for you to ask the dr. have them check her for celiac disease, she has alot of the syptoms. it is done with a biopsy. both my boys have gi problems and have been sick since birth, we have been through alot. just thought i would mention it . lori
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