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Another great talk by Tara Brach ~

The Buddha taught that this entire world arises out of the tip of intention. In this new talk, Tara explores the qualities that signify a liberating intention and how, by bringing presence to our current intention, we can uncover the purity and power of our heart's true aspiration.

Nourishing a Liberating Intention (07/09/2014) The Buddha taught that this entire world arises out of the tip of intention. Intentions can arise from an ego...
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Anne, I think walking meditation is a great way for all of us to learn how to slow down and just be. Thanks for this. Next weekend I will be attending a 3 day retreat with Sharon Salzberg and we will do a LOT of walking meditation. (I have a baby sitter for Bentley. I come home in late afternoon earlier if needed. :)). I will share ideas here.

This link takes you to a site that makes mindfulness as easy as it can get. Enjoy.


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Thank you for the link to the mindfulness easy exercise. It is clearly described.

Belleruth also uses walking meditations on her various CDs.

I am going to try to find the video in which Tara talks about holding good feelings and thoughts. I know it is on Youtube. I remember her her writing about this in True Refuge, but there is also a video where she focuses more explicitly on finding and holding good thoughts and feelings to re-pattern the brain away from painful feelings and thoughts, and training the brain to hold more healthy thoughts and feelings. I may not have time today, but I will look for it.

I am glad to hear that you will be going on a 3 day retreat where you will be doing walking meditation. No matter how mindfully we hold on to creating loving memories, the presence of the knowledge of illness, approaching death, or death itself seem to intrude and be present, and to be able to move aside from these feelings and settle into mindfulness of NOW for a while is a wonderful gift of healing and solace. I hope next weekend is healing and comforting for you.



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A link to a page of links....to healing sounds of all kinds. http://beyondmeds.com/2014/03/30/gregorian-chant/

I happen to like and relate to Gregorian Chant as it is a part of my own history....

but click on the Tibetan Bowls or

some of the samples on this page http://www.soundstrue.com/shop/Vibrational-Sound-Healing/2147.pd

and finally Dale Warland a Capella choral music....soothing, calming, quieting


Then go to the People's Pharmacy http://www.peoplespharmacy.com/2014/07/19/954-treating-cancer-with-healing-sound/

and read about sound healing.

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a 20 second meditation...all can do this one....5 long breaths....as you see the river.

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Today on our Mary's blog she posted some excellent links for meditation and I wanted to post it here rather than on the thread I usually post her blogs on. This was originally written for Marty's grief healing blog. The meditation links are excellent. I have used them over many times.


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Thank you for bringing those wonderful links that Mary posted on her blog to my attention.

Some I have used, but I see some new ones that I will try.

We have a wonderfully caring tribe here. :)



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Yes, thank you Anne. My daughter and her two little ones have been here for several days so no way could I meditate. I intend to get back to normal today. We all seem to be so much on the same wave length here. How does this happen? Whatever. I'm grateful. I survived the wedding anniversary yesterday. It began with a card from our daughter and I've placed two cards from Pete to me and me to Pete on the mantelpiece. Just because he died it doesn't mean that I can't celebrate our love.

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This piece is intended for the general public and not focused primarily on we who grieve. I like the mindfulness practice offered here.


Let There Be Light: A Mindfulness Practice to Dispel Darkness by Dennis Merritt Jones

Let There Be Light: A Mindfulness Practice to Dispel Darkness
"Light gives of itself freely, filling all available space. It does not seek anything in return; it asks not whether you are friend or foe. It gives of itself and is not thereby diminished." -- Michael Strassfeld
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Overcome These Five Obstacles to Your Mindfulness Meditation Practice

A helpful piece for all of us.

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Thanks so much, Marty.

Here is another called Calm. www.calm.com has a version for your computer, Android and iPhone. To get to cell phone version, click on the cell phone icon on left side.

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Excellent, helpful piece for everyone.


Try it for those days or night when your monkey mind is out of control. It invites you to be where you are, feel what you feel...without losing yourself.

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Guided meditation led by Tara Brach ~ Empty Dancing.

Six Words of Advice – by Tibetan teacher, Tilopa

Let go of what has passed.
Let go of what may come.
Let go of what is happening now.
Don’t try to figure anything out.
Don’t try to make anything happen.
Relax, right now, and rest.

translation by Ken McLeod

Quoted in Tara's guided meditation: Emptiness Dancing

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This sets the mood for your meditation ~ thank you John Edward. Full screen is the best.

And Mary, I have the link calm.com on my desktop and use it often for my meditation.

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