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Wonderful Dream

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Hello "old" friends and also to those I haven't met here yet.

It has been over 4 years now since Jean, my wife for over 40 years, died from cancer. Prior to her diagnosis she had lived with disabling MS and I retired early to become her full-time caregiver. I am sorry that I lost that caregiving job - I really miss it!

When Jean was younger and healthier she taught Sunday School and loved that job.

Last night I had a beautiful dream - Jean was young and healthy and smiling broadly.She was standing outside her Sunday school classroom door as the children entered - letting me know that she is happy now and not to worry.

I actually felt good for the first time in years. :)

I read these postings daily, but I do not post very often because I don't feel that I can help much. But this dream gave me some hope that life does go on for our loved ones and can for us also.

Love never ends....

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Oh Walt, that is wonderful. I had a similar dream about my Mom after she died. She too was younger (in her 30's) and wearing her Dior perfume, Italian slingback kitten heels, and one of those suits that women wore in the late 50's/early 60's (like the Chanel boucle style). She looked just as I remember her when I was a little girl. I could smell her and touch her and see her, and she told me it was time to say goodbye. This dream gave me so much comfort and I truly believe that she is alright because of having that dream.

I just need to have the same dream again, but with Cliff in it (incidentally he had the same dream about his own Mom).

I'm so happy for you that Jean came to you.

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Walt - I just got goosebumps when I read both your and Boo's posts. I'm so glad you had such a wonderful, joyous dream of Jean. To me, it's like a little nudge from her telling you, I'm happy, I'm well, and I will always love you. It's good to hear from you! Hugs, Marsha

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I am also happy for you...it is good to get comfort brought in this way!

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Oh WaltC, how wonderful it is to know that Jeannie could reach out and let you know that she is happy. I know that feeling you have. It put a smile on my face and in my heart. I wish we could all have those special dream visits every night. Love is FOREVER! And Jeannie's love reached out to bring you a little peace.

Always Gene!


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I also check in here from time to time and what a pleasant post yours was to read today. I have only had one dream of Harry shortly after he died but this gives me hope that someday I may have more of them. Today, I was down in the dumps and teary eyed and went out to the cemetery for a visit. Thru my tears while pullying grass up near the headstone on the side with my name was a mark in the shape of a heart. It looked to be dirt that had been partially washed away by rain but I choose to believe it was Harry telling me not to cry, that he will always love me. What precious happenings these are to those of us who are grieving.


I lost my mother in 2003 and haven't had any dreams of her. I pray I get one similar to yours some day. So happy you for you.



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Dear Walt,

How wonderful to hear from you and know that your lovely wife still checks in to comfort you and bring you peace. My hubby is way too busy enjoying all the goodness that is now his!

Take good care,


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