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Looking For The Positives

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Kay, no jury duty, and lunch with Dana was good. Today is mine, granddaughter is fixing to leave for school, and the rest of day is mine...until late afternoon. Going to reminisce, remember, cry a little, and think of him with such love.


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Dear Qmary,

I'm so glad you have this time for you and Mike. I will light a candle for you both today, and also sending love and Light to you as you remember the joy and love you shared with Mike.



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QMary, so glad you don't have jury duty today and can spend the day as you wish. I'm sure your lunch with Dana was uplifting for her. I can't imagine having a fire in my home, but then again, I don't think there's much worse than losing a spouse or child and we're surviving that.

Jan, That is wonderful news! Now you can focus your attention on your passion, wishing you the best with it!

I am going back to my life this week after months of being home. It will seem strange after all this time. I know the former Treasurer will be eager for me to begin my duties, and the Praise Team will be glad to have me back. It worked out well, really, because one of the girls home from college was able to fill in for me and is now back in college, so the timing was good.

Life would be good if not so alone...it does get old at times. I think I'm feeling it all the more since being isolated, it will be good to be out among the land of the living again.

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Wonderful news, dear Kay. Just promise us that you will ease back into "the land of the living" and not overdo as you begin your Treasurer duties and other work for your church community. You're still very much in that post-operative phase, and your body needs time to heal completely, even if your mind is telling you otherwise ;)

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Dear friends,

I met with a former student this morning. She is a college senior studying journalism. One of her requirements is a PR course for non-profits that requires she do an internship with one. She picked us. We talked for over 90 minutes and she has a long list of projects to work on, starting with a presentation we are doing for local student councils later this month. Having her work on that will free me up to do some other projects--and generally ease my cancer-fighting workload a little bit.

I read a novel last night. It is part of a series about a practicing wizard living in modern Chicago and doing what wizards do. He is heading out on a job and has packed up a kit for dealing with the current problem: "I had a nylon backpack full of various magical tools I might need...salt, a bunch of white candles, holy water, a ring of keys, a small silver bell, and chocolate. Yeah, chocolate. Chocolate fends off all kinds of nasty stuff. And if you get hungry while warding off evil, you have a snack. It's multipurpose equipment." So you see, even the magical sorts see the value of good chocolate. :)

Butch, there are actually more than 187 pages of this, but we had a little technical issue at one point and some of them vanished. The idea of this thread is to try to find something positive in our lives on even the darkest days. It reminds us that there is still good in the world even when what we are dealing with is massively depressing. Don't worry about catching up. Here, there is no need. We share the positive moments and move forward--and hope it lightens everyone's burden, if only for a little while.

Fae, have you thought about feeding the faeries some chocolate now and again? Mine seem to like pizza, but I don't think they'd turn down chocolate, given the opportunity. :)

QMary, may your day be filled with good memories.



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I read a novel last night. It is part of a series about a practicing wizard living in modern Chicago and doing what wizards do. He is heading out on a job and has packed up a kit for dealing with the current problem: "I had a nylon backpack full of various magical tools I might need...salt, a bunch of white candles, holy water, a ring of keys, a small silver bell, and chocolate. Yeah, chocolate. Chocolate fends off all kinds of nasty stuff. And if you get hungry while warding off evil, you have a snack. It's multipurpose equipment." So you see, even the magical sorts see the value of good chocolate. :)

Fae, have you thought about feeding the faeries some chocolate now and again? Mine seem to like pizza, but I don't think they'd turn down chocolate, given the opportunity. :)



Ahem, the forest faeries have access to any and all chocolate on the property. I think they eat quite a bit, and fill in the few empty spots with peppermints. At least, the office chocolate seems to diminish on its own. But pizza is also appreciated, although that seems to please the gnomes more than it pleases the faeries. No, Marty, I've never had a faerie turn down a bit of chocolate! :)

Harry, congratulations on your intern! Just what you needed, to help you right now! It is wonderful how our needs are met, even if we don't expect it. I think it is a very loving Universe around us.

fae, (back to working on getting the new HP machine set up on the network and servers)

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Ice fog.

Forest Fairies are out there, in the ice fog. Visibility is close in, and it is cold, but at least the sun is shining.



Ah, those are deer and bird tracks out there in the snow.

It is a beautiful day.


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Beautiful picture Fae. Good news Harry on the intern. Yesterday was good, spent most of it alone with my memories, and pictures. Some tears, but some of those were happy tears looking at pictures. I had posted on FB, and put pictures of Mike with our animals, and some in costume...the response from his friends and co-workers was beautiful. It is so good to read the memories they have of Mike.

Today is my prep day for my colonoscopy tomorrow.....yippee :D

My daughter will be taking me. My positive for today is PERHAPS this day of prep (no food, only clear liquids, pop-cycles, bouillon, clear fruit juice, tea and coffee without my cream) will jump start my weight loss, which is not doing very well. On a better note, however, my de-cluttering, while not moving at a fast pace, is actually moving. This is going to be a slow, slow journey for me.

Of course, witches, wizzards and fairies love chocolate....chocolate is a universal language!!! :P


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Oh fae, the picture is magical. How nice for our souls to rest our eyes on such beauty.

An intern seems to be just the prescription you need for your continued work, Harry.

QMary, I'm glad yesterday was a day was good. Oh happy times ~ a colonoscopy!! Good luck on the start of your diet. I do not diet! Drink lemon water. It boosts metabolism and helps with those hunger pangs.

CHOCOLATE ~ oh dear. Now where did I hide it!!!

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I'm sorry...I hated colonoscopy prep...mostly the drinking of the stuff, they make you drink so much in such a short time, I had to get up at 3:00 am to do so as I'm so far away. I didn't mind the fast, only clear liquids, just the glugging down so much of that "stuff", ugh! The colonoscopy itself is a piece of cake...off to dreamland!

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Dear friends,

A largely quiet day so far. I went for my walk this morning for the first time in four days--things got a bit crazy this weekend and I needed some sleep Monday and Tuesday, I guess.

Someone is giving Walking with Jane a table at a craft fair in May. Now I need to get my team members to generate some craft items since I have no talent in that area. I already have some items, but I always look for ways to do more.

Bridgewater State wrote yesterday to tell me the name of the student who is getting the Walking with Jane Scholarship there this year. He is planning to go into medical research--cancer in particular. He's a perfect fit for the award. He graduates in June.

I'm working on the script for the first Walking with Jane audio podcast. I hope to have it online by tomorrow night--Friday morning at the latest. The testing for the Uppsala Oncolytic Virus will start later this spring in Europe as soon as their equivalent of the FDA gives its approval.

It's cold here again today--at least by our standards. The birds have been mobbing the feeder all morning--mostly sparrows, but three cardinals, a blue jay, a grouse, and a titmouse have all put in appearances as well. Fae, we have nothing as nice as your photo. No snow, just empty brown grass. At least I have not had to shovel anything yet this year.



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I wish I were there to help you, I love crafts! It'd be nice if it'd be something that would be a reminder of the cause. So many people use the bracelet or pin idea...do you know if there will be kids there?

It sounds like you have the perfect person for the scholarship! That is great.

Our weather is rumored to begin winter in a week or so...hoping it holds off a bit as I have to go out of town around then. Notice I'm not missing it this year, enjoying the reprieve.

My grass is bright green (it is Oregon, after all), and with the warm winter, sun & rain, I was concerned about the grass getting too high (too wet to mow), but the deer have been eating it regularly, they're as good as goats! :)

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Dear friends,

It's a bit slick out there this morning--as I discovered when I got out of my car in the mall parking lot. I've seen worse, but getting in the door for my walk was a bit of an adventure today.

I just had a bowl of the five-alarm vegetarian chili I started yesterday about noon-time. This was more of a general alarm variety. I don't stint on the chili powder or the peppers when I make it. And I let it simmer for at least 16 hours before I am ready to serve it. It clears the nasal passages, let me tell you. It will continue to simmer until tonight when I will package it up for future meals. In this weather, I doubt it will survive the weekend, though.

The script is done for the Walking with Jane podcast. My next job this afternoon is to record it, edit it and get it uploaded. The transcript will be on our website when everything else is finished. We'll see how many takes I have to go through to get what I want.

Time to get to it.



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Dear Kay,

Some of the crafts will be zebra-oriented. They will all be made by people with carcinoid/NETs or caregivers. I don't know how many kids will be there--this is a new venue for me. But I'd guess there will not be many.

I'll pass on the deer. They are cute, but they tend to eat things other than grass hereabouts.



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This afternoon was so difficult. I got a draft of what I will be speaking at my loves memorial next week.

I have chosen to take Noah and Caleb for the next couple days. Maybe the entire weekend. We will see. But I want to give my Boy time to himself to grieve cry and write what he is going to be speaking at his Mom's memorial. And I just need some happy moments with my little men. They keep this Grampy very busy when we are together. They are at very imaginative ages. It will be good for me, them, and Little Man I hope. The boys went back to school today and had a rough time. So they will stay with me tomorrow. Allen is dropping them off here shortly.

So hopefully this will be a positive thing. These two boys are my treasures. ❤️❤️

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Well friends, my positive is that I survived the colonoscopy, and dropped 4 pounds during the prep. (although I suspect that will come back rather fast.) Sort of negative is that they took out 11 polyps to be biopsied. Last time (5 years ago) I had none. So now I have to have this done again in 2 years....grrr. I will see doctor in two weeks for results of the biopsies. The polyps were small, and the surgeon said he does not believe any need for concern, but they always biopsy any polyps. He also suggested a high fiber diet.

Still feeling a little not so great this morning, so probably another day of resting, and not doing much of anything.


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How generous of you to give your son some alone time. So glad you will be spending time with your grandsons. I hope they help lift your spirit. Children are so dear. You will be doing something good for yourself as well as them. I hope you all have a special time, you are a special Grampy. I hope Little Man has some fun and gets lots of attention. I wish you peace and comfort.


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Mary, so glad that is over. I know you will feel better when you get the results but sounds like all will be fine. I will say a prayer for you. I take benefiber, is a flavorless powder you can spoon into anything, completely dissolves. Have it in my coffee each morning and once again later in the day in whatever I am having. Get some good rest today. My positive today is thinking of all the wonderful friends I have in my life. My goal is to be there for them too. I always am, but it seems like I am doing more needing than doing these days. My dear Mom always told me "to have a friend you must be a friend", something I have never forgotten. I wish you peace and comfort.


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Thank you Mary and Shalady

About to start my day with my little men.

Mary I'm glad your colonoscopy is done. I know they are very difficult, the prep and the recovery and the worry when things are found. I also had many polyps found at my last one. The wait is worrisome. But I pray yours too are nothing of concern. Rest. Drink tons of fluids.


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I'm glad you have that over with. I didn't want to do it, but I had a friend pass away from colon cancer at age 39, leaving behind his wife and young son. It's good to get checked. I had two polyps but were borderline large, but came back okay, so don't need to repeat for five years. I hope you enjoy your day of rest and get to feeling better!

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Dear friends,

I have finished the first edition of the Walking with Jane Carcinoid/NETs News podcast. It took about five hours to write, record, and edit; 12 hours to compress/render and another three hours to upload to YouTube. The first part of that will be quicker in future since I had to make a number of design decisions as I went along. I had a vision of what I wanted, but the further I went the more bells and whistles got added to the mix because I couldn't get it to operate to that vision. Actually, the finished product is better than what I originally planned, so that is a plus. The last 15 hours just eat computer time and require no attention from me. Maybe I need a faster computer. Sigh.

QMary, I'm glad you got through the colonoscopy. I hate them--hate them so much I've forgotten how far away the next one is, since they found one polyp last time and wanted another one in five years rather than 10. My doctor will tell me when the time comes.

I got my walk in again this morning while waiting on the upload. I'm in less pain every day and increasing the pace steadily, but don't seem to be losing any weight. I've been at this over a month. The good news is I don't seem to be putting any weight on, either.

I'm thinking about a nap later this afternoon. I've been sleeping fairly well for me, bu the cold weather is really wearing me out. It always has.



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