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Everything posted by kevin

  1. We woke up to a "kiss" of snow , couple of scrapes then good to go.....but cool tomorrow.......
  2. My pre Christmas trip worked out great, even the cold brought back a lot of good memories,,,,. Had some kind of sweet potato casserole that was so tasty...daughter in law great cook......The real surprise was yesterday, kids asked if they could come down here next year......I told for sure, I'll start getting ready now(that means I will leave some decorations up)......This week will be tough, but not as bad as it could be....did some light reading last night and got into quotes...this one I truly love......“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” ― Oscar Wilde
  3. Here goes, this may be more of a resolution, but I'm going to fast one day a week and donate the saved groceries(est 10%) to food bank. This has two benefits...weight loss for me and something for the community.....Good idea KayC
  4. TThis is a Westcoast Christmas Tree...........Vancouver Island,
  5. KayC, good on you....Get Busy Living, .............your so right about this being a difficult season. Remember, you are the Boss. If whatever you decide to do, if it doesn't work out, big deal, at least you tried it. The way a wise man put it to me...".don't sit around waiting for a knock on your door, you go do the knocking"....good words to live by....never know who will answer those doors......Have a good day,,,.This is a Cold morning in Northern Alberta -15 F,,,,,,,,
  6. Harley.......Where have you been lately, you OK?..........Someone asked a question about mediums and talking with dead. I said we discussed this....did you have an interest in this or is my memory hazy? ...thanks....hope your doing better......

  7. There was a couple of contributors a couple of months ago ,Harlyquin I think, and one other. Look into a couple threads. There was some good discussions. ........no magic bullets.
  8. WolfsKat, I was avalanched with good meaning suggestions and advice over the last 5 months. A couple of rules or statements that stand out 1/Geography is not and never will bring happiness. or return you to Normal.......2/ Don't quit your job unless you have a better one to go to( more money and better benefits, no exceptions)...3/ appreciate what you have (Florida is right up there in most people's idea of a great place) 4/ and probably the best advice I got, and its from this board, don't do anything in haste, wait at least one full year........I found, because of my age, once you are in your 60's, the magic 65 does also give you some freedom........all the best
  9. Well I'm on my pre Christmas trains, planes, and automobile trip . Waiting patiently for a flight update, small amount of snow but zero visibility, they got radar. Apparently Gwens westcoast weather turns to snow when it gets cold, go figure.......Looking forward to next three days of excess, visiting, and watching sports . It will be an Oscar worthy performance, then back home. Here is a Kodak moment, here I am in a cut rate Airport Layover Motel and with my TV and LapTop, I feel the same as if I was at home. Says my homelife has some room for "something"........need some more motel coffee , you guys/gals have a good day.....
  10. kevin

    kayc.....don't let a silly comment distract your energies. Those types of  people,and some are family, I tune them out automatically.....

  11. The Brain is remarkable, and we only understand a portion of it, and utilize even less......Some time back I started a Dream Journal, then it morphed to a day journal.......But I have dreams/catnaps/ that include my Angela regularly.....I know it's not a presence or anything too mysterious and there must be an explanation. There is and it could related to our screwed up sleep patterns(which is common for us "Grievers"...... "Waking dream" redirects here. It is not to be confused with daydreaming. Hypnagogia Classification and external resources Specialty Sleep medicine Patient UK Hypnagogia Hypnagogia is the experience of the transitional state from wakefulness to sleep: the hypnagogic state of consciousness, during the onset of sleep. In opposition, hypnopompia denotes the onset of wakefulness. The related words from the Greek are agōgos "leading", "inducing", pompe "act of sending", and hypnos "sleep". Mental phenomena that occur during this "threshold consciousness" phase include lucid thought, lucid dreaming, hallucinations, and sleep paralysis
  12. Lets set Sail with Captain Morgan, and never leave dry land...........Goes with the Egg Nog......Have a good evening,
  13. Marg, your articulate message convinced me to Cook a Turkey for Christmas.......I remember those meals and the people. I have a B&D electric carving knife I've used for the past 31 Christmas's and a relatively new platter. It would be a shame to leave them stand idol. I am fortunate to have a dog who will happily eat Turkey left overs for days without a complaint.......You don't know what you got....(you know the rest)
  14. Brad, I get some good idea's and inspiration from some of your stories and Pictures.......I am sure that fortified EggNog will be part of my Christmas........take care
  15. Stepf, sorry for your loss, you will not find any place better than this site. Unless you have gone through the loss of your Spouse /life mate you cannot feel or understand the pain we all feel.....With that said, this site convinced me I wasn't insane and what I was feeling was normal. Best therapy is taking the time and reading some posts from months back.......you can actually feel how , as individuals, we evolve as this journey progresses,,,
  16. I'm ready, bags are packed, like Brad, the big kids and grandkids all get gift cards but the little ones(2) got special gifts. Which the airlines soak me for an extra piece of luggage to bring them on board....I find, if I keep myself busy things will be close to normal....visiting everyone, watching a couple of Hockey games together, and a small pre Christmas party rounds out my plans........now the downside, I return to the big empty house prior to the big day. I decided to be alone for this first Christmas because I know I will be in a more reflective mood, not festive......... But I did get all the decorations up....neighborhood looks good.
  17. I moved to my 9 foot couch......I share with a cat.....I was watching TV later and later, sleeping less and less, seemed logical. I'm sure when the Sun returns my clock will reset ,and the Bedroom comes back in play......
  18. WolfsCat....my sister told me something very similar some time ago. She was a widow for 30+ years but was referring to her Oldest Grandson as the only person who actually cared where she was and when she was coming home. And he is only 5 years old. Now I am in the situation, as most of us are, where the empty house greets us.....but I do appreciate my Dog and Cat.
  19. Mary T, deepest condolences........."This is the hardest thing I have ever experienced"........was a term KP148 used, I find repeated over and over again by all of us. I find it so strange that I have never felt anything near this sickening over my first six decades of living. Either I have been shielded, lucky or just not paying attention to this part of life. Whatever, sure was appreciative of this board ,because I definitely thought I lost my sanity , but through the generous sharing of this board, it helped me understand the complex issue of Grief.......This is a life long Journey, trick is, be prepared for Life.
  20. That got some discussion going........The more I learn about Grief and how it effects our individual strengths, the better we will be able to deal with this New Life partner.....We should never dismiss any of our findings, no matter what the source, as all resources are assisting us on this Journey. Friend of mine telling me about Eastern Religions with totally different thoughts of death.......
  21. Music takes me or transports me back....that artists Janka shared (Marc Anthony)does Hotel California with a "latin" twist (you tube), really good.....When I really transport down memory lane....alcohol assisted no doubt, "Beach Boys" still a favorite. Angela was Waylon and Willie or Alabama, I crossed over with Angela and really got into Country. We were supposed to see the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band this summer, didn't happen........Music is a giant trigger, now that I think of it, the most dominate of triggers for me.
  22. Well Gwen, your Seattle weather has finally passed over after about 7 days...rain, rain, and rain...that is depressing. I found a little diversion from the norm gave me a different view on things. I started working with the homeless and that is an eye opener. I know I feel hollow and like crap most of the time, but to do something of purpose, makes me feel better for some short time spans....I think KayC mentioned something volunteering she did and the feeling it gave her.....It is no magic bullet, but it does make me feel good some mornings and allows me to sleep....
  23. Well I went through it twice also, I like to think of the first marriage as being too young, , focused on the Brass ring, and possibly, priorities not aligned with a successful marriage. Boom towns are not contusive to long lasting relationships. First Marriage lasted about 7-8 years and we had 4 children. Because of the kids/grandkids we are in contact weekly...We experienced a no fault divorce and agreed to be cordial .... I made support payments four 14 years and the kids spent every weekend at my place.......Then I met Angela, should have seen her face when all the kids showed up.......along with Angela's daughter, we had our own version of the Brady Brunch.........carried on for 31 years........Miss those days
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